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Completing the Claim for Pension Bonus Bereavement Payment (SA388) 065-07020020

This page contains information to help customers complete the Claim for Pension Bonus Bereavement Payment (SA388).

SA388 form

Claim for Pension Bonus Bereavement Payment (SA388) questions

This table contains information to help in completing the SA388 questions.




Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS) + Read more ...

Questions 1-3 relate to the PBS. The customer is required to answer the questions relating to the PBS in order to determine eligibility for the Pension Bonus Bereavement Payment (PBBP).

A: Yes/No response is required.


Payments made to partner + Read more ...

Question 4 requires the customer to advise whether their partner received any of the payments listed from Centrelink or the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) since turning Age Pension age.

A: Yes/No response is required.


Personal details + Read more ...

Personal details relate to questions 5-18. The customer needs to provide their personal details

  • name
  • date of birth
  • address
  • phone number

The customer is also required to provide their deceased partner's name, date of birth and date of death.

Questions 13-14 are optional and relate to whether the customer identifies as Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or Australian South Sea Islander.

If the customer requires an interpreter, ensure the correct language is chosen.

If the customer advises they want another person or organisation to enquire or act of their behalf they will need to complete an Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313).


Residence details + Read more ...

Questions 19-30 relate to residence details. The customer needs to provide details of both their own and their partner's country of birth, residence status and periods lived outside Australia.

The customer needs to provide proof of this, such as a passport, citizenship papers and/or visa.


Children details + Read more ...

Questions 31-32 relates to children details. The customer needs to advise whether at the time of their partner's death, they and/or their partner were caring for any dependant children under 18 years of age or full-time students under 22 years of age.

Details of the children (name and date of birth) are required.


Payment details + Read more ...

Question 33 relates to payment details. The customer needs to nominate where they would like payment to be made. The bank account must be held in the customer's name or held jointly with another person.


Tax details + Read more ...

Questions 33-35 relates to tax details. The customer is required to provide their tax file number and if they do not provide it they may not be paid.


Marital details + Read more ...

Questions 36-39 relates to marital details. The customer is required to list all changes in their partner's marital status since their PBS registration date.


Accommodation details + Read more ...

Questions 40-50 relate to accommodation and real estate details. The customer needs to provide details regarding their accommodation circumstances as at the date of death of their partner.

If the customer advises:

  • their home was on a block of land larger than two hectares, or
  • the home was on more than one title, or
  • they or their partner had an interest in other real estate in or outside Australia

they will be required to complete a Real Estate details form (Module R)

If the customer advises any part of the home property was used for income producing purposes they will be required to complete a Business details form (Module F) and a Real estate details form (Module R).


Income and Assets details + Read more ...

Questions 51-63 relate to income and assets details. The customer needs to provide details of their and their partner's income and assets. They need to provide details about:

  • whether their partner was permanently blind
  • whether they and/or their partner received payments from the New Zealand government
  • the market value of household contents and personal effects (if no estimate given a value of $10 000 will be assumed)
  • the market value of financial investments
  • whether they and/or their partner received payments from an authority or agency outside Australia
  • whether they and/or their partner received any other income or assets
  • whether they and/or their partner were involved in a business
  • whether they and/or their partner were involved in a private trust or private company

Depending on the customer's answers to these questions, they may be required to complete extra modules or provide additional information.

Note: PBBP employment income and regular or lump sum compensation payments (of either the deceased or surviving partner) are not included when calculating the PBBP.


Work test and registration details + Read more ...

Questions 64-74 relate to work test and registration details. The customer is required to complete details of their and their partner's work details in order to determine whether they have met the work test.

The customer needs to provide information regarding circumstances since they or their partner registered for the PBS. These relate to leave, compensation, assets and whether they or their partner were in prison or psychiatric confinement etc.


Checklist + Read more ...

Question 75 provides the customer with a checklist. The customer needs to go through the checklist to ensure they have:

  • completed all sections
  • provided all required documentation
  • requested, or been provided with, any further modules or forms that are needed


Statement + Read more ...

Question 77 provides the customer with a statement. The customer needs to sign and date the form before it can be processed.