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Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) Payment - Social Service Plan (SSP) 005-06030000

This document outlines how staff update an SSP for a customer who gets SRSS payment.

Update an SSP

This table describes how to update an SSP in Customer First.




Open the SSP + Read more ...

  • In Customer First, go to Workspace
  • Select the CRN hyperlink
  • Scroll down to the customer's Cases tab where the customer's SRSS case shows
  • Select the customer's name (or other hyperlinked text) that is highlighted under the Description tab

After selecting the customer's name:

  • Select the Social Services tab
  • Select the SRSS SSP ID for the customer's latest SRSS SSP
    Note: if the customer has more than one Payment Determined SSP listed, look for the plan with the status of For Manual Action, SSP Assessed, or In process


Assess the SSP + Read more ...

If the SSP has a status of For Manual Action, assess ongoing entitlement items and under/overpayments resulting from the SSP.

When assessing the SSP, scroll down to check for:

  • any changes in customer's benefit
  • interim status
  • eligibility period
  • entitlement items
  • amounts
  • over/under recovered amount

Note: expand the gross entitlement amount in the SSP to show the daily rate of each component.

If the SSP has a status of SSP Assessed or In process, select undo decision then calculate result.

Is the outcome correct?


Investigate error + Read more ...

Make sure the coding on the record is correct. If the record changes:

  • return to the SSP
  • select undo decision then calculate result

Is outcome correct?


Approve the SSP + Read more ...

Service Officers who are not proficient, must send their work for approval to a proficient Service Officer. Any Service Officer can also request checking of their work if they are unsure.

Before approving the SSP, check the customer's circumstance to calculate if the correct rate is showing. Checks include:

  • Rent paid (Accommodation Details (AC) screen)
  • Family composition (LS screen)
  • Earnings (Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen)
  • SRSS Band (SRSS information)
  • Self-employment (Real Estate Business (REBS) details)
  • Asset limit (SRSS Information)

Does the Service Officer want the work checked and approved by another officer?


Request approval by another officer + Read more ...

To send the SSP for approval:

  • Select the For Approval option on the top menu
  • The Assessment Status will now show as Submitted for Approval
  • Select Save to make sure the SSP has been reassessed
  • DOC the record with the updates made
  • Tell the Service Officer who is approving the SSP:
    • the customer's Customer Reference Number (CRN), and
    • changes made to the record

Procedure ends here.


Approve the SSP + Read more ...

To approve, select:

  • Approve on the top menu
  • Save to make sure the SSP has been reassessed and approved

Procedure ends here.