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Change of circumstances – Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) 065-21112627

This document explains what to do when a HEAS customer has a change of circumstances. HEAS customers can request a change via their Centrelink online account, or the Home Equity Access Scheme – variation (SA497) form.

On this page:

Withdrawal of a HEAS request, if consent is provided

Notification of Bankruptcy or insolvency online for HEAS

HEAS relationship status update

HEAS secured property update

Change HEAS nominated or maximum loan amount

Stop, change and start a HEAS loan payment

HEAS customer imprisoned

Withdrawal of a HEAS request, if consent is provided

Table 1: this process is for all online changes.




Check consent + Read more ...

Has consent been provided?


Days since lodgement + Read more ...

Has 21 plus 1 days passed since the request was made?

  • Yes,
    • cancel the request, and
    • DOC the customer’s record
  • No,
    • place the request on hold to day 21 plus 1, and
    • DOC the customer’s record
    • at day 21 plus 1 days, go to Step 3


Recheck consent + Read more ...

Has consent been provided, since the initial request?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No,
    • cancel the request, and
    • DOC the customer’s record


Check SA497 form + Read more ...

Has the customer withdrawn their request by lodging a Home Equity Access Scheme variation (SA497) form?

  • Yes,
    • update the work item as customer withdrawn, and
    • document the customer’s record
  • No, go to Step 5


Date of change + Read more ...

Is the requested date of change in the future?

  • Yes,
    • place work item on hold until day 21 plus 1 day
    • at day 21 plus 1 days, go to Table 2
  • No, go to Step 6


Check EPED + Read more ...

Has the next Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) passed since the request was made?

  • Yes,
    • use processing date as date of change, and
    • go to Table 2
  • No,
    • use date of request as date of change, and
    • go to Table 2

Notification of Bankruptcy or insolvency online for HEAS

Table 2: process for customers using Centrelink self service.




Home Equity Access Scheme Summary + Read more ...

Customers do not qualify for HEAS if they, or their partner (if applicable) or a co-owner is bankrupt or subject to an insolvency agreement. Encourage customers to use their Centrelink online account to notify the change in circumstance.

Customers must:

  • go to the Home Equity Access Scheme Summary page
  • select Update my circumstances. A message shows advising customers they may need to provide evidence
  • select Begin

Go to Step 2.


Select update option + Read more ...

Select the update/s required:

  • Bankruptcy or Personal Insolvency agreement
  • Changes to relationship
  • Changes to real estate

Note: customers can make more than one selection to make updates.


Bankruptcy or insolvency + Read more ...

Is the customer notifying that they, their partner (if applicable) or a co-owner of the secured property, has declared bankruptcy or become subject to an insolvency agreement?

Note: where a partner (if applicable) or third party is bankrupt/insolvent, the Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) as the delegate must consider the risks specified with the real asset(s) being offered as security and be satisfied the security offered cannot be called into the bankruptcy or insolvency agreement at a later date as this directly impacts the agency’s ability to recover any loan amounts owed to the Commonwealth.

Complex Assessment Officers (CAOs) may need to contact Level 2 Policy Helpdesk if there is any doubt where a partner (if applicable) or third party is bankrupt/insolvent. The CAO will need to escalate through the appropriate escalation methods using the  Technical Support Model with all relevant information.

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No,
    • customers are redirected to the previous page to select another option, or return to the home page
    • procedure ends here


Other changes of circumstances + Read more ...

  • Customers are advised:
    • a Services Australia will contact them to proceed
    • they must provide a copy of their, or their partner’s (if applicable), or a co-owner’s bankruptcy or insolvency agreement within 21 days
  • If the customer is advising they, or their partner (if applicable), or a co-owner are bankrupt or insolvent, and have other changes in their circumstances:
    • they are not required to provide evidence at the Review and Submit page
    • go to Step 5
  • If the customer is advising they, or their partner (if applicable), or a co-owner are bankrupt or insolvent, and have no other changes in their circumstances:


Preview changes + Read more ...

The preview of changes display.

