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Service Components by number 102-01010020

This document outlines Service Components by number and identifies relevant procedures for each Service Component. This will assist Services Officers and Team leaders when checking the status on the Service Components for specific areas.

Service Profiling

Service Profiling is a method of selectively targeting Centrelink services and Service Officer assistance to our customers. It is a way of identifying which customers need a more focused/targeted level of service to assist them in meeting program outcomes (for example, correct declaration income and assets).

A Service Component is the business process which has a specific goal or purpose. This is achieved through the completion of a number of Service Actions. These Service Actions collectively describe the steps, tasks, or actions involved in delivering the Service Component. For example, the Income and Asset Service Component requires a Service Update on the customer's income and asset details. This is done by mail contact using an Income and Assets Update (SA220) form being sent to the customer.

Each Service Component has a unique identification (ID) number. The ID number can be used to search the Service Component Search (PQCS) and Service Component National Search (PQNS) screen in Customer First.

Service Profiling

Service Profiling Capability

Service Components and Service Actions

Service Profiling and Service Updates

Attributing Service Profiling Debts to the Integrated Review System (IRS) Review

Mobility Allowance (MOB) reviews