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Manage aged care recipient records 065-13070030

This document outlines how Service Officers manage aged care recipient records in the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) and Aged Care Management Payment System (ACMPS).

Historical ACMPS process

The Aged Care Management Payment System (ACMPS) was the previous system used for processing Part 6 Name Change approval. Part 6 Name Change approval details inactivate functionality was switched to view only from 15 April 2023.

To view the previous ACMPS process, see the historical version.

Aged care recipient records

Care recipient records are created automatically, from data being exchanged between systems, or manually in the following systems:

  • Customer First
  • Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP)
  • Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP)
  • My Aged Care/Aged Care Gateway
  • DVA system

Care recipient records are automatically created during the process of care assessments being received via the My Aged Care Gateway. Care recipient information is auto populated based on the information from the care assessment and pre-assessment.

Care assessments are:

  • automatically matched to existing care recipient records, or
  • held for manual processing by the Health Service Delivery Division (HSDD)

If care assessments are held, HSDD will determine if a new record is to be created or has been matched to an existing care recipient profile. The care assessment contains the approval details for the care recipient. All updates to a care recipient’s personal details (for example, name, address, date of birth) are also received via care assessments.

Information can be updated between departments, for example:

  • My Aged Care (Department of Health and Aged Care) can update information that will flow through to Services Australia’s systems
  • Services Australia email Department of Health and Aged Care to advise of errors/information incorrectly matched

Service Officers will need to view a care recipient’s record in the aged care payment systems to answer aged care services’ queries.

Care recipient notes

Care recipient notes must be recorded if manual action has occurred on a care recipient record. Action can be requested by the Department of Health and Aged Care, the aged care service or by the Service Officer. For example, an aged care service can request a change to a hospital leave’s start date. Smart Centres must record a note after advising the Department of Health and Aged Care that a care assessment created aged care record was mismatched due to misspelt names or Date of Birth (DOB) issues.

The Aged Care Staff Portal manages all care recipient notes. For example:

  • registered
  • deleted
  • updated, or
  • viewed

Deleting events on a care recipient record

While a care recipient record cannot be deleted, events recorded on the care recipient record may be deleted. For example, entry events may be deleted.


  • Requests to delete Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) appraisals and care assessment approvals must be directed to the Aged Care Programs Branch for action. See Aged care records remediation for the email referral process
  • Requests to change an entry or delete dates require the provider to submit the signed care agreement that has been agreed between the provider and care recipient
  • Deleting permanent entry events where a previous respite entry was not coded is no longer required. The Aged Care Staff Portal will allow the respite entry to be coded in addition to the current permanent entry. See the Using the Aged Care Staff Portal to register residential entry events - (Service in Context) table for more information


See Aged Care leave for information on leave types and how to code and register leave events in the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) and ACMPS.

Aged care compensation

The most common forms of compensation are:

  • payments made in respect of personal injury
  • physical and/or emotional suffering, or
  • property damage

Compensation payments can be:

  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Third Party, and
  • Common Law

The Resources page contains links to the Aged Care Programs Branch and external websites on leave types for home care and residential care, and a historical process table.

Aged care leave

Aged care records remediation

Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) – Access and using the home page

Emergency events and aged care service providers

Home Care Packages program

Aged care care assessments and approvals

Payment statements for aged care services

Residential care monthly claims

Residential Care program

Short-term Restorative Care (STRC) Programme

Transition Care Programme