Customers have the option to:

  • edit details, or
  • submit their change

Does the customer want to submit their details?


Receipt details + Read more ...

  • The receipt details and a document lodgement service (DLS) task shows for customers to provide required documents. Note: customers are advised they have 21 days to provide their evidence
  • A Work item allocates to a Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) the following day


Equifax search and coding bankruptcy + Read more ...

Complex Assessment Officers (CAO) with access to the Equifax portal conduct the Equifax search. See Step 7 in the Third party requests table in Requesting information from third parties for more information on Equifax search.

The system automatically updates the HEAS Details (PLS/HEAS) screen based on the answers given by the customer via their Centrelink Online Account.

CAOs must make sure the update maps through:

  • go to the PLS/HEAS screen
  • put a Y in the bankruptcy field

A cancellation letter will automatically send to the customer and nominee (if applicable) advising their HEAS payment has stopped.

Note: if a CAO makes a manual update, they must manually send out a cancellation letter to the customer and nominee (if applicable).

HEAS relationship status update

Table 3




Home Equity Access Scheme Summary + Read more ...

Customers must notify if they become separated or partnered. A change in relationship status can have significant impacts for customers and partner (if applicable) HEAS loan details. Such as:

Staff should encourage customers to use their Centrelink online account to notify of any change in circumstances.

Customers must:

  • go to the Home Equity Access Scheme Summary page
  • select Update my circumstances. A message shows advising customers may need to provide evidence
  • select Begin

Go to Step 2.


Select update option + Read more ...

Select the update/s required:

  • Bankruptcy or Personal insolvency agreement
  • Changes to relationship
  • Changes to real estate

Note: customers can make more than one selection to make updates.


Relationship status + Read more ...

Is the customer a member of a couple?


Relationship status member of a couple + Read more ...

If customer is a member of a couple they are asked if they are still partnered to this person.


Separation details (MOD S) form + Read more ...

The following message shows:

“You will need to complete and upload the Separation details (MOD S) form. This form is available on the receipt page for you to download.”

  • Select Continue, to go to review and submit page
  • Review the details

Are the details correct?


Receipt page + Read more ...

  • Customers:
    • can upload their MOD S form
    • are advised they have 21 days to upload their MOD S form
  • Go to Step 9


Relationship status single + Read more ...

Customers will see question:

Has your relationship status changed since you last told us?


Partner details (MOD P) form + Read more ...

The following message shows:

“You will need to complete and upload the Partner details (MOD P) form. This form is available on the receipt page for you to download”.

  • Select Continue, to go to review and submit page
  • Review the details

Are the details correct?


Receipt page + Read more ...

  • Customers:
    • can upload their MOD P form
    • are advised they have 21 days to upload their MOD P form


Allocation of work + Read more ...

Complex Assessment Officers (CAO) get activities for a change in relationship status. This is to:

  • review documents supplied by the customer, and
  • code the details in Process Direct

CAOs must:

  • change the status of the activity from Draft to Progress
  • press [F5] to refresh, and continue to the Marital Status (MS) screen
  • code the MS screen with the customer updates
  • also make updates to the address and accommodation details, if required

CAOs can process and finalise the activity, once the coding is complete. An automatic DOC/Note creates to advise the relationship change has been completed.


Changes to real estate + Read more ...

  • If the customer selected Changes to real estate, including:
    • a subdivision
    • a boundary change or
    • a statutory charge number on a Land Title
    • go to Step 3 in Table 4
  • If the customer did not select Changes to real estate:
    • the receipt details and a document lodgement service (DLS) task shows for customers to provide documents. Note: customers are advised they have 21 days to provide their evidence
    • a Work item allocates to a CAO once the customer provides their evidence

Note: in the event evidence has not been provided by day 21, the activity allocates to a CAO on day 22, to determine contact or cancellation.

HEAS secured property update

Table 4




Maximum loan amount (MLA) + Read more ...

Changes to the secured property used for the HEAS loans require a review of the customer’s MLA.

