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Calculating the start day for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) students and Australian Apprentices claims 106-05010150

Semester and Term Dates - Secondary, TAFE and Universities on the National Course Approvals sub-site.

Date Calculator for Participation Status Event Date

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How to determine the start day of a claim

Scenarios to help determine the date of payability of Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA).




Continuing student

Maxine has claimed YA in December 2020 and is starting a Bachelor of Arts degree at university early in the following year. Maxine completed year 12 in November this year. As a continuing student, the start day will be the date of claim, unless Maxine requested a 1 January 2021 start day so the parent(s) can continue to receive Family Tax Benefit (FTB) until 31 December 2020.


Completion of previous studies

Samantha starts a Bachelor of Science degree at university in March this year and has submitted a claim for YA in February. Two years ago, Samantha completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at the same university. Before claiming YA, Samantha was working full-time.

The start day of Samantha's claim will be when Samantha starts studies in March, as Samantha was not a student just before claiming.


Australian Apprentices

Mary is starting an apprenticeship as a hairdresser starting on 12 January. Mary claims Austudy before the apprenticeship starts but payments cannot start until Mary's Commonwealth Registration Number is current. The claim must be put on hold in the meantime.

The Commonwealth Registration Number is activated in March and the start date of this number is backdated to Mary's apprenticeship starts on 12 January. The start day of Mary's claim will be 12 January, not when Mary's claim was submitted.


Part-time to full-time

Marcus is enrolled part-time at the University of South Australia in semester one. Marcus has enrolled full-time for semester 2 in the same year and submits a claim for YA a few days before the end of semester one. Provided Marcus meets the other criteria for YA, it is payable from the day after semester one concludes as Marcus is considered a continuing student upon completion of part-time studies.


Start date for Austudy claims lodged early

Suzy is 24 and enrols in a new course that starts after her 25th birthday. Suzy lodges an early claim for Austudy.

Suzy's birthday is 1 March and the course starts on 3 March. As Suzy was not previously on YA as a student the Austudy start date will be 3 March.


Continuing YA student lodges Austudy claim

Shane is enrolled as a full-time student and receiving Youth Allowance. Shane lodges an early Austudy claim before his 25th birthday and would like to be assessed for Austudy. Shane is continuing in the same course after he turns 25.

Shane is not eligible for Austudy, because he is still undertaking a course he started before turning 25 and receiving Youth Allowance (YA) immediately before his birthday. See Eligibility for Austudy.