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RapidConnect exemptions 001-17102300

This document outlines RapidConnect exemptions that may be applied to job seekers claiming JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker).


RapidConnect is a referral process that gives job seekers early access to employment assistance through an Employment Services Provider. Registration with a suitable provider must be completed before the job seeker's claim for income support is finalised.

Job seekers who are not subject to RapidConnect, will be referred to a provider at the earliest possible contact once circumstances have changed or once a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) or Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) has been completed.

RapidConnect exemptions

Job seekers claiming JSP or YA (job seeker) who are not subject to RapidConnect will have their exemption applied during the Participation Interview.

RapidConnect manual exemptions can be applied during the Participation Interview depending on the customers circumstances. See the Process page for information on manual RapidConnect exemptions.

Job seekers may provide information during the Participation Interview to qualify for a RapidConnect exemption. Depending on the job seeker's circumstances, Service Officers can select a valid reason to manually exempt the job seeker in the workflow. Evidence for the reason may be required. See the Process page for information on manual RapidConnect exemptions and evidence required.

If a job seeker's circumstances change after the Participation Interview has been completed and they now qualify for a RapidConnect exemption, manually record the exemption via the Job Seeker RapidConnect (JMRC) page.

Note: all staff can code a RapidConnect exemption from today's date (date of receipt). The backdating of a RapidConnect exemption can only be coded by an APS5 or above. Smart Centre staff should contact their local Service Support Officer or team leader where backdating is required.

RapidConnect exemption - medical reasons

A RapidConnect exemption for medical reasons applies to job seekers:

RapidConnect exemption - other program or activity more suitable

A RapidConnect exemption applies where another program or activity is more suitable for:

Note: job seekers who have been identified for a referral to a program and are RapidConnect exempt, must still be connected to the relevant Employment Services Provider.

RapidConnect exemption - principal carers

Job seekers who are principal carers of a dependent child are registered as a Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO)/No Remote Referral Required (NRRR) job seeker during the Participation Interview if they are:

  • meeting their mutual obligation requirements by undertaking suitable paid work or self-employment of at least 30 hours per fortnight
  • RapidConnect exempt and
  • do not require referral to a provider

Job seekers transferring from Parenting Payment (PP) to JSP or YA (other) as principal carers who are already subject to compulsory mutual obligation requirements, are exempt from the RapidConnect process. They are still required to be linked to an employment services provider and attend appointments.

See Item 6 in Table 2 for keying procedures where a PP job seeker is continuing with a course of study:

  • if they were receiving Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) immediately before transferring to JSP/YA as a principal carer, PES continues to be payable until the end of the course
  • are still registered as FEP/RFE and may be linked to an Employment Services Provider
  • can have an appointment made with a provider using the Online Diary if they volunteer for employment services

Note: these job seekers can choose to participate on a voluntary basis with an Employment Services Provider and will be registered as a Fully Eligible Participant (FEP)/Remote Fully Eligible (RFE) and linked to a provider.

RapidConnect exemption - partial capacity to work (PCW)

A RapidConnect exemption automatically applies to job seekers:

RapidConnect exemption - temporary reduced work capacity (TRWC)

Job seekers with a Temporary reduced work capacity (TRWC) of 0-7 or 8-14 hours per week will be exempt from RapidConnect automatically for the duration of their reduced work capacity.

If they are already linked to a provider, the job seeker will be suspended from employment services for the duration of their reduced work capacity. They can request to volunteer for employment services to receive additional support during their TRWC period.

Note: TRWC 0-7 hours per week job seekers are not able to volunteer in Disability Employment Services (DES) for the duration of their reduced capacity.

RapidConnect exemption - early school leavers

Job seekers claiming YA (job seeker) aged 22 or under with no Year 12 or equivalent qualification are identified as early school leavers (ESL).

If the job seeker is identified as potentially eligible for referral to 1 of the following programs, they are exempt from RapidConnect:

These job seekers require connection to a provider as soon as possible.

If the job seeker is already undertaking one of the above programs that fully meets their mutual obligation requirements, register the job seeker as Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO)/No Remote Referral Required (NRRR) jobseeker. See Item 5 in Table 2.

