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Assisting customers to claim a foreign pension 106-08010010

This document outlines how Services Australia is responsible for assisting customers with the process of making a claim for a foreign pension, including any non-customers who voluntarily seek assistance.

On this page:

Claiming a Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP)

Foreign Pension System (FPS) notices

Claiming a Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP)

Table 1




Claims for a Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP) + Read more ...

If a customer:

  • wants a foreign pension claim form, go to Step 2
  • wants help with or wants to lodge a foreign pension claim form with Services Australia, go to Step 4
  • asks about a CFP notice (including suspension) they have received from Centrelink or progress on their claim, see Table 2, Step 1


Customer requests a foreign pension claim form + Read more ...

Centrelink is responsible for helping customers with the process of making a claim, including any non-customers who voluntarily seek help. No reviews are undertaken for the return of voluntary claims. All staff can manually issue a voluntary claim.

A Home Equity Access Scheme only customer who receives a designated Australian payment entirely as a loan will not receive an automatic CFP notice. They may claim a CFP voluntarily.

If the customer does not have an existing Income Security Integrated System (ISIS) record, see Adding a customer to the system for help. When adding a record for foreign pension purposes, code:

  • 'FPS' in the ServRsn field, and
  • 'NCL' in the Act field

Foreign pension claim forms and notices are issued and tracked through the Foreign Pension System (FPS). Go to the Foreign Claim Summary (FGS) screen.

Does an entry for the payment type from the relevant country already exist?


There is no entry for the payment type from the relevant country + Read more ...

Choose instructions for either system below.

Process Direct + Read more ...

  • Go to the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen
  • Select Add
  • On Create foreign claim details, update
    • Country
    • Type claimed
    • Foreign Description
    • Foreign Country Office Do not change this field
    • Agency Do not code this field
    • DEX Authorisation Do not code this field - Pre populates to No
    • Date of Event
    • Advice Inhibit Indicator
    • Label Inhibit Indicator
    • Claim Status ISS - Claim form or letter issued
    • Reason VOL - Voluntary claim
  • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again, then select Finish
  • Record details of the update
  • Select Finalise
  • Tell the customer they will be sent information about claiming the foreign pension in the mail. Claim forms for agreement countries are sent via post, not myGov online letters
  • If the customer is not yet Australian Age Pension age and is claiming foreign age pension, in Customer First create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: FPS
    • Review Reason: only use DSP (DSP Activity Type Elig Review) regardless of which payment the customer is on
    • Due Date: 28 days before customer turns Australian Age Pension age
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: 'Check foreign age pension claim progress. If not finalised and customer is required to claim under CFP legislation, issue a new foreign pension claim package.'
    • Keywords: CISAGE
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • Procedure ends here

Customer First/Customer Record + Read more ...

  • Go to the Foreign Claim Detail (FGD) screen:
    • Code the Country field
    • Code the foreign pension type in the Type Claimed field. Note: field help (?) has all valid values for agreement countries
    • If known, code the customer's foreign reference number in the Foreign Description field
    • Do not change the default value in the Foreign Country Office field
    • Do not code the Patronato/Agency field (Italian claims only)
    • Do not code the DEX Authorisation field
    • Code the Date of Event field as 'T' for today
    • Code the Status field as 'ISS'
    • Code the Reason field as 'VOL'
  • Finalise the activity
  • Tell the customer they will be sent information about claiming the foreign pension in the mail. Claim forms for agreement countries are sent via post, not myGov online letters
  • If the customer is not yet Australian Age Pension age and is claiming foreign age pension, in Customer First create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: FPS
    • Review Reason: only use DSP (DSP Activity Elig Review) regardless of which payment the customer is on
    • Due Date: 28 days before customer turns Australian Age Pension age
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: 'Check foreign age pension claim progress. If not finalised and customer is required to claim under CFP legislation, issue a new foreign pension claim package.'
    • Keywords: CISAGE
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank
  • The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
  • Procedure ends here


Customer wants help completing or lodging a foreign pension claim form + Read more ...

