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Unrestricted Cash Payments (UCPs) 103-01050120

This page contains information to assist when an income managed customer requests an Unrestricted Cash Payment (UCP).

On this page:

Determining suitability of a UCP request and actioning a 20% UCP service offer for CPIM and SPaR

Escalating and processing a UCP

Determining suitability of a UCP request and actioning a 20% UCP service offer for CPIM and SPaR

Table 1: This table describes the process for assessing a customer's suitability for a UCP and making a 20% UCP service offer to eligible Child Protection Income Management (CPIM) and Supporting People at Risk (SPaR) customers.




UCPs + Read more ...

When a customer contacts to request a UCP, the approval and coding procedure depends on the reason for the UCP and the applicable Income Management measure:

  • For customers receiving ABSTUDY (with a Living Allowance component) that is 100% income managed, go to Step 2
  • For a one-off UCP from an income support arrears payment, go to Step 4
  • For a one-off UCP for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation, go to Step 6
  • For a one-off exceptional circumstances UCP request, go to Step 5
  • For CPIM or SPaR customers, who have a 20% Unrestricted Cash Payment service offer, go to Step 13
  • To cancel an UCP see Table 2, Step 8


Regular UCPs for ABSTUDY customers + Read more ...

ABSTUDY (with a Living Allowance or PES component) payments under CPIM, SPaR, Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipients (VWPR) and Voluntary Income Management (VIM) are 100% income managed. The Department of Social Services (DSS) has given permission for regular UCPs to be made to these customers to align the amount actually income managed with the applicable measure.

Is the customer receiving ABSTUDY (with a Living Allowance or PES component) and income managed under CPIM, SPaR, VWPR, or VIM?

  • Yes, the customer is eligible to receive a regular UCP
  • No, the customer is not eligible for a UCP. The customer may apply for a UCP under another reason


ABSTUDY customers - calculate amount of regular UCP + Read more ...

Calculate the maximum amount payable as a regular UCP:

  • CPIM and SPaR customers: up to a maximum of 30% of the customer's net regular fortnightly payment (resulting in 70% of payments being income managed)
    • Net fortnightly payment x 0.30 = UCP payable
  • VWPR and VIM customers: up to a maximum of 50% of the customer's net regular fortnightly payment (resulting in 50% of payments being income managed)
    • Net fortnightly payment x 0.50 = UCP payable

Note: net fortnightly income = gross fortnightly payment less compulsory deductions, that is, amounts deducted for recovery of Advance payments and Centrelink debts, payment of financial supplement loans, Child Support liabilities and tax deductions (including voluntary tax deductions).

Go to Step 11.


UCP request for a portion of an income support payment arrears payment + Read more ...

If the customer has an income support arrears payment that has been 100% income managed, and they have not received their usual discretionary funds in the previous fortnight, the Service Officer may grant a UCP equal to the normal amount of discretionary funds they would have received for their last fortnightly payment, less any discretionary funds they have already received in the last fortnight.

If the arrears payment has not yet stripped (that is, the payment displays on the PS screen as 'Immediate' and the customer requires immediate access to funds, a portion of the payment can be paid via the New Payments Platform (NPP), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) or Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) where the request meets usual agency processing guidelines. For more details, see Effect on Income Management when payment is restored or re-granted.

  • The exceptional and unforeseen reason for the immediate payment and why the customer is unable to wait the usual processing time (1-2 business days)
  • The amount to be issued via immediate payment method (this may not be the same as the UCP)
  • The most appropriate method of issue for the customer (that is, NPP, RTGS or EBT). Note: NPP is the preferred payment option if available. for more details, see Immediate payment by payment method New Payments Platform (NPP)
  • If requesting issue via RTGS, confirm the customer meets current guidelines for this payment method and possibility of the customer's financial institution imposing fees and charges. Note: RTGS will only appear as the next available payment option if an NPP payment to a customer's account has been unsuccessful (due to their nominated account not being NPP-enabled, or the service itself being unavailable). For more details, see Immediate payment by payment method Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
  • If requesting issue via EBT card, include EBT card number and confirm the customer is aware of the terms and conditions, and use of the EBT card. For more details, see Immediate payment by payment method Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card

Note: this function cannot be performed on non-income support payments.

