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NSS system coding for manual rate of payment 108-12020010

This document outlines the procedure to help Service Officers manually key a rate of payment for customers who are being paid in the NSS system.

On this page:

Coding a manual rate on the Rate Component Override (RCO) screen

Manual rate review

Actioning Consumer Price Index (CPI) reviews

Historical Rate Component Override (RCO) presents during new claim processing

Coding a manual rate on the Rate Component Override (RCO) screen

Table 1




Customers circumstances + Read more ...


Manual rate required + Read more ...

Is RCO screen coding required to complete an unapproved workaround or change payment rate?

Note: RCO coding for an unapproved workaround or to change a payment rate is only required in limited circumstances. This coding must only be done by a Service Support Officer (SSO).

  • Yes, for:
    • Smart Centre Staff, escalate record to Local Peer Support (LPS). Go to Step 3
    • Service Centre Staff, escalate to an Access Support Centre (ASC) or LPS if new coding is required. Go to Step 4
  • No, and the approved workaround or change in payment rate is in an Operational Message or current NNU:
    • Follow the process to code RCO
    • DOC the record with the reason for RCO coding
    • Procedure ends here


Escalation to Local Peer Support - LPS only + Read more ...

Check the customer’s record to determine if manual RCO coding is required because of the customer's circumstances or system limitations. For example, if the system is not calculating the correct rate and/or arrears.

Note: RCO coding is only required in limited circumstances and must only be done by a Service Support Officer (SSO).

Is RCO coding required?

  • Yes, escalate matter to a Service Support Officer (SSO). See Technical Support Model. Procedure ends here
  • No, take any other actions required. Procedure ends here


Manual RCO screen coding because of system issues + Read more ...

Note: This coding must only be undertaken by a Service Support Officer. To escalate see Technical Support Model.

Is an RCO workaround required due to a system issue impacting payment rate and/or calculating correct arrears?

  • Yes, escalate issue through MySupport/Roxy for further investigation. Procedure ends here.
  • No, view the !SSLS screen to view SSL payment. If the customer:
    • received a Student Start-up Loan (SSL) during the manual rate period (s), go to Step 5
    • did not receive a Student Start-up Loan (SSL) during the manual rate period (s), go to Step 6


Customer received a Student Start-up Loan during manual rate period + Read more ...

Do not use workarounds with zero rate coding on RCO if the customer received a SSL during the manual rate period.

Is RCO coding applying a $0 rate in the Amount/No field?

  • Yes, do not use the RCO screen to complete the update. If no other options are available to complete the update, escalate the record to Level 2 Policy Help Desk:
    • CSAQuery: Education
    • CSAEnquiry: ABSTUDY/Austudy/YAL (Students)
    • Service/Payment Type: ABSTUDY/Austudy/Youth Allowance - Student. Note: check the Svc Rsn field on the !SSLS screen to identify the income support payment SSL was paid with
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 6


Code the RCO screen + Read more ...

Access the RCO screen, key:

  • the start date for the override in the Start Date field
  • the end date in the End Date field. For a non-standard rate it will be for a defined period
  • the override type in the Type field (use field help (?) to determine the relevant type)
  • the reason in the Reason field (use field help (?) to determine the relevant reason)
  • the new rate amount in the Amount/No field, if necessary (dollar amount is required depending on override type). See the References page for a link to the Payment Rates in the Social Security Guide for current and historical rates of payment
  • if necessary adjust the Working Credit via the W/C Manual Override (WCRC) screen
  • if the customer was receiving Adjusted Disability Pension from DVA before 1 January 2022 and the circumstance change is for a date before 1 January 2022:
  • Source and DOR fields. Press [Enter]


System result + Read more ...

The system will update the customer's record and pay the new rate of payment:

  • record information on a DOC advising reasons for non-standard rate of payment
  • create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC to alert Service Officer at reassessment a manual rate applies. See Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs)
  • in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: customer’s payment type
    • Review Reason: MAN (Manual Assessment Review Ent)
    • Due Date: no longer than 12 months from RCO start date
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: 'Review RCO end date. Return to OB 108-12020010 for action.'
    • Keywords: RCOMFU
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • create a Q999 to advise the customer of the new rate
  • finalise activity on Assessment Results (AR) screen

Procedure ends here.


Ceasing a manual rate + Read more ...

To cease non-standard rate for a customer, access the Rate Component Override (RCO) screen:

Procedure ends here.

Manual rate review

Table 2




Reviewing/amending manual rate of payment + Read more ...

In some circumstances, a manual rate coded on the RCO screen will need a review.

A manual review activity may:

  • present on activity list (AL) screen
  • allocate for staff action via Workload Manager (WLM)
  • be self-identified by a Service Officer

Investigate the record and confirm if a manual rate is still required based on the customer’s circumstances.

Is the current RCO coding still required?


RCO coding still required + Read more ...

