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Student to job seeker transfers 001-03020050

This document outlines how to transfer a customer from a student or Australian Apprentice income support payment to JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (Job seeker).

On this page:

Customer advised they have ceased studying

Assessing eligibility according to the Student End Date

Assessing eligibility according to age requirements

Customer advised they have ceased studying

Table 1




Student to job seeker transfer + Read more ...

If the customer:


Access to Workload Management and Work Items + Read more ...

Staff access Workload Management capability and/or Work Items through:

  • Inbox (Customer First)
  • Inbox (Process Direct)
  • Worklist (Work Optimiser)

The business process and associated business rules determine how Work Items are managed and actioned.

To receive a Student to Job seeker Transfer (SJT) appointment

In Process Direct, select Ready at the top right corner of the Work Inbox.

Bundling: at times staff may receive multiple Work Items, referred to as a ‘bundle’ or ‘bundle allocation’. Bundled Work Items display in the Process Direct Inbox with a unique Bundling ID. For more information, see Workload Management.

Go to Step 3.


Conducting the appointment + Read more ...

The Booked Appointment table will show if the customer has previously booked and completed a Student to Job seeker Transfer (SJT) appointment.

Note: do not start the Participation Interview until:

  • successful contact has been made
  • the customer (and nominee if applicable) has been authenticated and wishes to proceed

If the Participation Interview was started in error prior to successful customer contact, before making the call attempt as ‘Not Answered’:

  • cancel the started Job Seeker Registration transaction, and
  • change claim status from On Hold to In Process

Each SJT appointment requires two call attempts. If the appointment relates to the:


First call attempt + Read more ...

Note: action all SJT appointments in Process Direct. Do not action in Customer First.

Attempt contact with the customer using all available numbers. If contact with the customer is made, but they decline to complete Proof of Record Ownership (PoRo), the contact attempt is deemed unsuccessful.

Was the first attempt successful?


  • and the customer wants to proceed with the appointment:
    • on the Change Appointment screen > First Call, select Answered. The appointment status will auto-update to Completed
    • for students under 22 years, see Step 3 in Table 3
    • for students 22 years and over who have taken the option of the JobSeeker Payment (JSP) streamlined claim process, see Participation Interview
  • and the customer requests to reschedule the appointment, go to Step 7


  • on the Change Appointment screen > First Call > Not Answered, select:
    • ‘message left’ or
    • ‘no message left’
  • the system will then auto-update:
    • the outcome on the Change Appointment screen
    • the Notes icon in Process Direct, and
    • automatically unassign the appointment Work Item with the reason SCR - Second Attempt Required
  • send a pre-call notification SMS via Desktop Messaging if they have an SMS preference recorded
  • procedure ends here


Second call attempt + Read more ...

Note: action all student to jobseeker transfer appointments in Process Direct. Do not action in Customer First.

Make a second attempt to contact the customer using all available telephone numbers. If contact with the customer is made but they decline to complete PoRO, the contact attempt is deemed unsuccessful.

Was the second attempt successful?

Yes, and the customer wants to:

  • proceed with the appointment:
    • on the Change Appointment screen > Second Call, select Answered. The appointment status will auto-update to Completed
    • for students under 22 years, see Step 3 in Table 3
    • for students 22 years and over who have taken the option of the JobSeeker Payment (JSP) streamlined claim process, see Participation Interview
  • reschedule the appointment, go to Step 7

No, go to Step 6


Call unsuccessful + Read more ...

If the second attempt is unsuccessful:

  • go to Change Appointment screen > Second Call > Not Answered > select:
    • ‘message left’, or
    • ‘no message left’
  • the system will then auto-update:
    • the outcome on the Change Appointment screen
    • the Notes icon in Process Direct
    • the appointment status to Cancelled - Did Not Attend (DNA)
    • automatically unassign the work item

For students 22 years and over, their JSP streamlined claim will automatically reject with the reason ‘Failed to Attend Interview’ (REJ-FAI). The customer must lodge a new online claim. See Claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP).

For students under 22 years, their Youth Allowance (YA) will automatically suspend with the reason ‘Failed to Attend Interview’ (SUS-FAI) if their SED has passed.

  • If the customer contacts after the suspension, see Table 3.

Note: the suspension/rejection will occur once the record is cleared.


Rescheduling an appointment + Read more ...

  • Select Reschedule selected appointment
  • Select the new appointment details and save the updates
  • Tell the customer or correspondence nominee the customer must attend an appointment within 14 days of submitting their claim or it will be rejected
  • Procedure ends here

Assessing eligibility according to the Student End Date

Table 2




Student End Date (SED) changing + Read more ...