Go to Step 5.


Calculation of one off UCP for an income support payment arrears + Read more ...

Check what IM measure applies to the customer via the Income Management Summary screen (Qualification twisty) to determine the usual discretionary amount.

  • CPIM and SPaR customers:
    • net fortnightly payment x 0.30 = usual discretionary amount
    • Usual discretionary amount - any discretionary funds already received in the last 14 days = UCP payable
  • Disengaged Youth, Long Term Welfare Payment Recipients, Voluntary Income Management and VWPR customers:
    • net fortnightly payment x 0.50 = usual discretionary amount
    • Usual discretionary amount - any discretionary funds already received in the last 14 days = UCP payable

Note: net fortnightly income = gross fortnightly payment less compulsory deductions. Compulsory deductions are amounts deducted for recovery of advance payments and Centrelink debts, payment of financial supplement loans, Child Support liabilities and tax deductions (including voluntary tax deductions).

Customers can elect a one-off UCP for an amount lower than the maximum calculation, however customers must be advised any request for the remaining amount at a later date will be assessed as a one-off UCP for exceptional circumstance.

Go to Step 11.


Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation payment - one-off UCP + Read more ...

Customers on any measure of Income Management can be paid up to 50% of their total FTB reconciliation payment as a UCP if the Service Officer is satisfied the amount currently available in their Income Management account is sufficient to meet the customer's and their dependents current and reasonably foreseeable priority needs.

To check if the FTB reconciliation has been issued:

In Customer First:

  • Type FRCS in the Next field > press Continue > press [Enter]
  • Look for ‘FTB Reco Completed
  • Use this amount for the calculation of the UCP
  • check the PS screen for the arrears payment
  • Select the Delivery Date to see if payment has delivered to income management.

Has the customer been issued their FTB reconciliation payment into their Income Management account?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, DOC the discussion with the customer. Procedure ends here


UCP check on the Income Management Summary screen + Read more ...

Has the customer already had a UCP coded for the FTB reconciliation payment (one UCP per FTB reconciliation payment)?


Calculation of one-off UCP for FTB Reconciliation + Read more ...

Calculate the amount of the one-off UCP as follows:

  • FTB reconciliation payments:
    • FTB reconciliation amount x 0.50 = maximum UCP payable

The amount available for the UCP may be affected by FTB debt offsetting.

Customers can elect a one-off UCP for a lower amount than the maximum calculation, however customers must be advised any request for the remaining amount at a later date will be assessed as a one-off UCP for exceptional circumstances.

Go to Step 11.


Discuss alternate payment options with customer + Read more ...

Most requests to access income managed funds should be able to be paid using one of the standard Income Management payment methods, therefore Unrestricted Cash Payments should only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

Discuss with the customer what they require the funds for and assess if the purchase can be made through a standard Income Management payment method such as BasicsCard, deduction or one-off payment to a Third Party Organisation. If so, the payment must be made using this option.

For details on coding expenses see Coding Income Management expenses.

If the payment is for a priority need and the Income Management Payment and Contact Team (IMPACT) confirm the TPO will not accept payment direct from income managed funds, a Restricted Direct Payment (RDP) may be appropriate. For details on RDPs see Restricted Direct Payments (RDP).

Does the customer meet the criteria to have a UCP due to exceptional circumstances?

  • Yes, if the above payment methods are not available or appropriate, the customer may apply for a UCP for an exceptional circumstance, go to Step 10
  • No, the above methods are available. Record details of discussions on a DOC.


Exceptional Circumstances + Read more ...

One-off exceptional circumstances UCP requests must be referred to the Level 2 Income Management Policy helpdesk to be assessed. Service Officers will record the UCP request and escalate the request to the TPS.

A UCP can only be issued where the customer's and their dependents current and reasonably foreseeable priority needs are met, and the customer has excess available funds in their Income Management account.

Service Officers should use information readily available on the customer's record, in addition to discussions with the customer, to determine if a UCP is appropriate for the customer.

Regular Income Management expenses should not be ceased or reduced to increase the customer's available Income Management funds.


Discuss and record UCP request + Read more ...

