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Reissuing a rejected payment 103-04040090

This document outlines how rejected payments are identified and how the different types of rejected payments can be reissued.

On this page:

Payment has been rejected

Reissuing rejected payments

Payment has been rejected

Table 1: This table describes the procedure to reissue Group Payments and payments to those customers with reporting requirements.




Rejected payment + Read more ...

While the payment will show as 'RTN' on the Payment Summary (PS) screen, the associated MFU/DOC will identify whether the payment has been rejected or returned.

When a payment is rejected and not issued to the customer, a MFU (Manual Follow up) and a DOC will be placed on the customer's record to advise that action must be undertaken.

The MFU must be finalised and the DOC completed once the payment has been issued to the customer.

Examples of MFUs and DOC text are available on the Resources page as a guide only.

Note: this file does not cover rejected Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) or New Payments Platform (NPP) payments. To action these, see:


Reissuing payments + Read more ...

Note: where the term ‘customer’ is used, the following steps also apply if a request is received from a nominee.

Select the below options.

For ABSTUDY and AIC payments + Read more ...

  • ABSTUDY and AIC payments can be made to either customers or Third Parties (for example, applicants, educational institutions, secondary boarding schools or hostels)
  • Payment destination details are not always coded on the Payment Destination Summary (PAS) screen
  • Unless skilled in the relevant payment type, transfer customer to the relevant team for investigation:
    • For rejected ABSTUDY payments, recorded in an open Fast Note – select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY Action request
    • For rejected AIC payments, recorded in an open Fast Note – select Auto Text, use Students, ABSTUDY and Apprentices > AIC > AIC rejected/returned payment
  • Procedure ends here

For all other payments + Read more ...

Before reissuing the payment:

  • Make sure the payment destination is correct. If it is not correct, update the details first. For more details, see Changing payment destination
  • Review the record to ensure the customer is entitled to the payment. If the customer is not entitled to the payment, the payment must be blocked to prevent it being reissued. See Table 2, Step 8

If satisfied the entitlement is confirmed, and the payment destination is correct, and the rejected payment is:

If the payment still rejects after required action is completed, discuss with Local Peer Support (LPS). Service Officers (SO) may need to refer to a Service Support Officer (SSO) for escalation to the Centrelink Payment Support Team (CPST) via a mySupport webform.


Reissue the rejected Group Payment + Read more ...

In the customer's record:

  • Check the Entitlement Delivery (RAD) screen to ensure:
    • Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) Code is B
    • PEN Delivery Date is D

Note: if the customer's EPED is not already Code B, use the Change Entitlement Period workflow to change the customer's future EPED to Code B.

If the workflow is unavailable, code the new payday code on the RAD screen:

  • In the relevant system, enter RAD in the Next: field
  • Enter the payday code B in the Entitlement Period End Day Code: field
  • Code the Delivery Day Change Reason: field with the reason CUS (Customer Request)
  • Manually record details on a DOC

Payment will not be delivered until the next regular Thursday payday (Delivery day D).


Is the rejected payment a family assistance payment? + Read more ...

Reissuing rejected payments

Table 2: This table describes the procedure to reissue rejected payments to customers and PPL customers where the PPL delivery is by the customer's employer.

Portions of this process can only be completed by the Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT).




Family assistance customer + Read more ...

Before reissuing the rejected family assistance payments, check the Payment Details (PD) screen to ensure both Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A and Part B components have been rejected.

  • If the entire payment has been rejected 'This payment has been rejected on ...' will show
  • If only part of the payment has been rejected the message will specify an amount returned. For example, $180.00 has been rejected on 28 May 2011

Have both family assistance components been rejected?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No,
    • in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
      Service Reason: FTB
      Review Reason: OTH (Other)
      Due Date: 3 working days from today's date
      Source: INT
      Date of Receipt: today's date
      Notes: 'Check if family assistance payments have been rejected. Return to OB 103-04040090 for action.'
      Keywords: REJPYMT
      Workgroup: leave blank
      Position: leave blank
      Transfer to Region: leave blank
    • The review will mature on the Due Date code in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action
    • Procedure ends here until manual review elapses in 3 days, then go to Step 2


Check record after manual review has elapsed + Read more ...

Have both payments rejected in full?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, try to reissue the rejected amount (as per Step 4). If the system prevents this or, the amount allowed to be reissued by the system looks incorrect, discuss with LPS or SSO for escalation to the Centrelink Payment Support Team (CPST) via a mySupport webform


Confirm customer's entitlement to the payment + Read more ...

  • If payment is correct and can be reissued, go to Step 4
  • If the system will not allow the payment to be reissued, discuss with LPS or SSO for escalation to the Centrelink Payment Support Team via a mySupport webform
  • If the customer is not entitled to the payment, the payment must be blocked to prevent it being reissued, go to Step 8
  • If the customer is entitled to part of the payment, then the amount the customer is eligible for must be reissued via the Payment Adjustment (PYAJ) screen. See Using the Payment Adjustment (PYAJ) screen

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngSmart centre telephony staff are to follow normal escalation processes for referral to Service Support Officer (SSO). See Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency.

If the payment cannot be reissued, record the details in a closed DOC. Procedure ends here.


How to reissue the payment + Read more ...

Before attempting to reissue the payment, make sure the correct payment system is selected (for example, Age Pension payments can only be reissued in the PEN system).

For payments in the ISS system, the correct subsystem must also be selected. For details on how to access the ISS subsystem, see Customer First navigation, common screens and functions.

