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BasicsCard reported as lost, stolen, damaged or found 103-01230040

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

This document outlines the action required when a customer/payment nominee reports a lost, stolen or damaged BasicsCard or a third party reports they have found a BasicsCard.

On this page:

Process for customer reporting lost, stolen or damaged BasicsCard

BasicsCard found by a third party

Using BasicsCard Alternative Interface and Contingency Support System

Process for customer reporting lost, stolen or damaged BasicsCard

Table 1:




Customer/payment nominee (authorised card holder) contacts to advise their BasicsCard was lost, stolen or damaged + Read more ...


Confirm the customer's identification before proceeding with interview + Read more ...

For assistance, see Authenticating a Centrelink customer. Note: there is no requirement to sight or photocopy customer identity documentation.

Go to the Nominee Link Summary (NOLS) screen to see if the customer has, or is, a payment nominee (NOP). If there is a NOP arrangement in place, check the payment nominee’s identity.

If an income managed customer has a payment nominee, the BasicsCard may have been issued to the payment nominee on behalf of the customer. This can be viewed on the BasicsCard Summary screen.


Balance or transaction summary requested + Read more ...

Has the customer/payment nominee queried whether the BasicsCard was used during the period from when it was lost, to when it was reported lost?


Transaction Summary + Read more ...

Access the customer's Transaction Summary screen to provide information to the customer. To access this screen go to Customer First > Workspace > Income Management > BasicsCard > Transaction Summary.

The time displayed on the Transaction Summary page will be the Eastern Standard Time. This may not necessarily be the customer's time zone.

The transaction summary can be printed.

Note: the transaction summary can only print details of transactions from the date the last transaction summary was printed. For assistance, see Check your balance.


Issue replacement card + Read more ...

Would the customer like a replacement card issued?


Suspend the lost, damaged or stolen BasicsCard + Read more ...

In Customer First > Workspace, use the left hand side menu and select the following options, Income Management > BasicsCard > Change BasicsCard status.

From the Change BasicsCard Status page:

  • Authenticate the customer
  • Select Change required from drop down box
  • Select the Continue button
  • Check BasicsCard status action to correct
  • Reason for suspension - select reason from drop down box
  • Workflow will navigate to Auto DOC which needs to be updated and completed for the activity to finalise. Include full details on the DOC:
    • That the card was suspended
    • Reason it was suspended, and
    • If the customer/payment nominee suspects that the BasicsCard has been used by another party, the Service Officer should also include this information on the DOC
    • Ensure the reasons the BasicsCard was suspended, who contacted, time/date of suspension, receipt number and any other valid information are included
  • Review current expenses and allocations to the BasicsCard. For assistance, see Determining a person's priority needs for Income Management
  • The funds of customers with a Residual Payment Method will continue to automatically transfer to the BasicsCard. Therefore, the allocation method may need updating from Residual Payment method to Partial Payment method. For assistance, see BasicsCard changing daily spend, maximum card balance and allocation method

Funds may also need to be recalled from the BasicsCard to the customer's Income Management account. For assistance, see Recall of funds from a BasicsCard to a customer's Income Management account.

Procedure ends here.

BasicsCard found by a third party

Table 2: This table details the action required when a third party reports they have found a BasicsCard.




Third party contacts Services Australia to report they have found a BasicsCard + Read more ...

Note: no details about the customer are to be provided to the third party.

Face-to-face contact: Typically done by service centre staff. Typically done by service centre staff.If face-to-face, the Service Officer is to request the BasicsCard from the third party.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngIf contact is via Smart Centre Call, request BasicsCard number.


Conduct search on the Reference Number Search Page + Read more ...

In Customer First go to the Reference Number Search Facility (RNS) screen. If Customer First is unavailable the same search can be actioned in Customer Record.

For BasicsCard Search, enter the following:

  • Customer ID: Either swipe the BasicsCard, or enter the BasicsCard number manually
  • Client Department: ‘IND
  • ID Type: 'BCN'
  • Search National Index: 'Y'
  • Next Screen: 'PED'
  • Select Continue, [Enter]

If Customer First and Customer Record are unavailable, go to Table 3 to action using the BasicsCard Alternative Interface or Contingency Support System.



Searching National Index Records + Read more ...

Has the message '1018ZZ - No National Index records found meeting the search criteria' been presented?

  • Yes, the BasicsCard has already been cancelled and another reissued to the customer. Destroy the card. If contact is via a Smart Centre Call, request the third party to destroy the card. Procedure ends here
  • No, select the displayed customer's record. This will open the customer's record. Go to Step 4


Code the Suspend/Reactivate card page + Read more ...