ABSTUDY secondary school students and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme students who complete the school year are entitled to payment up to 31 December of that year. The system recognises this, but the customer’s exact Course End Date and Student End Date must be recorded.

If the customer has contacted within their notification period to advise they will cease study before their SED and are:


Customer under 22 issued a Course End Date review and has contacted after their Student End Date (SED) + Read more ...

Customers under 22 years who contact:

  • within 14 days after their SED may have had their payment suspended or cancelled if they did not attend a Student to Jobseeker Transfer (SJT) appointment. If the customer has now contacted and wants to keep getting income support and is no longer eligible as a student, restore the payment if required and see Step 3 in Table 3
  • more than 14 days after the SED are not eligible for retrospective assessment. For these students, where the payment has not auto cancelled, go to Step 3


Code SED when payment did not auto cancel for under 22 + Read more ...

Code the following screens in Process Direct.

Go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen:

  • Select Add
  • On the Create Education Status screen, complete the following fields:
    • Start Date: Student End Date +1
    • Student Status: select NST - Not a Student
    • Education Level Attained: select the relevant option
    • Select Save
  • Key the Receipt Date and Channel fields. Select Save

Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen

  • Select Add
  • On the Create Benefit Action screen, complete the following fields:
    • Benefit Type Code: YAL
    • Benefit Action: CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: NST - Not a full time student
    • Date of Effect: Student End Date + 1 day
    • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
  • Select Finalise

YA should cancel with the reason ‘Not a Full-time Student’ (CAN-NST). Tell the customer a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student. If the customer needs further assistance, they must submit a claim for another income support payment.

Procedure ends here.


Customer over 22 issued a Course End Date review and has contacted after their Student End Date (SED) + Read more ...

AUSTUDY and YA students 22 years and over who contact and wish to keep getting income support and are no longer eligible as a student, must submit a claim for another income support payment.

Is the customer in receipt of ABSTUDY?


ABSTUDY customers + Read more ...

  • If still studying part-time, the student may be eligible for ABSTUDY Part-time Award
  • If no longer studying, check if the customer is eligible for other income support as a job seeker.
    Note: ABSTUDY Living Allowance secondary school students have payment entitlement up to 31 December each year. Tell these customers about the option to stay on ABSTUDY and recontact to claim a job seeker payment within 14 days from 31 December. If they wish to transfer to a job seeker payment immediately (before 31 December), tell them activity test requirements must be satisfied as part of the new job seeker payment, and an ABSTUDY debt may result
  • Secondary boarders getting ABSTUDY boarding instalment payments have entitlements paid to the boarding institution on their behalf. These students must stay on ABSTUDY until 31 December and cannot transfer to another income support payment until 1 January. If a secondary boarder getting ABSTUDY boarding instalment payments meets hardship provisions, they may be entitled to claim ABSTUDY Additional Assistance for financial assistance until they qualify for other payments from 1 January. These customers must recontact within 14 days from 31 December to claim for a job seeker payment
  • ABSTUDY Living Allowance tertiary students are paid up to the date they cease study. Transfer provisions do not apply to ABSTUDY students, under Section 23 of the Social Security Act. If the customer claims JobSeeker Payment (JSP), the date the customer submits their claim will be their start date

Procedure ends here.


Customer has a current Course End Date review and has contacted before their Student End Date (SED) + Read more ...

Customers receiving Austudy or Youth Allowance (YA) (full-time student) can lodge a claim to transfer to a job seeker payment up to 28 calendar days (4 weeks) before their SED. Check the SED from the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen.

If the customer contacts within the 28 days and confirms they will not continue studying full-time after their SED and wants to transfer to a job seeker payment; they can be registered Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO).

  • For YA (full-time student) under 22 years transferring to YA (Job seeker), see Step 1 in Table 3
  • For full-time students transferring from Austudy or YA to JobSeeker Payment (JSP), see Step 2 in Table 3

Assessing eligibility according to age requirements

Table 3




Youth Allowance (YA) (Student) under 22 years transferring to YA (Job seeker) contacting up to 28 days before Student End Date (SED) + Read more ...