For example, withdrawals of a caveat or charge, a review of the equity in the remaining security and MLA is required, to determine if partial recovery is required.

Customers can:

  • add, remove or change (including a subdivision, a boundary change or change to Statutory charge number on a Land Title) used as security for HEAS
  • advise of a change to the value of the secured property
  • advise of a change to insurance coverage
  • withdraw their request for a change to their secured property, before the assessment is finalised


Home Equity Access Scheme Summary + Read more ...

Staff should encourage customers to use their Centrelink online account to notify change in circumstance.

Customers must:

  • go to the Home Equity Access Scheme Summary page
  • select Update my circumstances. A message shows advising customers may need to provide evidence
  • select Begin

Go to Step 3.


Select update option + Read more ...

Select the update/s required:

  • Bankruptcy or Personal insolvency agreement
  • Changes to relationship
  • Changes to real estate

Note: customers can make more than one selection to make updates.


Property update + Read more ...

  • Tiles show with all property coded on the Real Estate/Business Summary (REBS) screen
  • Each tile shows the address of the property coded on REBS, and a yellow badge advising the customer which property is secured against their HEAS loan

Customers can update a property, or remove them by selecting:

  • Start, and
  • Remove

If a customer selects a property, they will be asked if they wish to secure this property to their current HEAS loan:

If a customer selects Remove, they will be asked if they then wish to add a new property:


Property details + Read more ...

  • Customers:
    • are asked additional questions to make sure there is adequate insurance on the secured property, and to gain an estimated value
    • are advised they will have a chance to review all details, and edit before submitting


New property details + Read more ...

Do you wish to add a new property as security against your HEAS loan?

  • Yes,
    • message shows: You will need to provide details for the property used as security against your loan
    • select Continue, and go to Step 7
  • No, customer are advised they are not required to provide further details at this time

Note: if a customer is not securing the new property against their HEAS loan and are on another pension payment, help text advises they can make this update through:

  • the Income and Assets platform, within
  • their payment.


Property address + Read more ...

  • Message shows: What is the address of the property. Note: address starts to prepopulate as the customer starts to type the address
  • Customers are asked:
    • the estimated value of the property
    • if the property is larger than 2 hectares (5 acres)
    • who is listed on the property
    • the percentage owned by relevant parties
    • if there is any circumstance affecting the value of the property
    • if the property is mortgaged or encumbered. If so, the amount owing and the type of loan secured against property. The customer’s response to this question produces a request for statements
  • Customers are asked if the property is adequately and appropriately insured. If the customer selects:

Note: a document lodgement service (DLS) task creates at the end of the workflow when the customers select Yes or No to the insurance question. Customers are asked to supply an Insurance certificate, or a letter stating the type and amount of coverage, or that coverage is no longer is adequate or appropriate for the CAO to deem eligibility.


Additional loans or mortgages + Read more ...

Customers are asked if they intend to take additional loans or mortgages on this secured property offered in the future:


Property insurance changes + Read more ...

Why has the property insurance changed?

  • The insurance has ended
  • The insurance cover has reduced
  • The level of cover has changed
  • Changed insurance company

Note: a Document Lodgement Service (DLS) task will show for the customer to upload a copy of the Insurance Statement (PLSICT).


Required documents + Read more ...

Customers must provide updates for the following:

  • Rates notice
  • Up to date title search including the:
    • Trust Deed, and /or
    • Company Constitution (if applicable)
  • Loan documents
  • Insurance documents
  • Mortgage documents


Review and submit + Read more ...

  • Select Review and Submit
  • Read the terms, conditions and declaration
  • The receipt details and a document lodgement service (DLS) task show for customers to provide documents. Customers are advised they have 21 days to provide their evidence

Note: customers and partner (if applicable) are advised that consent must be supplied if the property being offered to the security of their HEAS loan is co-owned by a third party, trust or company.

The third party, trust or company must all provide consent using the:

  • Home Equity Access Scheme single application(SA496) form for single customers, sections C, D, E or F, and a copy of the Trust Deed and/or Company Constitution, or
  • Home Equity Access Scheme partnered application (SA310) form sections C, D, E or F, and a copy of the Trust Deed and/or Company Constitution


Work item allocates to CAO + Read more ...

