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Suppression of quarterly supplement payment 108-08030010

This procedure provides details on how to action requests from Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) holders who do not wish to receive payment of the quarterly supplement.

Payability of quarterly supplement

This table describe details relating to the accrual and declination of the quarterly supplement.




Eligibility to quarterly supplement + Read more ...

A quarterly supplement is paid only to Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) holders who are grandfathered for Energy Supplement. To receive the quarterly supplement the grandfathered CSHC holder must be eligible on the test day. Test days are 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December.

Details and a history of CSHC holders' quarterly supplement can be viewed on the One-Off Payments (OOP) or Payment Summary (PS) screens. The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) screen and SHC Income Details (SHID) screen shows payments made by the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA).

Payment of quarterly supplement will be automatically made to the CSHC holder if they are grandfathered for Energy Supplement, elected to receive the payment and have provided bank account details.

Customers can elect not to be paid the quarterly supplement at any time. If the customer has previously declined payment they can no longer elect to receive quarterly supplement from 20 March 2017.


Current customer who no longer wants to receive quarterly supplement + Read more ...

When a CSHC holder who is grandfathered for Energy Supplement declines quarterly supplement, they will be paid any accrued quarterly supplement from the previous test day to the date prior to contact.

For example, a customer contacts on 20 October to advise that they do not want to receive quarterly supplement. The customer will still be entitled to any accrued quarterly supplement from 20 September (previous test day) to 19 October (day before customer declined). The customer may choose not to receive any accrued amounts.

From 20 March 2017, declining to receive the quarterly supplement will mean that the customer’s grandfathered status for Energy Supplement ends and the supplement will be suppressed. They will not be able to elect to receive the quarterly supplement in the future.

To action the suppression of the quarterly supplement, go to Step 3


Code request to decline quarterly supplement + Read more ...

From 20 March 2017, requests to decline quarterly supplement must be processed using the Grandfathering Override (GFD) screen. Note: the GFD screen can only be finalised/approved by an APS 5 or above.

To code the request to decline quarterly supplement:

Process Direct

  • Key GFS in the Super Key
  • On the Grandfathering Summary / Override (GFD) screen select the Add icon
  • In Create Grandfathering Summary / Override update the following fields:
    • Start Date date of contact
    • Benefit Type select SHC - Seniors Health Card
    • Change Reason Code: select POL (Policy Decision)
    • Grandfathering Status select NOT (Not Grandfathered)
    • Type CES (2016 Energy Supplement)
    • Select Save
  • Complete the Receipt Date and Channel fields, and select Save
  • Select Assess and address any error/warnings
  • Select Assess, then select Finish. Record details of the update
  • Select Finalise to complete transaction

Customer First

In the SHC system go to the Grandfathering Summary (GFS) screen and select 2016 Energy Supplement

  • On the Grandfathering Override (GFD) screen update the following:
    • Date of effect: date of contact
    • Benefit Type: SHC
    • Status: NOT (Not Grandfathered)
    • Reason: POL (Policy decision)
    • Source: and Receipt date: and continue
  • Complete the activity

Does the customer wish to be paid accrued entitlement?


Calculate and pay out accrued entitlement + Read more ...

  • Quarterly supplement is calculated at a daily rate
  • To calculate the daily rate, divide annual rate by 364. For annual rate, see Quarterly supplement
  • Calculate number of days customer has accrued payment (accrual period is from the last test day to the day before the customer contacted to decline payment (for example, if last payment was received on 20 December, the calculation commences on 20 December)
  • Multiply daily rate by number of days
  • Amount to be paid via Payment Adjustment (PYAJ) screen


Record the suppress quarterly supplement details + Read more ...

  • Record details that customer has declined any payment of quarterly supplement in a Note/DOC
  • Details may include:
    • Contact date
    • Whether payment of accrued amount was requested
    • accrued amount calculations and relevant dates
    • Confirmation that the customer was advised that this change would permanently cease Energy Supplement grandfathering