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Change of address from an aged care home 102-03010150

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

This page contains information about changing the address when the customer, their partner or customer's nominee, advises they have moved permanently from an aged care home.

On this page:

Permanent move from an aged care home

Coding requirements for the change in circumstances

Permanent move from an aged care home

Table 1




Customer moves out of an aged care home + Read more ...

When a customer leaves an aged care service:

  • the aged care provider records the details in the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP) with the updated details displaying in the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP)
  • the updates in ACSP transmits the changed data to Customer First and
  • the customer is discharged from care and Residential Care Assistance (RCA) status updates to cancelled
  • the address does not update in Customer First automatically

The Home Ownership field on the Accommodation (AC) screen is based on the customer’s homeownership status when they entered aged care. It will show as:

  • GFN’ Government Funded Non-homeowner, or
  • GFH’ Government Funded Homeowner

Is the customer's status RCA/CUR?


Customer has recently vacated aged care + Read more ...

If RCA/CUR-DSS or RCA/CUR-SFR is still showing on the Benefit Status line in Customer First, a discharge from care has not been finalised.

A Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity will be created where:

  • the aged care provider has advised the customer has been discharged from care, and
  • the update in Customer First did not finalise

Does the customer have a status of RCA/CUR-DSS or RCA/CUR-SFR?


Confirm customer has been discharged from aged care + Read more ...

Contact the aged care home to confirm that:

  • the customer is no longer a resident in a bed funded under the Aged Care Act 1997
  • the customer has been discharged, and
  • the customer's reason for discharge from care

Has the aged care home confirmed that the customer is discharged or is no longer in a funded bed?

  • Yes,
    • record confirmed details in a Fast Note
    • go to RCA Circumstance (RCIRC) screen
    • update Discharge Date: and Discharge Rsn:
    • go to Step 4
  • No, go to Step 8


Check relationship status + Read more ...

Go to the Marital Status (MS) screen.

A customer can be paid at a higher rate because of a separation due to illness, see Assessment of circumstances for a couple separated due to illness.

Illness separated will appear in the Qualifier Code field on the MS screen.

Check all the details on the MS screen. Is an update to MS needed?

  • Yes:
    • in the Event Date field, enter the date of the change to Marital Status and/or Qualifier Code
    • select the new entry for Marital Status and/or Qualifier Code
    • check if Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) fields need to be updated
    • go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 5


Address and accommodation update + Read more ...


Did the customer return to their principal home? + Read more ...


Did not return to principal home + Read more ...

Depending on the customer circumstances they may be entitled to an exemption for their principal home. Some of these exemptions may be:

  • The customer's partner is still residing in the principal home. While the partner is still residing in the principal home it is exempt from the assets test. This exemption overrides any other exemption entitlement
  • The customer is in another care situation and has vacated the principal home less than two years ago
  • The customer has vacated the principal home for a temporary period of less than 12 months
  • A current exemption period is still applicable for their partner e.g. partner vacated principal home later than the customer and the exemption period is still valid for the partner

Further information on exemptions for the principal home can be found in:

Is the customer entitled to an exemption for the principal home?

  • Yes, see Step 1 in Table 2
  • No:
    • unless the customer moved to another residence owned by them they would be considered a non-homeowner and the principal home is to be assessed as an asset
    • see Step 1 in Table 2


Request confirmation of discharge + Read more ...

Advise that discharge from care will need to be confirmed. Ask the customer to:

  • get a letter from the aged care home confirming details, or
  • ask the aged care home to update their system with information which will transmit to Customer First

Procedure ends here until confirmation received.

Coding requirements for the change in circumstances

Table 2




Assessing an exemption for the principal home + Read more ...

Changes may be required depending on how the principal home is currently being assessed and recorded on the customer's record.

Check details in the Reason Home Vacated: field on the customer Accommodation (AC) screen.

Most likely reasons in the Reason Home Vacated: field for a customer who has been in an aged care home are:

  • 'EXP' - in aged care, paying periodic bond instalments indefinitely
  • 'EXA' - in aged care, paying accommodation charge indefinitely
  • 'EXE' - in aged care on or after 1 January 2017 or general exemption, exempt 2 years
  • 'INH' - in Nursing home, exempt 2 years
  • 'ONH' - due to ill health (other than in Nursing home)

Is there a reason in this field and the reason is still applicable?


Reason Home Vacated: field on AC screen + Read more ...

If customer has moved back into principal home:

  • update Reason Home Vacated: field by removing the details in this field and the Date Home Vacated: field

If customer has not moved back to principal home but is entitled to an exemption from the assets test:

  • update Reason Home Vacated: field to record new reason for exemption

If the customer has not moved back to principal home and is not entitled to an exemption:

  • update Home Ownership: field to a non-homeowner
  • update Reason Home Vacated: field by removing the details in this field and the Date Home Vacated: field

Customer is a non-homeowner:

  • update Home Ownership: field to a non-homeowner
  • update Reason Home Vacated: field by removing the details in this field and the Date Home Vacated: field


Checking the REBI screen + Read more ...

The customer's principal home may be coded on the Real Estate/Business Identifying (REBI) screen as an exempt asset. This will need to be removed when the customer is no longer in an aged care home.

Check the Real Estate/Business Type: field on the REBI screen for one of the following codes:

  • 'EXA' - for indefinite accommodation charge
  • 'EXP' - for paying periodic accommodation bond
  • 'EXE' - for two year exemption

Is the customer's principal home currently recorded on the REBI screen as an exempt asset?


Remove principal home from REBI screen and update RE screen as needed. + Read more ...

  • Select the real estate asset from the Real Estate And Business (REBS) screen
  • On the REBI screen update the Sold/Gifted/Ceased: field with 'NAA'
  • Go to the Real Estate (RE) screen, code the % Asset Owned: field as '0'. Do not update the value of the property
  • If the customer was receiving income from the property, code the income and deductions as zero on the Gross Annual Income $: field and the Allowable Income Dedns: field


Other action required + Read more ...

Is the customer now considered a non-homeowner and,

  • the old principal home is an asset, or
  • the customer is a homeowner and receiving rental income from the principal home they currently have an exemption for?


Update changed real estate details + Read more ...

The details of the real estate will need to be coded onto their record to assess the asset and/or income value. For more see:

For a homeowner with a two year or one year exemption do not assess an asset value for the principal home but any rental income received is assessable. For more coding information, see Vacation of principal home due to illness.


Other updates may be needed + Read more ...