Work items allocate to Complex Assessment Officers (CAO) to process in Process Direct:

  • when customers provide evidence, or
  • when the request is past day 21

When evidence is provided, CAOs:

  • will see the evidence attached to the work item in the documents tab in Process Direct, and
  • must change the document status to accepted

Note: if the customer has not provided evidence, CAO must issue a Request For Information (RFI) to get the documents.

If the customer is partnered and they are requesting to add or change property securing the HEAS loan, CAOs must issue a Consent to add property to Home Equity Access Scheme Q888 letter to get the partner’s consent before completing the request.

See the Assessing documents for the HEAS applications table to determine if the documents provided are suitable.


Retirement Village security + Read more ...

A retirement village/lifestyle residence that does not provide land ownership cannot be used as security for the purposes of HEAS. This includes retirement villages/lifestyle residences that make use of:

  • land lease
  • leasehold, or
  • loan licence arrangements

For a charge or caveat to be placed on a retirement village/lifestyle residence as security, the customer and/or partner must have their name on the Land Title Certificate.

Ask the customer to provide the Land Title Certificate proving ownership as well as:

  • a copy of the Contract or Service Agreement between the customer and the retirement village/lifestyle residence
  • a letter from the retirement village/lifestyle residence outlining the exit fees and costs
  • details of any caveat or charge the retirement village/lifestyle residence may have registered on the title
  • a letter from the retirement village/lifestyle residence consenting to the property being used as security for the scheme and that a deed of priority is not required

When all supporting documents are supplied, determine if the retirement village/lifestyle residence can be used as security.

Complex Assessment Officers (CAOs) may need to contact Level 2 Policy Helpdesk if there is any doubt the Retirement Village/ Lifestyle Residence being offered is acceptable to secure a HEAS loan.. The CAO will need to escalate through the appropriate escalation methods using the Technical Support Model with all relevant information.

If ownership:

  • is proved, request a valuation. See the Real estate valuation for HEAS applications table
  • is not proved:
    • the property cannot be used as security for the purposes of HEAS, and
    • if the customer does not have other property to use as security, REJ/REA


Changes to title + Read more ...

This can be where a customer advises of a change for a property used as security for HEAS, including:

  • subdivision
  • boundary change or
  • change to Statutory charge number on a Land Title

The customer must provide Survey Plans that show:

  • The proposed changes
  • Existing title particulars
  • New lot and plan numbers (if applicable)
  • Any legal documents (if applicable)

Once all documents are provided the CAO must make a determination on the continuation of HEAS loan payments.

Go to Step 16 for examples of documents CAOs should obtain after a subdivision has taken place.

CAOs must consider for a subdivision or boundary change:

  • what was the original valuation of the property?
  • will the subdivision reduce the available equity?
  • what is the existing Maximum Loan Amount (MLA)?
  • what is the current HEAS loan balance owing?
  • what is the impact of other loan encumbrances (if applicable)?
  • is the customer disposing of or selling any subdivided lots?
    • if so, is the customer seeking to settle their HEAS debt?
    • if so but not looking to settle, is the value of the part of the property that the customer is retaining still adequate to support the current amount owing?
  • is a partial recovery required?
  • if loan payments will stop during the process

If there will be a significant change to the customer’s equity in their asset and calculation of the maximum loan amount (MLA), the CAO must request an up-to-date valuation.

See Resources page for examples on when a valuation may be required.

Is a valuation required for a subdivision or change in boundary?


Send a tasking request + Read more ...

See the Registering caveats and charges table.

Complete the Home Equity Access Scheme Substitute Security Tasking Request template.