In Customer First:

  • Go to the Income Management/BasicsCard menu and select Change BasicsCard Status
  • BasicsCard status action: field, select Suspend option from the drop down menu
  • Select the relevant Reason for Suspension option
  • Select Finalise. User message will be displayed, 'BasicsCard suspended. Current balance $......'. This signifies the activity has been completed. Service Officer can navigate off this page
  • Destroy the card. If contact is via Smart Centre Call, request the third party destroy the card

In Customer Record:

  • 's'elect Suspend/Reactivate Card from the BasicsCard task selector (BCTS) screen or type 'BCSR' in the Nxt field
  • Action: SUS (Suspend)
  • Suspend Reason: use the appropriate code, LST (Lost), STL (Stolen) or OTH (Other)
  • Destroy the card. If contact is via Smart Centre Call, ask the third party to destroy the card


Record details on a DOC + Read more ...

An auto DOC will be generated in the workflow for the Service Officer to add or delete information as required.

Include the following details on the DOC:

  • Details of third party who found card
  • Time, date and place card found
  • The card was suspended
  • Reason card was suspended


Create Display on Access (DOA) DOC + Read more ...

Create a Display on Access DOC advising the BasicsCard has been found by a third party, the BasicsCard has been suspended and the card has been destroyed.

This will prompt the Service Officer during the next customer contact to review regular expenses and explain options for the customer to be issued a replacement BasicsCard.

Remote customers may not have immediate access to a replacement BasicsCard. They may require an alternative payment method to meet their priority needs, for example an IM expense to a third party.

Procedure ends here.

Using BasicsCard Alternative Interface and Contingency Support System

Table 3: This table should only be used when Customer First and Customer Record are not available. This can be followed when a customer reports a BasicsCard as lost, damaged or stolen or a third party reports they have found a BasicsCard.




To access the BasicsCard Alternative Interface + Read more ...

  • Open an Internet Browser session
  • Access the interface's web entry page. See the Resources page for a link. Note: this can be added to 'Favourites' for future use
  • To access this system, the Service Officer must enter their assigned: 'username' and 'password', then select Log in
  • Usernames are the user's full Services Australia email address, (for example, in lower case
  • If the password is forgotten, select the forgotten password? link on the User Login screen. The email address will be the user's full Services Australia email address, (for example, in lower case

If there are any issues accessing this facility, email the BasicsCard and TPO Services Team. See the Resources page for a link to contact details.

Is the BasicsCard Alternative Interface available?


The BasicsCard Alternative Interface is an external website maintained by the BasicsCard Transaction Provider + Read more ...

The Alternative Interface provides BasicsCard:

  • balance
  • status
  • transaction history
  • status updates, and
  • can be accessed to suspend, activate (reactivate previously suspended cards) and unblock BasicsCards

The BasicsCard number must be known to use this interface

Generally, the BasicsCard Alternative Interface would only be used when the Centrelink system and the National Index are not available, as the interface does not contain any customer information. It cannot be used to locate a customer's record or to verify a customer's identity. Access and use of this facility is intended for Service Officers in the 24/7 Income Management Line or Level 1 and 2 Helpdesks.

Note: the interface must be used in conjunction with Income Management Business Continuity Procedures to authenticate customers.


Account or Card Search page + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.png

  • From the Account or Card Search page:
  • Select the Search by Card No and enter the 16 Digit BasicsCard Number, press Search
  • The Transaction History page will display the card balance, transactions and status
  • To update card status select the Card Status button. This will navigate to the Card Status page


Card Status page + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.png

  • Enter the Office Code
  • In the New Card Status box select the action required Suspend
  • Enter the Reason Code from the drop down box. Select Save which will update the card status
  • Navigate back to the Transaction History page. This will now show the card status as 'Restricted (No Withdrawals)'

Manually record the details to be updated on the customer's record when the Centrelink system is available, as there is no functionality to DOC customer records in the BasicsCard Alternative Interface.


BasicsCard Contingency Support System (BCSS) + Read more ...

The BasicsCard Contingency Support system allows access to limited functions for BasicsCard when the Centrelink system, National Index and BasicsCard Alternative Interfaces are not operational.

The BasicsCard Contingency Support System will allow the following functions:

  • display current BasicsCard status
  • obtain BasicsCard balance
  • obtain Income Management account balance
  • suspend, reactivate or unblock a BasicsCard
  • change/reset a BasicsCard Personal Identification Number (PIN)

The BasicsCard Contingency Support System will automatically update details of any transactions completed when systems are restored.

To access the contingency system, use the link in Resources to the login page for the BasicsCard Contingency Support System. Note: add this address to 'Favourites' for future use.

Instructions on how to use the BCSS can be found on the BasicsCard Intranet page. See Resources for the link.

Manually record the details to be updated on the customer's record when the Centrelink system is available, as there is no functionality to DOC customer records in the BasicsCard Alternative Interface.