Examples of foreign documents, including forms, are available through the International Program homepage. The Resources page has a link to the homepage.

Non-agreement countries

For most non-agreement countries, the notice advises the customer to complete a standard proforma (Request for Claim Papers) requesting the foreign pension authority to send them the necessary claim forms. For requests to claim from a non-agreement country, staff should copy and certify whatever identity documents the customer provides.

Agreement countries

Note: for Italian pension claims, Patronati offices are set up to help customers to claim a pension and are experienced in the complex requirements. Customers should be encouraged to lodge Italian pension claims through a Patronato office. For contact details, see Italy Agreement Information.

A person in Australia who is claiming a payment from an agreement country will usually receive an official claim form to complete and lodge with Centrelink. Following the grant of a designated Australian CFP payment, the system will screen and automatically issue a foreign pension claim to potentially eligible customers who have residence in the other country (based on Country of Residence screen coding). A voluntary claim may also be manually issued.

For completing official claim forms, the main points to note are:

  • Signature: it is critical that claim forms are signed by the customer in the appropriate sections of forms
  • Identity: it is important that all names the customer has been known by, for example, maiden name and name at birth are entered into the relevant section of the form and as much supporting evidence as possible is provided

For claims from an agreement country, customers who are currently in receipt of Australian income support payments have already verified their identity. Non-customers should provide identity documents that are normally needed for Australian income support payments. See Identity Confirmation for more details.

  • Periods of Coverage: most foreign pension claims are based on proving periods of coverage in that country's social security system, for example, paid social security contributions through employment. It is important that customers give as much detail as possible in the relevant section of the form (e.g. date they ceased employment) and provide as much supporting evidence as possible
  • Personal Details: some claims are reliant on proof of personal details, for example, survivor or widow pension (SUR) claims generally require evidence of legal status of the relationship or widowhood, such as a Marriage Certificate or Death Certificate
  • Australian residence periods: For claims from an agreement country, proof of Australian periods of coverage is normally required. This is usually Australian Working Life Residence (AWLR) but does vary for some agreements. Forms are provided in agreement country claim packages. For information, see the relevant country file in International Social Security Agreements

For information on verifying Australian residence, see Coding the Country of Residence (CRES) screen.

Lodging the claim

Customers can:

  • send their claim to CIS (scanning centre address) in the reply paid envelope provided, or
  • attend their local service centre to lodge the claim

From December 2022, all foreign pension claims must be scanned. Claims will include a 'Foreign Pension Claim' cover sheet with a History Identifier (HID) barcode that will enable:

  • automatic scanning of the claim to the customer record, as well as
  • immediate work item classification

The claim (including supporting documents) must be scanned as an 'INTRQI' open work item if:

In all cases, once scanned, the original claim and supporting documents must be sent to Centrelink International Services (CIS) (Hobart address).

Customers may choose to send their claims direct to the foreign pension authority but should be encouraged to lodge claims from agreement countries with Services Australia.

If the customer is on a designated Australian payment, have they indicated they have sent the foreign pension claim form directly to the foreign pension authorities?


Claims lodged directly + Read more ...

Customer on a designated Australian payment indicates they have sent the foreign pension claim form directly to the foreign pension authorities.

For Italian pension claims lodged through a Patronato office:

Claims are not to be coded as sent overseas as the Patronato office will send the claim to Centrelink International Services (CIS).

Non-CIS staff:

Obtain details of the date the foreign pension claim was lodged and the Patronato office involved and send details in a Fast Note to Centrelink International Services (CIS). Select Auto text use Centrelink International Services > Foreign Pension Claim > Foreign pension sent O/S direct

CIS staff:

  • Make sure the details are up to date in the Patronato/Agency field on the Foreign Pension Claim Details (FGD) screen
  • If the foreign pension claim was lodged:
    • less than 28 days ago - make sure any Future Activity List (FAL) reviews that fall due within 28 days of the date of lodgement of the foreign pension claim are extended
    • more than 28 days ago - contact relevant Patronato to determine what has happened and update customer record as required

For other countries:

Record details on the Foreign Pension Claim Detail (FGD) screen.