Include all required information such as:

  • Substitutes Security:
    • Details of previous security property including address, description and caveat or charge number
    • New security property address
    • New security property description including Lot and Plan
    • Property ownership details including Trust and/or Company if applicable
    • Details about retirement villages/lifestyle residences, for example, confirmation of consent to use property as security
  • Change to title:
    • Property address
    • Existing caveat or charge details
    • New property description including Survey Plan details and Lot and Plan details
    • Any change to caveat or charge number on land title
    • Property ownership details including Trust and/or Company if applicable
  • Attach to the Tasking Request as applicable:
    • Proposed Survey Plans for a subdivision or change of boundary, showing lot numbers, including information on where the security might be transferred to (from the existing HEAS property that is secured)
    • Copy of title search for existing security
    • Copy of title search for new security
    • Rates notice
    • Retirement Village/Lifestyle Residence consent letter
  • Complete the template and send it from the HEAS mailbox to the Property and Home Equity Access Scheme Legal
  • In Customer First, use Fast Note- select Auto Text, use Older Australians > Home Equity Access Scheme > HEAS Caveat and Costs – Costs
    CAOs must allocate the started work item to themselves via Work Optimiser
  • Leave the Fast Note open, and place it on hold for one month. Set the due date to fall after the end of the applicable calendar month (this may mean the due date is slightly longer than 1 month)
  • When the Property and Home Equity Access Scheme Legal team respond with an email to the Decision Maker (via the HEAS mailbox), with a Legal Explanation (LEX) number:
    • add the LEX number to the Fast Note
    • keep the Fast Note on hold for 1 month
    • delete the email from the HEAS mailbox

Await Response

Once the registration of the change is complete, the Property and Home Equity Access Scheme Legal team advise via email to the HEAS mailbox.

If the registration has not been completed by the time the HEAS Caveat and Costs Note falls due, send a follow up email from the HEAS mailbox to the Property and Home Equity Access Scheme Legal team to enquire about the progress. DOC details of the follow up email on the customers record and hold for a further 2 weeks.

Once email notification from the Property and Home Equity Access Scheme Legal is received confirming the change has been registered. Go to Step 16.


CAO update advice + Read more ...

Complex Assessment Officers (CAO) must update the customers HEAS loan details with the new security equity and deduction amounts (if any).

  • Update HEAS/PLS screen with but not limited to:
    • Loan Security Value
    • Deductions
    • The correct CLK Property ID
  • Update REBS, RE and REVI screens, with updated information such as but not limited to:
    • Event Date
    • Actual Valuation Date
    • Current Market Value
    • Land Area

Record all relevant change of circumstance in a Note/DOC including:

  • Task Request Information
  • Updated Valuation amount on HEAS secured property
  • Documents received from customer, partner or third party including but not limited to:
    • Proposed Survey Plans showing for a subdivision or boundary change, lot numbers, including information on where the security might be transferred to (from the existing HEAS property that is secured)
    • Rates notice
    • Up to date title search
    • Trust Deed and/or Company Constitution (if applicable)
    • Loan documents
    • Insurance documents
    • Mortgage documents
  • Changes to customers asset amount and/or MLA (where applicable)
  • SSAct 1991- Part 3.12, Division 1, Value of person's assets, section 1133, Qualification for participation in pension loans scheme

Annotate Display On Access (DOA) DOC as applicable to circumstances

  • Substitute security:
    • Adress details
    • Property description including Lot and Plan details
    • Caveat or charge number
    • Property owned by trust or company (if applicable)
    • Property in a retirement village/lifestyle residence (if applicable)
    • Property valuation
    • Encumbrances (if applicable)
    • New Maximum Loan Amount (MLA)
  • Subdivision or change to title:
    • Any change to property address (if applicable)
    • New property description including Lot and Plan details
    • New caveat or charge number
    • Change to property ownership including if owned by trust or company (if applicable)
    • Property valuation
    • Encumbrances (if applicable)
    • New Maximum Loan Amount (MLA)

The system automatically issues a variation letter to the customer, advising of changes to their MLA.

Procedure ends here.

Change HEAS nominated or maximum loan amount

Table 5




Home Equity Access Scheme Summary + Read more ...

Customers must:

  • go to the Home Equity Access Scheme Summary page
  • select Change loan amount
  • select Continue

Go to Step 2.


