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Investigating a connection failure 001-10070050

This document outlines the policy and processes associated with investigating and making a decision regarding a connection failure under the Job Seeker Compliance Framework. Participation Solutions Team (PST)-skilled staff with PFDEC/WNPPD access are responsible for the connection failure decision making process.

Connection failures

A connection failure is generated when a Community Development Program (CDP) participant fails to comply with any of the following connection requirements:

  • attend an appointment their CDP provider has booked with a third party, or
  • enter into a Job Plan with their CDP provider, or
  • provide sufficient job search efforts to their CDP provider

Note: CDP participants receiving Parenting Payment (PP) cannot incur connection failures for failing to meet job search requirements

A CDP participant's payment may be suspended 'Did not attend compulsory participation appointment' (APA) when a Participation Report is received from the provider and a connection failure is generated.

If a CDP participant's payment is not suspended when the failure is generated, a contact trigger is recorded, preventing the CDP participant from reporting until contact is made with the PST regarding the failure.

A connection failure cannot be investigated without talking to the CDP participant, unless it has been established the failure is invalid.

See Job seeker contacts to discuss non-compliance or circumstances impacting compliance.

The Resources page contains links to re-engagement requirements and codes as well as the reasons for Community Development Program (CDP) job seeker non-attendance. It also contains a table outlining the different types of connection failures.

Using participation suspensions to engage Community Development Program (CDP) job seekers with their requirements

Compliance action initiated by Community Development Program (CDP) providers

Reviewing and validating Community Development Program (CDP) Provider Reports

Refusing to enter into a Job Plan

Not meeting job search requirements

Job seeker contacts to discuss non-compliance or circumstances impacting compliance

Re-engaging to a Community Development Program (CDP) provider

Gathering and assessing evidence for a job seeker compliance investigation

Assessing reasonable excuse for non-compliance with mutual obligation requirements

Rejecting a compliance action

Non-compliance with compulsory requirements - review and appeals

Determining failure hierarchy when there are multiple failures

Identifying barriers to participation for Indigenous customers

Generating and preparing for a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment (CCA)

Services Australia's responsibilities for managing compliance with compulsory requirements

Roles and responsibilities for managing compliance with compulsory requirements