RapidConnect exemption - students transferring to a job seeker payment

Students transferring from Austudy or YA (student/trainee) to JSP/YA (job seeker) and who are within 4 weeks of their Student End Date will be automatically exempt from RapidConnect.

In some cases, students are offered a 'Course End date task' in their Centrelink Online Account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app up to 28 days before losing qualification for Austudy or YA (student/trainee). The task allows the student to book an appointment to transfer from Student to Jobseeker and if required claim JSP via a streamlined process. See Student to job seeker transfers.

RapidConnect exemption - experiencing a crisis

A RapidConnect exemption for a crisis (CRI) reason is applied during the Participation Interview when the customer has submitted their JSP/YA (job seeker) new claim due to crisis. See Item 7 in Table 2 for examples.

A manual CRI exemption can be applied to the Job Seeker RapidConnect (JMRC) screen during a subsequent contact.

RapidConnect exemption - Already Connected to Provider (ACP)

A RapidConnect exemption of 'already connected to provider' (ACP) reason is applied during the Participation Interview when:

  • the job seeker is connected to Workforce Australia Provider Services or Transition to Work
  • are currently a volunteer, and
  • whose most recent Provider Referral Information status is Commenced or Suspended

This rule also applies to job seekers in Community Development Regions who are currently connected to a Community Development Program provider (CDP) whose most recent Provider Referral Information status is Commenced or Suspended.

The RapidConnect exemption will not apply for one of the following reasons:

  • a 3rd mutual obligation failure, work refusal or unemployment failure has been imposed (CAN/TCP, CAN/TCU)
  • not entering a Job Plan (CAN/FSA)
  • not contacting their provider within 29 days (JSCM NAR related cancellation) (CAN/DCP), or
  • not re-engaging with their provider within 29 days of being asked to do so (CAN/CDR)

Note: due to current system limitations, the 'Already connected to provider' ACP exemption is not always applying correctly to job seekers in Workforce Australia Online services. A manual RapidConnect exemption can be granted if they meet the criteria in Item 4 in Table 3.

RapidConnect exemption - Allowable Break (AWB)

A RapidConnect exemption of allowable break (AWB) will be given to a job seeker who reclaims a JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) jobseeker within 13 weeks of cancellation. This exemption will apply if the job seeker had commenced with a Workforce Australia Services provider, Workforce Australia Transition to Work provider or Community Development Program provider.

The RapidConnect exemption will not apply for one of the following reasons:

  • a 3rd mutual obligation failure, work refusal or unemployment failure has been imposed (CAN/TCP, CAN/TCU)
  • not entering a Job Plan (CAN/FSA)
  • not contacting their provider within 29 days (JSCM NAR related cancellation) (CAN/DCP), or
  • not re-engaging with their provider within 29 days of being asked to do so (CAN/CDR)

Note: due to current system limitations, the allowable break is not always applying correctly to job seekers in Workforce Australia Online services. A manual RapidConnect exemption can be granted if they meet the criteria in Item 4 in Table 3.

RapidConnect exempt but required to be connected to provider

The following list includes job seekers who are RapidConnect exempt but still required to be connected to a provider and have the initial appointment booked at the earliest possible contact:

  • job seeker who may be subject to a liquid assets waiting period
  • job seekers with income and assets over the allowable limit
  • in crisis if Vulnerable Youth (VY)/Vulnerable Youth (student) (VY(s)) flagged
  • unreasonable to Live at Home if VY/VY(s) flagged for job seeker
  • job seekers in residential treatment facilities (drug/alcohol rehabilitation)

Manual exemption workaround process

Some job seekers, including job seekers who were previously cancelled for reasons 'Customer failed to re-engage' (CDR) and 'Did not contact provider to re-engage' (DCP), may require a manual exemption from the RapidConnect process due to circumstances outside their control. See Table 3.


Processes for RapidConnect appointments

Selection or allocation of a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider

Online Diary

Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans

Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) Referral

Workforce Australia - Transition to Work (TtW)

Participation Interview

Calculating the start day general rule