Add or change Nominated Amount + Read more ...

If the customer already has a Nominated Amount, it will show.

Do you want to add or change the amount of equity to be excluded?


New maximum loan amount (MLA) estimate + Read more ...

  • Enter the amount of equity to exclude, then select Estimate
  • The system shows the new estimate MLA. Customers can enter different estimate amounts to choose their MLA
  • Select Next

Go to Step 4


Change to Nominated Amount only + Read more ...

Once the Nominated Amount is changed, the system calculates and shows the MLA. The customer is asked:

Would you like to nominate a different maximum loan amount?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No,
    • the customer is asked to review and submit their changes (see Step 6 for details)
    • a work item is created for CAOs to action in Process Direct
    • procedure ends here


Customer nominated MLA + Read more ...

Customers are asked, What do you want your maximum loan amount to be?

Two options show:

  • select the maximum amount they can borrow up to, which is either:
    • an existing system calculated MLA, if they did not choose to add or change a Nominated Amount, or
    • a new estimated MLA if they did add or change a Nominated Amount
  • select to nominate a different amount

If the customer selects a different amount and already has a nominated MLA, the MLA shows. Customers:

  • can enter a nominated MLA, and
  • select Next to proceed

Go to Step 6


Review and submit + Read more ...

After the customer has made their changes they must review and submit the changes. Customers can edit their changes if required.

Go to Step 7


Receipt page, partner consent and withdrawal + Read more ...

  • After the customer submits their request, the receipt page confirms the change request
    • If the customer is partnered, their partner is required to consent to the customer’s request
    • The receipt page shows a partner approval task, and the partner is notified that their approval is required
  • Customer can choose to withdraw their request

If the customer has not withdrawn their request and if applicable the partner has approved the request, go to Step 8.


Allocation of work + Read more ...

Complex Assessment Officers (CAO) get activities for Change loan amount requests. This is to:

  • review the answers from the customer in the online transaction, and
  • finalise the work item in Process Direct

CAOs must:

  • change the status of the activity from Draft to In Progress
  • select Open left slider; Close right sliderto view the customers answers
  • check the HEAS details screen (HEAS) to make sure the changes updated
  • manually update changes if required

Once the coding is complete CAOs can process and finalise the activity. An automatic Note/DOC creates to advise the Change loan amount is complete.

Note: for workarounds and known errors see Process Direct – Current issues > HEAS.

Stop, change and start a HEAS loan payment

Table 6: for Complex Assessment Officers only, in Process Direct.




Stop payment + Read more ...

  • Open the work item, and go to the Task Selector
  • Select HEAS Details (HEAS)
  • Select Next
  • On the HEAS summary, select Edit
  • Check if the date of request requires correction, and correct if required
  • Make sure the Cease Loan Ind field is coded Y, if not change to Y
  • Make sure the Reject/Cease Reason field is marked CLR, if not change to CLR
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess to go to the Entitlement (ELD) screen, and finalise


Change payment + Read more ...

  • Open the work item, and go to the Task Selector
  • Select HEAS Details (HEAS)
  • Select Next
  • On the HEAS summary, select Edit
  • Check if the date of request requires correction, and correct if required
  • Check if the request is for 150%, fixed or a percentage:
    • for 150% make sure the Loan Topup Type is MX2, if not change as required
    • for Fixed make sure Loan Topup Type is FIX and fixed rate requested correctly displays in the Loan Topup Amt pf field, if not change as required
    • for percentage make sure Loan Topup Type is PCT and percentage as requested is correctly displayed in the Percent, if not change as required
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess to go to the Entitlement (ELD) screen, and finalise


Start payment + Read more ...