Is the manual rate coded due to a CAO Asset Hardship Assessment?


Manual rate review for Asset Hardship customer + Read more ...

Asset Hardship payment rate reviews must be actioned by an Asset Hardship Officer (CAO).

Open Customer First, is an open CPI MFU activity on AL screen?

  • Yes, and the activity has been allocated by Work Optimiser (WLM)
  • Yes, and activity was not allocated by Work Optimiser (WLM)
    • Activity will allocate to an Asset Hardship Officer
    • No action required. Procedure ends here
  • No,
    • refer record to an Asset Hardship Officer
    • create a Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Complex Assessment > Request for CAO Action > CAO Asset hardship
    • DOC Fast Note. This should include why a review is needed
    • Procedure ends here


Manual rate been coded for other reasons + Read more ...

Does the manual rate need to be ended?

  • Yes, go to step 5
  • No,
    • annotate the Display on Access (DOA) DOC with the review details
    • in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
      Service Reason: customer's payment type
      Review Reason: MAN (Manual Assessment Review Ent)
      Due Date: no longer than 12 months from RCO start date
      Source: INT
      Date of Receipt: today's date
      Notes: 'Review RCO end date. Return to OB 108-12020010 for action.'
      Keywords: RCOMFU
      Workgroup: leave blank
      Position: leave blank
      Transfer to Region: leave blank
    • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
    • Procedure ends here


Ending manual rate of payment + Read more ...

End date the Manual rate on the RCO screen.

In Process Direct:

In Customer First:

  • Next field: Go to Rate Component Override (RCO) screen
  • Correct 'C' current RCO line
  • End Date: code date manual rate no longer applies
  • code Source and Date of Reciept fields
  • Next field: go to Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • check if future payments are correct
  • select Finalise
  • DOC record with reasons for ending manual rate
  • Expire Display on Access (DOA) DOC. See Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs)

Actioning Consumer Price Index (CPI) reviews

Table 3




Reviewing/amending manual rate of payment + Read more ...

A CPI activity may be present on record requiring action via:

  • a WLM activity to review CPI for RCO coding
  • customer contact

Customer with Manual Override Adjust For CPI message will present on the Activity List (AL).

Does Customer with Manual Override Adjust For CPI message present on the AL screen?

  • Yes, and is the manual rate coded due to a CAO Asset Hardship Assessment?
  • No, procedure ends here


Actioning a manual rate of payment review + Read more ...

Staff must action the CPI review.

  • In Process Direct:
    • Go to the BA screen
    • Service Reason, key the payment type
    • Action Field 'REA'
    • Effect Date, key required date of effect
    • Notes, key reasons for reassessment
    • select Assess
    • select Finalise
    • DOC record with completed review details
  • In Customer First:
    • Next field: go to benefit Action (BA) screen
    • Service Reason, key the payment type
    • Action Field 'REA'
    • Effect Date, key required date of effect
    • Notes, key reasons for reassessment
    • Key Source and DOR
    • Finalise on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
    • DOC record with completed review details

Procedure ends here.


CPI review for Asset Hardship customer + Read more ...

Asset Hardship payment rate reviews can only be actioned by a Complex Assessment Officer (CAO).

In Customer First:

Is an open CPI MFU activity on AL screen?

  • Yes, and activity has been allocated by Work Optimiser (WLM)
  • Yes, and activity was not allocated by Work Optimiser (WLM)
    • Activity will allocate to an Asset Hardship Officer
    • No action required. Procedure ends here
  • No,
    • Refer record to an Asset Hardship Officer.
    • Create a Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Complex Assessment > Request for CAO Action > CAO Asset hardship
    • DOC Fast Note explaining why a review is needed
    • Procedure ends here

Historical Rate Component Override (RCO) presents during new claim processing

Table 4




New Claim Processing + Read more ...

The message W605NM - Record has rate override on the RCO screen, please check may appear in Process Direct when processing a new claim for income support payments.

Did this error message appear?


End date RCO coding + Read more ...

Investigate the customer record to determine if the RCO coding is to remain on record.


  • Notes tab
  • Previous claims
  • Document List (DL) screen
  • Display on Access (DOA) DOCs

Is the current RCO coding correct?

  • Yes:
    • Complete all required claim updates
    • DOC RCO review details and reason manual rate is required
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, update the coding:
    • Go to Rate Component Override (RCO) screen
    • Select Edit
    • End Date, the date the ISP was last cancelled or the date prior to a new claim grant Note: go to the Benefit status (XDS) screen to determine date last cancelled
    • Save activity
    • Complete all required claim updates
    • DOC reasons for ending manual rate
    • Go to the Document List (DL) screen
    • Expire manual rate Display on Access (DOA) DOC. See Creating, reviewing and deleting documents (including Fast Notes and DOA DOCs)
    • Note: if the RCO start date is after the new claim commencement date, delete RCO coding