Go to the Foreign Claim Summary (FGS) screen.

If an entry for the payment type from the relevant country already exists:

  • 'S'elect the relevant entry on the FGS screen to go to the FGD screen
  • Code the Date of Event field as 'T' for today
  • Code the Status field as 'OVS'
  • Code the Reason field as 'DIR'
  • Finalise the activity
  • Tell the customer they will be sent a notice to confirm the process and they must tell Services Australia about the outcome of the claim

If no entry for the payment type from the relevant country exists:

  • Go to the FGD screen
  • Code the Country field
  • Code the foreign pension type in the Type Claimed field. Note: field help (?) has all valid values for agreement countries
  • If known, code the customer's foreign reference number in the Foreign Description field
  • Do not change the default value in the Foreign Country Office field
  • Do not code the Patronato/Agency field
  • Do not code the DEX Authorisation field
  • Code the Date of Event field as 'T' for today
  • Code the Status field as 'OVS'
  • Code the Reason field as 'DIR'
  • Finalise the activity
  • Tell the customer they will be sent a notice to confirm the process and they must tell Services Australia about the outcome of the claim

Foreign Pension System (FPS) notices

Table 2




Customer asks about a CFP notice or progress on their CFP claim + Read more ...

CFP notices are Batch Laser Advice (BLA) letters issued via the FPS. FPS processing includes reminder letters and automatic suspension of payments.

If a customer has been suspended for failing to take reasonable steps to make a claim (SUS-CFP), the case must be reviewed by Centrelink International Services (CIS). Go to Step 2.

Go to the Foreign Claim Summary (FGS) screen and check the Status field for the relevant country and foreign pension type.

Note: RET-CIS is only coded when the physical claim is received in CIS. It is coded by the officer processing the foreign pension claim.

If the Status field is:

  • Claim form/letter issued (Status: ISS, Reason: blank), tell the customer that:
    • the foreign pension claim was sent to the customer because our records indicated the customer is likely to qualify for the relevant payment and the letter is to follow-up the return of the claim. Procedure ends here.
    • if customer advises they have returned the claim, check uploaded documents .If claim has been returned, update FPS Status as appropriate (RET-CSC) and if payment has been suspended for failing to comply with CFP, restore payment. Procedure ends here.
    • if claim has not been received yet, DOC the customer’s advice that they have sent it. If payment has been suspended for failing to comply with CFP, restore payment. Customer may get another reminder letter to return the claim. Procedure ends here.
    • if customer advises they will not return their claim, go to Step 2
  • Issued - voluntary claim (Status: ISS, Reason: VOL), tell the customer that:
    • This notice provides information about claiming the relevant foreign pension
    • It is up to the customer whether they decide to make a claim but Centrelink will help them in the manner indicated in the notice
    • Procedure ends here
  • Claim form/letter returned (Status: RET, Reason: CSC or CIS)
    • The claim has been returned to us but not yet prepared for sending overseas
    • Customers will receive a letter to confirm when their claim is sent overseas
    • Procedure ends here
  • Claim sent o/s direct by customer (Status: OVS, Reason: DIR), tell the customer that:
    • Our records indicate the customer sent the claim directly to the foreign pension agency and the letter is to follow-up progress of the claim.
    • Go to Step 11
  • Claim sent overseas by CIS (Status: OVS, Reason: blank), tell the customer that:
    • We have sent the claim to the foreign pension agency and the letter is to follow-up progress of the claim
    • Go to Step 11
  • Finalised - Not entitled - other (Status: FIN, Reason: NOM), tell the customer that:
    • This notice confirms that a decision has been made that they are not qualified for the foreign pension
    • No more action will be taken in relation to a claim for that particular foreign pension
    • If the customer wishes to make a claim, re-code relevant FGD screen as ISS-VOL
    • Procedure ends here
  • Finalised – Exempt (Status: FIN, Reason: EXE), tell the customer that:
    • This notice confirms that a decision has been made that they are exempt from the requirement to claim the foreign pension (EXE)
    • No more action will be taken in relation to a claim for that particular foreign pension
    • If the customer wishes to make a claim, re-code relevant FGD screen as ISS-VOL
    • Procedure ends here
  • Finalised – Rejected (Status: FIN, Reason: REJ)
    • We have been advised that the claim for the foreign pension was rejected
    • Customers should receive a notice of the decision and any queries should be followed up with the foreign pension authorities directly
    • Procedure ends here
  • Granted - Embargo/OVP pending (Status: GEP, Reason: blank), tell the customer that:
    • We have been advised that the foreign pension claim has been granted and an adjustment to their Australian pension may be required
    • Go to Step 2
  • Finalised - Claim granted (Status: FIN, Reason: GRA), tell the customer that:
    • We have been advised that the foreign pension claim has been granted. Customers should receive a notice of grant and can follow up with the foreign pension authorities directly
    • Go to Step 2
  • Reissued - voluntary claim (Status: REI, Reason: VOL), tell the customer that:
    • This notice provides information about claiming the relevant foreign pension
    • A claim package was reissued at their request
    • It is up to the customer whether they decide to make a claim but Centrelink will help them in the manner indicated in the notice
    • Procedure ends here
  • Reissued - Claim form/letter reissued (Status: REI, Reason: blank), tell the customer that:
    • A claim package was reissued and the letter is to follow-up the return of the claim.
    • Go to Step 2
  • Deferred - granted future date, future bonus claim, New Zealand (Status: DEF, Reasons: FGA, FDB, NZF)
    • These codes are used by CIS only. CIS staff should review the requirement to claim and update as required. Note: policy advice is that deferring a claim for a foreign pension to obtain a higher rate of payment does not meet the criteria taking for reasonable action


