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Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) Programme 065-13150000

This document outlines the STRC Programme.

About the STRC programme

STRC is aimed at reversing and/or slowing 'functional decline' in care recipients without the need for a hospital admission. This is a package of care designed for, and approved by, the care recipient.

STRC is goal-oriented, time-limited and multi-disciplinary. STRC can be provided in a home setting, residential care setting or a combination of both. A care recipient has up to 6 months and 1 day to commence STRC or their approval lapses.


To be eligible for STRC, a care recipient must be:

  • at risk of losing independence
  • able to improve their independence with STRC

A person is not eligible to receive STRC if they:

  • are receiving (or on leave from) permanent residential care
  • are receiving home care
  • are receiving transition care
  • have received transition care in the 6 months before assessment
  • have been hospitalised in the previous 3 months for a condition related to their current STRC needs
  • are receiving end of life care
  • have received more than 2 episodes of STRC in a 12 month period (an episode is 8 weeks)


  • pre-entry cannot be claimed in respect of care recipients receiving STRC
  • See Aged care leave for more information on leave types and how to manage leave events in the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) and ACMPS

Lapsing of STRC approval

An STRC approval is valid on the approval date for 6 months and 1 day after the date of My Aged Care signing the approval. To receive STRC, the care recipient must enter STRC within the 6 month entry period.

STRC approvals lapse if the care recipient:

  • does not commence STRC within the entry period or
  • departs an episode of care

If an STRC approval lapses, to commence another episode of STRC, a care recipient needs a reassessment and a new STRC approval from My Aged Care.

Note: if STRC commences on the last day of the approval period, the STRC is deemed valid.

The Resources page contains links to external websites.

Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP)

Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) - Care Recipient in Context (CRiC)

Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) - Service in Context

Aged care leave

Home Care Packages program

Maintain claims in Aged Care Management Payment Systems (ACMPS)

Processing and National Demand Allocation (PaNDA)

Residential Care Program

Transition Care Programme

Work Optimiser for staff