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Timeliness standards - Claims processing 106-02010000

This page contains information on timeliness standards for Social Security and welfare claims processing.

Claims timeliness is calculated in calendar days (including weekends and public holidays) from the date the claim is available for processing to the date the claim is completed. The date that a claim is first available is counted as ‘day zero’.

Timeliness standards for claims - A

Table 1




See also: B-D, E-P, S-Z

ABSTUDY, Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) - Child Wellbeing Application, Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) - Temporary Financial Hardship, Age Pension, Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Student, Austudy

Timeliness standards - A

Table 2

Claim type

Timeliness standard


≥70% processed within 21 days of claim lodgement

Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) - Child Wellbeing Application

100% processed within 28 days of claim lodgement

Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) - Temporary Financial Hardship

100% processed within 28 days of claim lodgement


≥85% processed within 42 days of claim lodgement

Age Pension

≥80% processed within 49 days of claim lodgement

Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Student

≥70% processed within 21 days of claim lodgement

Timeliness standards for claims - B to D

Table 3




See also: A, E-P, S-Z

Carer Allowance, Carer Payment, Child Care Subsidy (CCS), Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, Crisis Payment, Disability Support Pension, Double Orphan Pension

Timeliness standards - B to D

Table 4

Claim type

Timeliness standard

Carer Allowance

≥80% processed within 49 days of claim lodgement

Carer Payment

≥80% processed within 49 days of claim lodgement

Child Care Subsidy

There is no timeliness measure

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

≥80% processed within 28 days of claim lodgement

Crisis Payment

≥90% processed within 2 days of claim lodgement (for claims lodged prior to release from prison the day of release is day zero)

Disability Support Pension

≥80% processed within 84 days of claim lodgement

Double Orphan Pension

≥80% processed within 56 days of claim lodgement

Timeliness standards for claims - E to P

Table 5


Terms (e.g. Art, Apple etc.)


See also: A, B-D, S-Z

Family Tax Benefit, Farm Household Allowance, JobSeeker Payment, Low Income Health Care Card (LIC), Mobility Allowance, Paid Parental Leave, Parenting Payment Partnered, Parenting Payment Single, Pensioner Education Supplement

Timeliness standards - E to P

Table 6: This table contains Timeliness standards for claim types E to P.

Claim type

Timeliness standard

Family Tax Benefit

≥80% processed within 31 days of claim lodgement

Farm Household Allowance

≥80% processed within 28 days of claim lodgement

JobSeeker Payment

≥80% processed within 16 days of claim lodgement

Low Income Health Care Card (LIC)

≥80% processed within 28 days of claim lodgement

Mobility Allowance

≥85% processed within 42 days of claim lodgement

Paid Parental Leave

≥80% processed within 21 days of claim lodgement

Parenting Payment Partnered

≥80% processed within 28 days of claim lodgement

Parenting Payment Single

≥90% processed within 21 days of claim lodgement

Pensioner Education Supplement

≥70% processed within 21 days of claim lodgement

Timeliness standards for claims - S to Z

Table 7:


Terms (e.g. Lychee, legislation etc.)


See also: A, B-D, E-P

Special Benefit, Status Resolution Support Services Payment, Stillborn Baby Payment, Tertiary Access Payment, Youth Allowance (Full time student), Youth Allowance (Other)

Timeliness standards - S to Z

Table 8

Claim type

Timeliness standard

Special Benefit

≥80% processed within 21 days of claim lodgement

Status Resolution Support Services Payment

≥85% processed within 14 days of claim lodgement

Stillborn Baby Payment

≥80% processed within 14 days of claim lodgement

Tertiary access Payment

≥80% processed within 42 days of claim lodgement

Youth Allowance (Full time student)

≥80% processed within 42 days of claim lodgement

Youth Allowance (Other)

≥70% processed within 21 days of claim lodgement