Decisions on compulsory claims or embargoes + Read more ...

Only staff in Centrelink International Services (CIS) can make decisions on compulsory claims or embargoes.

Is the Service Officer in CIS?

  • Yes, and the Status field on the Foreign Claim Summary (FGS) screen is:
  • No, transfer the case to Centrelink International Services (CIS). Procedure ends here


Embargoes and arrears debts + Read more ...

Discuss the customer's concerns about the embargo process.

See Comparable foreign payment lump sum arrears debts for more details.

Procedure ends here.


Customers required to claim a CFP + Read more ...

Unless an exemption applies, social security law requires a person who is in receipt of a designated Australian payment to claim any CFP to which they may be entitled. Once a notice is issued, a person who does not take reasonable action to pursue a claim for a CFP may have their Australian payment suspended.

FPS processing for compulsory claims includes a reminder letter and then automatic suspension if the FPS status is not updated or the review extended.

Has a foreign pension already been coded or notified (check uploaded documents and FIPS)?

  • Yes, see Foreign pension coding. Procedure ends here
    Note: FGS status will auto update based on FIPS coding
  • No, explain the CFP requirements to the customer, go to Step 5


Customer agrees to pursue a claim for the CFP + Read more ...

Does the customer agree to pursue a claim for the CFP?


Customer does not wish to pursue a compulsory claim for a foreign pension + Read more ...

Automated FPS screening is based on information recorded on the Country of Residence (CRES) screen.

Check the CRES screen and make sure the information is correct. See Coding the Country of Residence (CRES) screen for help if needed.

Customers are not required to claim a foreign pension if:

  • they are not likely to qualify for or receive the payment, for example, if they did not work and pay contributions in the country or received a refund of their contributions
  • the requirements of making a claim are not reasonable, for example, it is not reasonable for the customer to pay extra payments to qualify or to have to travel to another country to make a claim, but it is reasonable for the customer to pay to obtain documents like a marriage certificate or medical evidence

Note: policy advice is that deferring a claim for a foreign pension to obtain a higher rate of payment does not meet the criteria for taking reasonable action. Customers who choose to defer claiming for this reason should have their payments suspended.