  • Tell the customer the UCP will be paid directly to their nominated bank account, or their payment nominee
  • Explain to the customer there are no restrictions on how the UCP can be spent
  • Go to the Payment Destination Summary (PAS) screen and confirm the customer's payment destination for Service Reason 'GPY' matches the customer's most recent payment type
  • If there are no details recorded, or the account number is incorrect, select 'GPY' to go to the Payment Destination Details (PAD) screen to update account details. See Changing payment destination
  • Review the customer's priority needs and record discussion on the Priority Needs Expenses workflow. For more details, see Changes to Income Management priority needs
  • Record full details of the UCP request in the Fast Note. Select Auto Text > Income Management > Update > Customer Requests UCP
  • Tell the customer to contact after 24 working hours only if the funds have not been received in their nominated bank account. Service Officers can check on the progress of the request

Staff not authorised to code UCPs must escalate the request, go to Step 12.

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, all service delivery staff may complete this step if they are trained. IMCOs and IM staff authorised to code UCPs (including Income Management LPS), go to Table 2.


Escalate UCP Request + Read more ...

Service Officers not authorised to code UCPs must escalate the request via the appropriate channel (shown below).

For customers on CPIM or SPaR

  • Send a Fast Note with details of the customer's request for a regular UCP. Select Auto Text, use Income Management > Update > Request for Unrestricted Cash Payment. If the request is urgent, telephone the IMCO following the completion of the Fast Note. The Resources page contains a link to the Income Management Contact Officers (IMCO) intranet page
  • Make sure customer contact details are correct
  • Service Officers can check on the progress of the request. Procedure ends here

For all other measures:

Escalate to:

  • Phone contact: Typically done by Smart Centre staff. Staff may complete this step if trained. Income Management Technical Peer Support (TPS) authorised to code UCPs. Procedure ends here.
  • Face-to-face contact: Typically done by service centre staff. Staff may complete this step if trained. an Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO), Team Leader or Service Support Officer with the appropriate level of access for coding. The Resources page contains a link to the IMCO intranet page. Procedure ends here


20% UCP service offer (For IMCO only) + Read more ...

CPIM and SPaR customers who are eligible to receive a 20% Unrestricted Cash Payment service offer will have Work Item I290Q1 (CPIM) or I790Q1 (SPaR) - '20% UCP Service Offer available and/or Action Item Customer is eligible for a 20% Unrestricted Cash Payment' on the Customer Issues page.

  • Explain to the customer the system will automatically calculate 20% of their income managed payment each fortnight. The payment will be only issued after all priority needs payments have been paid and will only attempt to deliver it once (that is, not for 14 days for expense payments)
  • Advise the customer the UCP will be paid directly to them via the same method as their discretionary funds. If appropriate, consider a referral to a community organisation who can assist with opening a bank account
  • Explain to the customer there are no restrictions on how the UCP can be spent
  • Go to the Payment Destination Summary (PAS) screen and confirm the customer's payment destination for Service Reason 'GPY' matches the customer's most recent payment type
  • If there are no details recorded, or the account number is incorrect, select 'GPY' to go to the Payment Destination Details (PAD) screen to update account details. See Changing payment destination
  • Record the outcome of the 20% Unrestricted Cash Payment service offer:
    • Select the IM Service offer page hyperlink from the 20% UCP service offer is available Action Item on the Issues page Workspace > Other Links > Customer Issues, or select IM service offer under the Income Management option
    • On the IM service offer workflow confirm the discussion points with customer
    • Service Offer Outcome, record outcome of service offer
    • If the customer accepts the service offer, select Accept. This will automatically code the UCP on the customer's record. DOC any further information necessary
    • If the customer declines the service offer, select Decline. The service offer will remain available should the customer choose to take this up later. Record details in a DOC
  • Select Continue
  • Check the Income Management Summary screen for any outstanding Work Items and take appropriate action. For further information, see Income Management and BasicsCard Work Items
  • Finalise the activity on the Income Management Summary page

Procedure ends here.

Escalating and processing a UCP

Table 2: This table describes the process for escalating or processing a UCP request that has been submitted.




Request received for a UCP + Read more ...

