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Identifying a customer's primary Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) 102-13030070

For Data Quality Unit (DQU) staff only.

This document outlines information to assist in identifying a customer's primary Customer Reference Number (CRN). This process is for Data Quality Unit (DQU) staff only.

Identifying a customer's primary CRN

This table describes the process steps that DQU staff should follow to identify a customer's primary Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN).




Multiple records identified + Read more ...

The primary record for a customer must be established when more than one record belongs to the same customer.

Check for additional records using the Multiple Match List (MML) screen.

Have all the records already been MLC linked and documented by the Data Quality Unit (Office Code NA8)?

  • Yes, no further action is required. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 2


Unauthenticated Online Entity (UOE) and Organisation (ORG) records + Read more ...

Are any of the records Unauthenticated Online Entries (UOE) or Organisation (ORG) CRNs?

  • Yes, action as follows:
    • UOE records display the message 'M9864. This is a UOE Object some screens are protected' at the top when they are first entered. Annotate the referral with 'NNN NNN NNNA is a UOE, not multiple. No referral was required. Refer to Centrelink Customer Reference Numbers for further information'. Close the referral. If there are no additional multiples to be assessed, procedure ends here
    • ORG records may display the message 'M9890 Customer is an organisation' at the top of the screen when they are first entered. Annotate the referral with 'NNN NNN NNNA is an ORG record. Unable to link ORGs. See Indexing an organisation for nominees for further information. Close the referral. If there are no additional multiples to be assessed, procedure ends here.
    • If there are additional records, go to Step 3
  • No, go to Step 3


Delete Person and Deceased records + Read more ...

Check if any CRN(s) meet the Delete Person (DP) business rules. If so, this CRN is a multiple record. If all the records meet the DP business rules, the customer must retain access to one record only. Consider which record has historical value and/or access to online services.

If all records are deceased, the record(s) will transfer to the Y Environment. If one record is deceased and the remaining CRNs have not had the Death and executor information (DEA) screen in Process Direct or Death/Executor (DEA) screen in Customer First coded, delete the record via Delete Person (DP). If unable to delete, refer to DQU Lead.

Do any of the CRNs meet the Delete Person business rules?

  • Yes, delete the CRN(s) via Delete Person (DP)
    • If after deleting the multiple(s) only one record remains, this is the customer's primary CRN. Procedure ends here
    • If more than one record remains for the customer, the primary CRN must still be determined. Go to Step 4
  • No, go to Step 4


Record type + Read more ...

Is the customer under 26 years of age?


Children's records + Read more ...

If the customer is under the age of 26, consider historical data, payments made to parent(s)/guardian(s) and, if a referral to the Service Delivery Network (SDN) (for example FAO Complex/CCMS/etc.) is required.

Most data for CHI records will be held in the parent(s)/guardian(s)' CRN.

To determine the primary, considerations should include (but are not limited to):

  • Child Support: In the child's CRN check Reference Number (!NU) for a CSA ID and/or Maintenance Entitlement Group Summary (MNGS) for the parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • Family Assistance: check Assessment Explanation (AXFTB and/or AXCCF) and XBS for payment status
  • Shared Care: Go to Child Selection (CHS) and check Shared Care (FTB) (FSS) and Shared Care (SSA) (SSC)
  • Child Care Attendance Data: In Workspace, select 'View Child Care Attendance' from the Family Assistance Menu. Ensure all checks for historical attendance data are selected from the drop down box
  • Other Entitlements: Check for payments made to parent(s)/guardian(s) such as PPS, PPP, CAR, CDA or JSP
  • Concession Card(s): In Workspace, select 'Concession Card Details' from the Concession Cards menu and check Card Type (for example, Foster Child Health Care Card)

Can the primary CRN be determined?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, seek assistance from the Data Quality Unit Lead and/or the Data Quality Unit Senior Support Officer (SSO)
    • Place the work item on hold
    • Send an email to the Data Quality Unit Lead or the Data Quality Senior Support Officer (SSO)
    • The DQU Lead or SSO will assess the record and reply to the email with primary record determination


Identifying the primary CRN + Read more ...

All records should be carefully checked with a view to deleting them. Rework should be avoided if possible but where significant information for the customer is on an older existing record, it may be necessary to determine this record as the primary and have information moved from the newly created CRN to the older existing record.

Screens to check to assist in determining the primary CRN include (but are not limited to):

  • Link Summary (LS) - current links, for example, CHI/PAR, CAR
  • Reference Numbers (!NU) - active external links, for example, CSA ID
  • Payment Summary (PS) - current payments/entitlements
  • Future Activity List (FAL) - non-cancellable activities
  • Mutual Customer Identification (MCI) - match with the Australian Taxation Office
  • Debt List (OPDL) - outstanding debts

Note: some records will become eligible for deletion via shell clean up as information becomes historical, but others may never meet requirements.

Can the primary CRN be determined?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, seek assistance from the Data Quality Unit Lead and/or the Data Quality Unit Senior Support Officer (SSO)
    • Place the work item on hold
    • Send an email to the Data Quality Unit Lead or the Data Quality Senior Support Officer (SSO)
    • The DQU Lead or SSO will assess the record and reply to the email with primary record determination


Current Child to Parent (CHI/PAR) + Read more ...

In the multiple CRNs go to the Link Summary (LS) screen.

Is there a current CHI/PAR link on the multiple record?


CLI/MLC Activities + Read more ...

Is there a CLI/MLC activity present?