Check the known information about the foreign pension and discuss with the customer.

Is the customer likely to qualify for and be paid the foreign pension if they make a claim and is it reasonable for the customer to do so?


Customer not likely to be entitled + Read more ...

Tell the customer they do not need to pursue a claim, but may do so voluntarily.

Process Direct

  • Go to the Foreign Claim Details (FGD) screen
  • Select Add
  • On Create foreign claim details, update
    • Country
    • Type claimed
    • Foreign Description
    • Foreign Country Office Do not change this field
    • Agency Do not code this field
    • DEX Authorisation Do not code this field - Pre populates to No
    • Date of Event enter today's date
    • Advice Inhibit Indicator
    • Label Inhibit Indicator
    • Claim Status FIN - Finalised
    • Reason NOM - Finalised - Not entitled - other
  • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again, and then select Finish. Record details of the update
  • Select Finalise

Customer First/Customer Record

Go to the Foreign Claim Summary (FGS) screen. 'S'elect the relevant entry for the foreign pension.

On the Foreign Claim Detail (FGD) screen in: code:

  • Date of Event field with 'T' for today
  • Status field with 'FIN'
  • Reason field with 'NOM'

Finalise the activity and record details of the decision on a DOC.

Tell the customer that:

  • they will be sent a notice to confirm that they are not required to pursue a claim for the foreign pension
  • no more action will be taken in relation to a claim for that particular foreign pension

Procedure ends here.


Customer likely to be entitled to a foreign pension + Read more ...

Customers who may be entitled to a foreign pension are not required to claim if they satisfy the criteria for an exemption.

A customer can be exempt from the requirement to claim a CFP if:

  • Due to a medical condition, the person:
    • is not capable of making a claim and there is no other person available to help with the claim process, for example customers with dementia or other serious ongoing illness supported by appropriate evidence
    • would be traumatised or there would be other adverse health effects if they made a claim
  • Making a claim may lead to persecution by the authorities of that country and jeopardise their safety or the safety of another person. Note: the person's objection must be reasonable, for example, the person fled the country for political reasons and insists that all ties with that country have been severed, and supported by appropriate evidence (although a person in this position may suffer adverse health effects, see above)
  • The person is over 80 years of age and it is likely that the rate of foreign pension would not affect their rate of Australian pension. That is, the customer is not affected by the income test and the period of insurance in the country is:
    • Less than five years and the customer is more than $500 p.a. below the income test threshold, or
    • 5-10 years and the customer is more than $1,000 p.a. below the income test threshold, or
    • 10-15 years and the customer is more than $1,500 p.a. below the income test threshold
  • The person would be entitled to a CFP but has suffered a bereavement such that they could not reasonably be expected to provide the information required during the bereavement period. This type of exemption is temporary. At the end of the bereavement period, the person may be required to claim the CFP

Does the customer meet one of the criteria for an exemption?


Exempt from claiming a foreign pension + Read more ...

Tell the customer they will be sent a notice to confirm they are not required to pursue a claim for the foreign pension, no more action will be taken in relation to a claim for that particular foreign pension.

Choose instructions for either system below.

In Process Direct: + Read more ...

  • Go to the FGD screen
  • Select Add
  • On Create foreign claim details, update
    • Country
    • Type claimed
    • Foreign Description
    • Foreign Country Office Do not change this field
    • Agency Do not code this field
    • DEX Authorisation Do not code this field - Pre populates to No
    • Date of Event enter today's date
    • Advice Inhibit Indicator
    • Label Inhibit Indicator
    • Claim Status FIN - Finalised
    • Reason EXE - Finalised - Exempt
  • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again, and then select Finish. Record details of the update
  • Select Finalise
  • Procedure ends here

In Customer First/Customer Record: + Read more ...