When a Service Officer determines the customer may be eligible for a one-off or regular UCP, a Customer requests UCP Fast Note will be recorded on the customer’s record.

Review the Fast Note on the record to confirm the calculation of the UCP request is correct and the following checks have been completed:

  • IM Funds available
  • Priority needs discussed and updated, and
  • Go to the Payment Destination Summary (PAS) screen. Confirm the customer's payment destination for Service Reason 'GPY' matches the customer's most recent payment type
  • Calculation of UCP Request
  • Request for Urgent Delivery

If the request is for:


Regular UCP requests + Read more ...

Income Management TPS are only authorised to code a regular UCP for a VIM customer receiving ABSTUDY (with a Living Allowance or PES component) whose payments are 100% income managed.

All other requests for regular UCPs must be forwarded to the Income Management helpdesk via webform for final approval. If required, the request will be referred to the Department of Social Services (DSS). The measure under which the customer is income managed will determine who is responsible for escalating the request to the helpdesk.

VIM customers receiving ABSTUDY (with a Living Allowance or PES component that is 100% Income Managed:

Phone contact: Typically done by Smart Centre staff. Staff may complete this step if trained. Income Management TPS actioning a regular UCP request for an ABSTUDY customer, go to Step 4

CPIM and SPaR customers:

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, all service delivery staff may complete this step if they are trained.IMCOs will contact the relevant State or Territory Child Protection Authority or approved referring authority to discuss the customer's request.

Does the referring authority support the customer's request for a regular Unrestricted Cash Payment?

  • Yes, refer the request via the Income Management helpdesk webform (the Resources page contains a link to the Income Management helpdesk webform) for final approval. Procedure ends here
  • No, attempt to contact the customer to advise the outcome of the decision and their right to request Reviews of Income Management decisions. Clearly DOC the reason the request was declined, including any attempts to contact the customer. Procedure ends here


Phone contact: Typically done by Smart Centre staff. Staff may complete this step if trained. Technical Peer Support will refer the request to the Income Management helpdesk via webform for final approval. The Resources page contains a link to the Income Management helpdesk webform. Important: TPS are not authorised to approve and code regular UCPs (except those for ABSTUDY customers). Procedure ends here.

Level 2 Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, all service delivery staff may complete this step if they are trained.

Has Income Management helpdesk approval been granted for the regular UCP?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, attempt to contact the customer to advise the outcome of the decision and their right to request Reviews of Income Management decisions. Clearly DOC the reason the request was declined, including any attempts to contact the customer. Procedure ends here


Code one-off UCP + Read more ...

Authorised staff with appropriate access to code one-off UCPs include:

  • Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO),
  • the Income Management helpdesk,
  • authorised Service Officers with appropriate access, or
  • Income Management TPS

Income Management TPS are only authorised to code a one-off UCP for:

  • FTB Reco, and
  • Income Support payment arrears

To code the one-off UCP request, access Customer First.

In Customer First:

  • From the Income Management menu, select Manage Expenses then Expense Management Summary screen will show
  • Scroll down to New Expenses at the bottom of the page, from the Please select the expense you wish to add: dropdown list, select 'add one-off Unrestricted Cash Payment'
  • Select Start
  • The Payment Expense Management Details screen shows. Complete the Expense Inputs screen:
    • Expense Category: select the most appropriate option the customer will be purchasing with funds from the drop down menu
    • Amount: enter amount to be paid; select Continue
  • In the notes field, add notes of why the UCP is being coded and by whom it was approved. Select Save & Exit
  • Select Continue
  • On the Expense Management screen, check the payment is showing under the One-off Expenses twisty (TPO Name will show as 'One-off Unrestricted Cash Payment to Customer')
  • Select Finalise
  • Select Continue
  • Annotate the Customer requests UCP Fast Note with the action taken

Go to Step 5.


Set up regular UCP + Read more ...