  • Open the work item, and go to the Task Selector
  • Select HEAS Details (HEAS)
  • Select Next
  • On the HEAS summary, select Edit
  • Check if the date of request requires correction, and correct if required
  • Check if customer has received an advance or fortnightly payments in the last 13 weeks
  • If no payments or advances in last 13 weeks, customer will have been asked to provide details of relationship status, bankruptcy information including their partner (if applicable) or a third party co-owner and real estate. See tables above for processing details
  • Check fortnightly payment choice:
    • for 150% make sure Loan Topup Type is MX2, if not change as required
    • for fixed make sure Loan Topup Type is FIX and the fixed rate requested correctly displays in the Loan Topup Amt pf field, if not change as required
    • for percentage make sure Loan Topup Type is PCT and percentage as requested correctly displays in the Percent, if not change as required
  • Go to the Cease Loan Indicator and code N. Remove the Reject/Cease Reason code
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess to go to the Entitlement (ELD) screen, and finalise


Document action taken + Read more ...

In Customer First use Fast Note- select Auto Text, use Older Australians > Home Equity Access Scheme > HEAS Notification of Change of Circs (CoC)

HEAS customer imprisoned

Table 7: for Complex Assessment Officers only




HEAS customer incarceration notification + Read more ...

Has the Complex Assessment Officer received Complex Assessment > Request for CAO action > HEAS Incarceration Fast Note?


HEAS incarceration notification is not through HEAS Incarceration Fast Note + Read more ...

Where a Complex Assessment Officer has received imprisonment information other than through the HEAS Incarceration Fast Note, see Prison admission process and claims during incarceration.

Process ends here.


HEAS customer incarceration Fast Note received + Read more ...

Where a Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) has received a HEAS Incarceration Fast Note, the CAO must check if the following have been returned:

Has the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) and Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313), (where applicable) been returned?


Requested Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) - not returned + Read more ...

Where a HEAS imprisoned customer was requested to complete and return their Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) and Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313), (where applicable) the CAO must check the Complex Assessment > Request for CAO action > HEAS Incarceration Fast Note for the date the correspondence is due to be returned.

Is the requested correspondence due date today or in the past?


SA497 due or in the past + Read more ...

Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) must be ceased - Failed to Return Correspondence (FRC) from the system date being today’s date.

See, the Coding payment cancellations table for more information.

Update Fast Note - select Auto text, use Complex Assessment > Request for CAO action > HEAS Incarceration.

Annotate and include additional information below (where applicable) in the Fast Note and HEAS DOA DOC.

  • SA497 received: N
  • SS313 Provided: N/A
  • Has HEAS Cease Loan Ind set to Y: Y
  • Has HEAS Cease Reason been recorded as: FRC
  • Date FRC HEAS cessation occurred: DD/MM/YYYY

SSAct 1991 - section 1133, Qualification for participation in pension loans scheme and section 1137AA, Advance payments

Additional Information: (Provide any relevant information or actions completed for HEAS)

CAO Details:

Close the Fast Note.

Procedure ends here.


HEAS Correspondence due date in the future + Read more ...

Where Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) and Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313) (where applicable) due date is in the future.

The COA must update and hold HEAS Incarceration Fast Note - Complex Assessment > Request for CAO action > HEAS Incarceration Fast Note until DPT + 1.

Annotate and include additional Fast Note information below (where applicable):

  • HEAS Incarceration correspondence due: <DD/MM/YYYY>.
  • HEAS Incarceration Fast Note held until: <Due date + 1 day = DD/MM/YYYY>

Note: Where the HEAS Incarcerated Fast Note is due and Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) and Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313), (where applicable) has not been returned.

Go to Step 4.- Requested Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) not returned

HEAS Incarcerated Fast Note is on hold.

Process ends here.


Requested Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) returned + Read more ...

Once the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) and Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313) (where applicable) has been returned the CAO will need to assess the following information:

  • If the customer requested HEAS to be stopped while imprisoned, go to Step 8
  • If the customer requested to continue to receive HEAS while imprisoned, go to Step 9
  • If the customer completed an Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313), go to Step 10


Cease Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) while customer is incarcerated + Read more ...

The CAO must assess the following information via the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497)

  • Customer has requested HEAS to be stopped while incarcerated, via the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497)
  • Customer has signed the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497)
  • Partner (where applicable) has signed (consented) to customer’s HEAS to be ceased while incarcerated.

