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Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) customer eligibility for Rental Assistance Allowance 005-06010010

This document outlines how Services Australia pays Rental Assistance Allowance (RAA) to eligible customers as part of their Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) payment.

Rental Assistance Allowance (RAA)

Qualification for RAA depends on the customer's accommodation type and their band. Generally, only customers receiving Living Allowance in Band 5 or Band 6 are eligible for RAA.

There may be some customers in Band 4 who are eligible if they are paying for private rental accommodation, however most Band 4 customers are provided accommodation by service providers and therefore do not qualify for RAA.

All Band 2 and Band 3 customers are also provided accommodation by service providers and do not qualify for RAA.

An SRSS customer living in:

  • service provider leased accommodation (short-term or emergency accommodation) does not qualify for RAA
  • private or Community Link accommodation does qualify for RAA, depending on the amount of private rent paid

Relationship status and accommodation arrangements affect RAA

The customer's relationship status and accommodation arrangements may also affect their Rental Assistance Allowance (RAA) rate. Single customers classified as a sharer will be entitled to a lower maximum rate of RAA.

If an SRSS customer resides with a Community Link (a member of their family or a friend who is authorised by the Department of Home Affairs), RAA is payable based on the amount they pay to the Community Link for their accommodation.

Caravan, tent and boat housing may also qualify for RAA if a site or mooring fee is paid.

When RAA is not payable

RAA is not payable in the following circumstances:

  • if the Department of Home Affairs advises RAA is not payable due to an alternative accommodation arrangement
  • SRSS customer is receiving free board and/or lodging
  • SRSS customer is living in a government housing authority home or Australian Government funded nursing home or hostel
  • Service Provider leased, temporary or emergency housing
  • SRSS customer is paying a mortgage on their accommodation, including Rent to buy schemes
  • SRSS customer without dependents, is under the age of 25 and living in the principal home of a parent

Note: if an SRSS customer becomes partnered with a person who is receiving an income support payment and/or family assistance payment and the person is in receipt of Rent Assistance (RA), Rental Assistance Allowance will not be payable. In these circumstances, the income support and/or family assistance recipient will receive RA on behalf of the couple.

RAA arrears

Arrears that include an RAA component, and the customer notifies of the change:

  • within 14 days, can be approved by the Refugee Service Officer
  • outside of 14 days but within 13 weeks, refer to the SRSS Level 1 Helpdesk for the Department of Home Affairs approval

Coronavirus (COVID-19) rent verification waiver

From 25 September 2020, the COVID-19 rent verification waiver ceased for all SRSS customers.

Coding and verification of rent details for new claim and current customers

In order to avoid a potential overpayment, SRSS customers must advise Services Australia immediately of a change in their circumstances. For example, a change in rent paid or accommodation.

Customers must notify the change in circumstances within 14 days to receive arrears of RAA. Staff must manually issue a Rent Certificate (SU523HD), unless the customer meets the exemption rules for RAA verification.

If verification is not provided, RAA will cancel on day 28. If the customer contacts within 13 weeks of RAA being cancelled, arrears of RAA should not be paid. Refer the case to SRSS Level 1 Helpdesk.

For any positive adjustments to the amount of rent paid, if the SRSS customer advises:

  • within 14 days, code the date of the change as the date of event
  • after 14 days, code the date of notification as the date of event

For any negative adjustments to the amount of rent paid, the date of the change will remain the date of event in all cases.

Verification must be provided for all other customer's rent details:

  • at the initial claim interview
  • when they become eligible for RAA, or
  • when they have a change in rent arrangements

For any changes in rent details, customers must provide documentary evidence such as a current:

  • lease
  • tenancy agreement, or
  • rent certificate

If the customer is unable to provide a lease, rent certificate or tenancy agreement, they can submit a rent declaration which includes:

  • details of the property
  • their living arrangements (that is, sharers and their relationship)
  • their portion of the total rent paid, and
  • the name of the person to whom the rent is paid

Exempt from provision of RAA verification

If a customer is currently receiving RAA and advising a change to rent liability, they may be exempt from rent verification if the change:

  • is reasonable
  • results in RAA arrears of less than $100
  • is the first or second time the customer has changed their rent liability in 12 months without supplying verification, and
  • their address has not changed

The Resources contains SRSS Level 1 Helpdesk contact details, links to the Rental Assistance Allowance rates and mySupport.

Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) payment eligibility for Living Allowance

Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) customer eligibility for Dependent Child Allowance