Authorised staff with appropriate access to set up regular UCPs include:

  • Income Management TPS (ABSTUDY VIM ONLY),
  • Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO),
  • the Income Management helpdesk, or
  • authorised Service Officers with appropriate access

To set up the regular UCP, access Customer First:

  • Search in Workspace Expense Management Summary
  • Scroll down to New Expenses at the bottom of the page, from the Please select the expense you wish to add: dropdown list, select 'add regular customer reimbursement'
  • Select Start
  • The Payment Expense Management Details screen shows. Complete the Expense Inputs screen:
    • Amount: enter amount to be paid
    • Start Date: this will default to the customer's next EPED or EPED +1 depending on the customer's payment type. Income Management holiday processing coding is to apply where the default date is incorrect due to holiday processing
    • End Date: Leave blank unless the customer nominates a specific end date
  • Select Continue
  • On the Expense Management screen, check the payment is showing under the Regular expenses twisty (TPO Name will show as 'Customer')
  • Select Finalise
  • Annotate the Customer requests UCP Fast Note with the action taken

Go to Step 5.


Finalise activity + Read more ...

Check the Income Management Summary screen for any outstanding Work Items and take appropriate action. For more details, see Income Management and BasicsCard Work Items.

Finalise the activity on the Income Management Summary page.

Is the customer in hardship and requires immediate access to funds being issued via a one-off Unrestricted Cash Payment?


Immediate payment of one-off UCP via New Payments Platform (NPP), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) or Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card + Read more ...

If a customer is in hardship and urgently requires access to their one-off UCP, funds can be issued via NPP or EBT card.

Issuing an Income Management immediate payment via NPP, RTGS or EBT requires all requests to be sent to the Income Management helpdesk via webform. See the Resources page for a link to the Income Management helpdesk webform.

Note: if the request for payment via RTGS or EBT is outside Income Management helpdesk hours, an Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO), State Income Management Coordinator (SIMCo) or authorised Service Officer in the Income Management Payment and Contact Team (IMPACT) can process the request.

When the webform or DOC has been finalised, contact the Income Management helpdesk, IMCO, SIMCo or IMPACT to advise of the immediate payment request.

Is the immediate payment being issued via EBT card?


Issuing the immediate payment via NPP, RTGS or EBT card + Read more ...

Income Management helpdesk staff, IMCO, SIMCo or IMPACT Service Officer with the appropriate access will code the immediate payment as follows:

On the Payment Summary (PS) screen:

  • Select the GPY payment to be issued via NPP, RTGS or EBT Card by typing 'R' next to the payment line
  • Press [Enter]

On the Issue Payment Select (IPPRE) screen:

  • The system will automatically 'S'elect Immediate/Arrears Payment for 'type of issue' and Default Destination (direct Credit/system Cheque) for 'destination type'
  • Update the destination type field to New Payments Platform (NPP), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) or EBT as appropriate
  • Press [Enter]

On the Issue Future Payment (IFP) screen, complete the following fields:

  • Issue Amt: the amount of the payment to be delivered (this may or may not be the full amount of the UCP)
  • Reason: 'URG'
  • Finished (Y/Q/N): key 'Y'
  • If reissuing the funds via EBT, include:
    • EBT Card Num: enter the EBT card number as provided by the Service Centre
    • EBT Card Issue Date: date of issue
  • Notes: the reason for issue
  • Source: and DOR: fields
  • Press [Enter] to complete the activity
  • Record details of immediate payment on a DOC

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png When coding has been completed and where payment has been issued via an EBT card, staff in a service centre must make sure the card is activated and all usual processes completed before giving the card and Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the customer. For more details, see Immediate payment by payment method Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card.

Procedure ends here.


Cancelling a UCP + Read more ...

A customer may request a UCP to be cancelled if they no longer need the funds for discretionary purposes, or need the funds to be directed elsewhere (for example, to their BasicsCard or to a Third Party Organisation).

  • On the Expense Management screen, select the UCP to be cancelled. A regular UCP will show under the Regular Expenses twistie (TPO name will show as 'Customer'), and a one off UCP will show under the One Off Expenses twisty (TPO name will show as 'One OFF Unrestricted Cash Payment to Customer')
  • Select Cease, then Finalise
  • Select Continue
  • Check the Income Management Summary screen for any outstanding Work Items and take appropriate action. See Work Items and messages for Income Management for more details
  • Finalise the activity on the Income Management Summary page
  • Record the reason the UCP was cancelled in a DOC

Note: One-off UCPs paid via New Payments Platform (NPP), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) or Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) are unable to be cancelled.