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Accessing details of Financial Supplement Loans (FSLs) 102-15010080

The Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS) closed from 1 January 2004. Since December 2005 all outstanding Financial Supplement Loans (FSL) have been transferred to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for

This document outlines the Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS), This was a voluntary loan scheme. It gave eligible tertiary students the option of borrowing money to help cover their expenses while they studied.

Accessing historical FSL details




Customer contact + Read more ...

A customer contacts and requests details of Financial Supplement Loan (FSL).

Go to the customer's record.

A list of screens pertaining to the Financial Supplement Scheme can be seen on the Supplement Loan Task Selector (SLTS) screen. This screen can also be accessed by typing SLMM in Next.

Note: the NSS Financial Supplement Summary (NFSS) and NSS Financial Supplement Detail (NFSD) screens contain historical data only and should never be used when giving information to a customer.

The Supplement Loan Summary (SLS) screen will display all loans that a customer may have been entitled to whether they were accepted or not. There are a number of terms used on the Financial Supplement Loan screens to display the status of the customer’s loan.

The SLS screen will display:

  • the year
  • qualifying payment type
  • loan status (All outstanding Loans have been transferred to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), and will be marked as CLS-ATO (closed)
  • If the loan was repaid in full before the end of the contract period it will be marked as CLS-RPD (closed). These loans were not transferred to the ATO
  • loan id

Note: the loan for the relevant year should always be selected from the SLS screen. If a customer has more than one entitlement to a loan, going directly to the Supplement Loan Transactions (SLT) or Supplement Loan Details (SLD) screens will only bring up the details of the last entitlement the customer had.

Check the Supplement Loan Summary (SLS) screen

Does the loan for the year the customer is querying appear on this screen?


The loan is marked CLS-ATO + Read more ...

It is possible to answer general enquiries regarding the balance of the loan and repayments made prior to the transfer to the ATO. More complex enquiries should be referred to the ATO website.

Choose the relevant screen from the Supplement Loan Task Selector (SLTS) screen. To view general transactions such as payments and repayments, go to the Supplement Loan Transactions (SLT) screen.

If the customer disputes any details of the loan, see Dealing with disputed FSL repayments.

Procedure ends here.


Loan does not appear on SLS screen + Read more ...

  • A search for basic information regarding this loan (if taken out prior to 1999) may be found by accessing ESAS archives through the Archiving and Culling Engine (ACE). For information on using the ACE, see Using the ACE application to access archived ESAS data
  • For a direct link to the ACE, see the Resources page
  • If the customer requests further information about the details of their FSL loan, the Service Officer should contact the Student Programs Team. The Student Programs Team can arrange to have copies of the original loan contract and transaction history sent to the customer. Do not give these contact details to customers.