  • Run the Job Seeker Registration in Process Direct:
    • select > Participation Summary > Start job seeker registration to register the customer as JSRO or NRRR
    • Select the reason ‘FTS transfer to JSK within 4 weeks of SED’ in the Set registration to No Provider Referral Required field and complete the Job Seeker Snapshot
  • If the Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) referral is triggered as part of the Job Seeker Snapshot, do not make the ESAt referral at this point
  • The JSRO/NRRR flag will be automatically removed at the SED+1 and if applicable, the customer will be referred to an employment services provider at a later date. For more information, see Job Seeker Management Activities
  • Go to the Interaction History in Customer First and select the open Course End Date Review Interaction. Mark this work item as Complete. The customer will transfer to a job seeker after the Student End Date
  • At the ‘Student to Job seeker’ appointment the Service Officer will complete appropriate referrals

Procedure ends here.


Austudy or YA (Student) 22 years or older transferring to JSP contacting up to 28 days before Student End Date (SED) + Read more ...

A JobSeeker Payment (JSP) streamlined claim can be done through the customer’s Centrelink online account. This is accessed via the ‘Confirm course end date’ task presented on the home screen, or via the ‘My Details > Manage study details’ option from the main menu.

The task will present for eligible customers and is only available until the recorded SED. After this time if the customer wants to keep getting assistance, they must submit an online claim for JSP.

Customers with a study details Manual Follow-up (MFU) or a new claim activity on their file are not presented with the task and must submit a JSP online claim.

If the customer confirms they wish to claim JSP, as part of the task they need to schedule a Student to Job seeker Transfer (SJT) participation appointment. To be eligible for continuing payment, the customer must attend the SJT appointment within 14 days of their SED.

Tell the customer their Austudy or YA will automatically cancel from their SED +1.

Procedure ends here.


Transfer to job seeker for YA students under 22 years at the ‘student to job seeker appointment’ or on restoration of suspended YA payment + Read more ...


YA customer under 22 + Read more ...

YA job seekers must undertake approved requirements and/or job search to meet their mutual obligation requirements.

  • End the course of study, if required
  • On the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen:
    • the Student Status is ‘NST’ Not a Student with the Event date SED + 1
    • the Education Level Attained field is updated. If the job seeker has not completed Year 12 (or equivalent) or a Certificate III or higher they will be identified as an early school leaver and must undertake approved activities and/or job search to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements
  • Away From Home coding on the Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen as customer may have been granted Away From Home rate to study. See Commencement, cessation and coding of the away from home rate of Youth Allowance (YA)
  • The Activity and exemption summary (AEX) screen has the activity type of JSE from SED+1
  • If not already run, run the job seeker registration. Check the customer is a Fully Eligible Participant (FEP) and make an Employment Service provider appointment if appropriate
    • If actioned prior to the SED, the customer is unable to be referred to an Employment Services Provider. Register the customer as Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO) or No Remote Referral Required (NRRRR). Select ‘FTS transfer to JSK within 4 weeks of SED’ in the Set registration to No Provider Referral Required field and complete the Job Seeker Snapshot
    • If the outcome of the Job Seeker Snapshot is an ESAt is required, tell the customer (where applicable) to get appropriate medical evidence as soon as possible. Evidence must not be supplied later than the lodgement date of their first Reporting Statement, to allow the ESAt referral to be made
  • If the job seeker is a Centrelink managed job seeker, see Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans

Note: all job seekers under 17 years and 9 months who have not completed Year 12 (or equivalent) or a Certificate III or higher must have an exemption coded to qualify for YA. When no study exemption has been coded, their claim will reject or payment will cancel.

  • On the NES screen, ensure the Student Status is ‘NST’ Not a Student, code Study Exemption RsnYAA’ (YAL activity agreement signed)
  • On the Study Exemption End date field, key the YAA exemption for the maximum 6 month period. The Exemption End Date will be automatically extended to the day before the customers 18th birthday
  • Record a Note on the job seeker’s record

Procedure ends here.


Customer is 22 years or older + Read more ...

  • If the student payment currently has a status of SUS, payment must be cancelled to allow the new income support claim to be assessed:
    • End the course of study, if required
    • Code the NES screen:
    • Event date SED + 1
    • Student Status ‘NST’ (Not a Student),
    • Education level attained: as appropriate
    • If the Y12/Equiv Verified: field has been coded before, enter the same verification as the earlier entry
    • Payment will cancel from the SED+1
    • Record a Note on the customer’s record
  • Tell them they will need to lodge an online claim for an income support payment

If the customer is:

  • unsuitable or unable to complete an online claim, complete an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC)
  • unable to submit their claim due to vulnerable circumstances, see Intent to claim and vulnerable customers
  • a Centrelink managed job seeker, a Job Plan must be negotiated. Negotiate and finalise a Job Plan and advise of mutual obligation requirements in the same contact wherever possible