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Cancellation of Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and ABSTUDY PES 102-10020240

This document outlines the circumstances for cancellation of Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and ABSTUDY PES payments.

Cancelling PES payments




Reasons for cancellation + Read more ...

Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and ABSTUDY PES payments may be cancelled as a result of:


Determine if automatic or manual cancellation is required + Read more ...

Automatic cancellation of PES or ABSTUDY PES occurs following coding reassessments that result in no continuing qualification or entitlement to a PES or ABSTUDY PES qualifying payment or if the customer is no longer undertaking approved study. In these cases, there is no need to cancel via the Benefit Action (BA) screen.

Manual cancellations are needed where the loss of qualification or entitlement is not the end result of a reassessment but the result of a decision to cancel payments.

If the payments are to be cancelled because:


Code the manual cancellation + Read more ...

The cancellation of PES or ABSTUDY PES must be coded manually when the customer's entitlement stops for a reason other than the result of a reassessment.

To access the PES screens, code 'ISS' in the Sys: field and in the Next: field type SVPES and press [Enter].

Go to the Benefits Action (BA) screen. Complete the following:

Note: for ABSTUDY PES customers cancelling payments to transfer to PES to access Education Entry Payment (EdEP), code CPP and use Effect Date DPT +1.

  • Effect Date: field, enter the date of the request/decision to cancel
  • Notes: field, enter the reason for the cancellation
  • complete the Source: and DOR: fields and press [Enter]


Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen + Read more ...

When the result of the assessment is a negative adjustment, the debt is to be finalised at the time of the study update. If the overpayment is for:

  • PES, and the Service Officer is skilled in PES Debt Raising
  • ABSTUDY PES, and the Service Officer is skilled in ABSTUDY Debt Raising

See Raising debts for students and Australian Apprentices or Raising ABSTUDY debts.

Will the activity be finalised without an overpayment?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, complete the relevant fields:
    • Code: field, code ‘INV’ (under the Debt Action: column)
    • Press [Enter]
    • Go to Step 5

Note: debts under $50 will not be waived automatically once the assessment has been finalised. As debts can be transferred to third party CRNs, the debt amount shown on the ASC screen may not be an accurate reflection of the total debt amount.


Cancellation reason may require a manual letter + Read more ...

Create a manual letter if a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity creates on the Activity List (AL) screen the day after the cancellation has finalised.

Has a MFU activity created on the AL screen?

  • Yes, send a manual letter to the customer, go to Step 6
  • No, the customer will receive an automatic advice, go to Step 7


Send letter to customer + Read more ...

Create a Free Text (Q134) letter to send to the customer, detailing the reasons for the cancellation and advising the student of their review and appeal rights.


Record details of decision + Read more ...

Record details of decision including all relevant Act and Policy Guidelines on a DOC.