  • Go to the FGS screen. 'S'elect the relevant entry for the foreign pension. On the FGD screen, code:
    • Date of Event field with 'T' for today
    • Status field with 'FIN'
    • Reason field with 'EXE'
  • Finalise the activity and record the decision on a DOC
  • Procedure ends here


Temporary exemption from claiming a foreign pension because of bereavement + Read more ...

In Customer First/Customer Record:

  • Go to the FAL screen
  • Key a V(view) next to the ‘FPS/REV Foreign Claim Issued’ review
  • Change the Action: RM1 Date to the date that is six weeks (42 days) after the Bereavement end date (BVI screen)
  • Press [Enter]
  • On the FAL screen, the Action/Date for the FPS/REV Foreign Claim Issued review should now be the new date
  • Use Fast Note Foreign Pension temporary exemption. Select Auto text, use Centrelink International Services > Foreign Pension Claim > Foreign Pension temporary exemption
  • Select Confirm and insert the new FAL review date
  • Procedure ends here


Customer needs to pursue claim after contact + Read more ...

The customer's payment may have been suspended and it is important to consider whether they will genuinely attempt to comply with the legal requirement before restoring payments or resetting review periods.

Check to the Foreign Claim Detail (FGD) and the Document List (DL) for extreme cases of non-compliance.

Has the customer attempted to comply with their obligation to claim?

  • Yes, if suspended, restore the customer’s payment. Go to Step 12
  • No, tell the customer that unless they pursue the relevant foreign pension claim, their Australian payment is not payable. Procedure ends here


Reissue the foreign pension claim package + Read more ...

Tell the customer of the help available to them and the FPS review process including the timing of further letters and possible suspension/cancellation of payments if claim is not returned. See Foreign Pension System (FPS) statuses and reviews .

Note: only CIS staff can re-issue the foreign pension claim. Non-CIS staff must contact CIS.

If the customer requires a replacement foreign pension claim, reissue the claim:

In Process Direct:

  • Go to the FGS screen
  • Edit the relevant foreign pension claim entry
  • On Change foreign claim details, update
    • Reissue claim pack and/or reset reviews’ to ‘Yes
    • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again, and then select Finish
  • Select Finalise
  • Document the contact
  • Procedure ends here

In Customer First/Customer Record:

  • Go to the FGS screen
  • Enter an ‘R’ (for ‘Reissue’) in the Selection field for the relevant entry for the foreign pension
  • Enter Receipt Date and Source
  • Finalise the activity
  • Document the contact
  • Procedure ends here


Claim has been sent overseas + Read more ...

Tell the customer that:

  • The claim form for the foreign pension has been sent to the foreign pension authority but no result has been advised
  • They will need to follow up the progress with the foreign pension authority directly. Provide the customer with known contact details for the foreign pension authority
  • Tell the customer that a new review has been set to follow-up the outcome, including the timing of further letters and possible suspension of payments. See Foreign Pension System (FPS) statuses and reviews

Is the Service Officer in CIS?

  • Yes, go to Step 14
  • No, transfer the case to Centrelink International Services (CIS)

If CIS transfer is unsuccessful:

  • use Fast Note in Customer First to refer to International Services (CIS)
  • select:
    • Auto text, use Centrelink International Services > Foreign Income > Intl-Agreement Pension Follow-up
    • No for Document Completion


Reset the OVS review + Read more ...

In Process Direct:

  • Go to the FGS screen
  • Edit the relevant foreign pension claim entry
  • On Change foreign claim details, update
    • Reissue claim pack and/or reset reviews’ to ‘Yes
    • Select Save
  • Enter Receipt Date and Channel
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess again, and then select Finish
  • Select Finalise
  • Document the contact
  • Procedure ends here

In Customer First/Customer Record:

  • Go to the FGS screen
  • Enter an ‘R’ (for ‘Reset’) in the Selection field for the relevant entry for the foreign pension
  • Enter Receipt Date and Source
  • Finalise the activity
  • Document the contact
  • Procedure ends here

Note: the only evidence of the success of the OVS review reset action is a new/revised review on the FAL screen for the relevant foreign pension.

If suspended, restore the customer’s payment.