Where a customer has provided the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) and they are partnered, and the partner has not signed to provide consent then:

  • The CAO must contact the partner and send a Request for Further Information (RFI) for the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) to be signed
  • The CAO must update and hold HEAS Incarceration Fast Note - Complex Assessment > Request for CAO action > HEAS Incarceration Fast Note until Request for Information (RFI) DPT + 1

Annotate and include additional Fast Note information below (where applicable)

  • Partner consent required
  • HEAS Request for Information (RFI) sent: <DD/MM/YYYY>
  • HEAS Request for Information (RFI) due: <DD/MM/YYYY>

Note: where the Request for Information becomes due and Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) has not been returned.

Go to Step 4.- Requested Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) not returned


The CAO must stop HEAS – Client Request (CLR) – Voluntary Withdrawal from the system date, being today’s date.

See the Coding payment cancellations table for more information.

Update Fast Note - select Auto text, use Complex Assessment > Request for CAO action > HEAS Incarceration.

Annotate and include additional information below (where applicable) in the Fast Note and HEAS DOA DOC.

  • SA497 received: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Partner consent provided (where applicable); Y/N
  • SS313 Provided: Y/N
  • Has HEAS Cease Loan Ind set to Y: Y
  • Has HEAS Cease Reason been recorded as: CLR
  • Date CLR HEAS cessation occurred: DD/MM/YYYY

SSAct 1991 - section 1133, Qualification for participation in pension loans scheme and section 1137AA, Advance payments

Additional Information: (Provide any relevant information or actions completed for HEAS)

CAO Details:

Close the Fast Note.

If a HEAS imprisoned customer has completed an Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313), go to Step 10.


HEAS Only while customer is incarcerated + Read more ...

The CAO must assess the following information via the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497):

  • Customer has requested HEAS to continue while imprisoned, via the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497)
  • Customer has signed the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497)
  • Partner (where applicable) has signed (consented) to customer’s HEAS to continue while incarcerated.

Where a customer has provided the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) and they are partnered, and the partner has not signed to provide consent then:

  • The CAO must contact the partner and send a Request for Further Information (RFI) for the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497) to be signed
  • The COA must update and hold HEAS Incarceration Fast Note - Complex Assessment > Request for CAO action > HEAS Incarceration Fast Note until Request for Information (RFI) DPT + 1

Annotate and include additional Fast Note information below (where applicable):

  • Partner consent required
  • HEAS Request for Information (RFI) sent: <DD/MM/YYYY>
  • HEAS Request for Information (RFI) due: <DD/MM/YYYY>

Where the customer’s qualifying payment has been suspended or cancelled the CAO will need to restore the qualifying payment.

As Part of the restoration activity the CAO will need to go to the HEAS/PLS screen and update:

  • Effect Date = DPT+1 of the HEAS customer’s imprisonment (Day after imprisonment)
  • HEAS Only Ind = Y
  • Any other Change of Circumstances provided within the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) – variation form (SA497)
  • Finalise activity and ensure qualifying payment is Current at Zero Rate (CZR)..

Update Fast Note - select Auto text, use Complex Assessment > Request for CAO action > HEAS Incarceration.

Annotate and include additional information below (where applicable) in the Fast Note and HEAS DOA DOC.

  • SA497 received: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Partner consent provided (where applicable); Y/N
  • SS313 Provided: Y/N
  • Does CUS want to continue to receive HEAS payments: Y
  • Has HEAS Only indicator been updated on HEAS/PLS screen: Y
  • Date of Effect of HEAS Only Ind: DD/MM/YYYY

SSAct 1991 - section 1133, Qualification for participation in pension loans scheme and section 1137AA, Advance payments

Additional Information: (Provide any relevant information or actions completed for HEAS)

CAO Details:

Close the Fast Note.

If a HEAS imprisoned customer has completed an Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313), go to Step 10.


HEAS - Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313) + Read more ...

Where a HEAS customer has become imprisoned, and they have returned an Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313). See Adding or rejecting a nominee request.