  • Go to the PS screen
  • Select the payment that has rejected by placing an 'R' in the selection field next to the payment and select [Enter], the Issue Payment Select (IPPRE) screen will show
  • The system will automatically ‘S’elect the 'Re-deliver Rejected Payment' field and the Destination type will automatically default to 'Direct Credit'
  • Select [Enter] and the Re-deliver Rejected Payment (RDRP) screen will show

On the Re-deliver Returned Payment (RDRP) screen code the following:

  • If reissuing multiple payments/components, use Next and Back to locate the page that has the Reissue All field. This field may not appear for all payments being reissued
  • Key 'Y' in the Reissue All (Y/N): field if reissuing all rejected
    Note: when reissuing family assistance payments that have not been received, choose either Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A or Part B or both by selecting 'reissue all' and answer 'Y'
  • Reason: 'RTN'
  • A short description as to why the payment was rejected and is now being reissued is to be entered in the Notes: field
  • Record how the customer made contact in the Source field, and the date of the contact in the Date of Receipt (DOR): field and select [Enter]
  • The Finished (Y/Q/N) field will show, answer ‘Y’ then [Enter] to complete the activity

Note: if the payment amount is too large (System arrears limits) to issue in one payment, the system will automatically break into 2 or more payments. These will issue on consecutive days.

Do not attempt to reissue large payments via the PYAJ screen.

Once the payment has been issued to the customer, finalise the MFU and complete the DOC.

Note: a 'Returned Payment' DOC is available via Fast Note.

If a manual advice (Q999) is also required, this activity must be completed once the letter is issued. See Creating an Online Advice (OLA), including within an existing activity for more details on creating a letter.

Procedure ends here.


Reissue rejected payment for overseas family assistance customers + Read more ...

  • If a former family assistance customer is entitled to arrears (for example, from family assistance reconciliation) but has moved overseas and closed their Australian bank account these payments will reject
  • Centrelink International Services (CIS) staff can issue a one-off payment to an overseas address
  • A one-off payment can also be used to issue payments to overseas estates and for certain other payments if no alternative option is available. See Delivery of payments to Centrelink customers outside Australia

Is there an overseas address recorded or can it be obtained by contacting the customer overseas or a nominee?


Re-issue Parental Leave Pay (PPL) payments if the PPL delivery is via the customer's employer + Read more ...

For Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) staff only.

Check or update employer's payment destination details if required.

To re-issue a returned payment to a PPL employer:

  • Go to Organisations and Merchants in the employer record (PPE CRN)
  • Select Employer Payments
  • Select Employer payment search
  • The 'PPL Employer Payment Search' page will show
  • 'Delivery Date' will default to last 6 weeks and Environment 'N' (which is all environments). Change these details or select [Continue]
  • Tick the check box beside the 'Delivery Date' of the payment line that was returned
  • Select Reissue Returned Payments from the dropdown menu and select [Submit]
  • Complete the activity
  • Create a DOC on both the employer and employee/s record
  • Procedure ends here


Rejected payments to third parties and income managed customers + Read more ...

Payments to third parties such as ABSTUDY boarding payments to schools, or arrears for Income Management customers may reject when the arrears payable is higher than the system limit.

Note: this step does not apply to payments to income managed customers' discretionary bank account. For payments made directly to Income Management customers, go to Step 4.

  • Go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen
  • Check the amount is correct
  • 'S'elect the payment that has rejected and select [Enter] and then select [Enter] again
  • On the Third Party Payment Details (PDD) screen, place an 'R' against the line to be reissued
  • Complete the Reissue All (Y/N) field by placing a 'Y' in the input field, complete the Notes field
  • If the Reissue All field is not visible, select [F8] to go to the next page
  • Ensure Source type and Date of Receipt (DOR) fields are complete and select [Enter]
  • If the payment is over $10,000 the system will split the amount to prevent it rejecting again


No entitlement to payment + Read more ...

DOC record

Create a detailed DOC on the customer's record explaining why the payment is not to be reissued.

Note: this is mandatory, as it is required for audit purposes. The Centrelink Payment Support Team (CPST) are not able to action any request until the DOC has been completed.

The DOC must include the following details:

  • Title: Block payment – not entitled to reissue
  • payment type/delivery date/payment amount
  • the reason the payment is not to be reissued
    Note: recording 'customer not entitled' is not sufficient. The DOC must fully explain why the customer is not entitled

If the payment is FTB/CCS, the payment must be excluded from the reconciliation result. See Returned payments and their effect on family assistance reconciliation.

Escalate to CPST

Once the DOC has been completed, escalate to Centrelink Payment Support Team (CPST) via mySupport.

The Resources page contains a link to mySupport.

  • For Child Care Subsidy (CCS):
    • Use the ‘Child Care Subsidy and Additional Child Care Subsidy Issues’ form
    • Enter ‘BLOCK PAYMENT’ under the title and 'What function is being attempted when the issue occurred?’ fields
  • For Farm Household Allowance (FHA):
    • Use the ‘Farm Household Allowance (FHA) Issues’ form
    • Select 'Block Payment' option under 'What is the issue?'
  • For Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS):
    • Use the ‘Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) Issues’ form
    • Select ‘Block Payment’ option under ‘What is the issue being reported?’
  • For all other payment types:
    • Use the ‘Stop Customer Payment’ ICT form

Note: blocking payments and stopping payments are different processes. Ensure all references in the DOC and mySupport correctly reference blocking the payment.

Annotate the DOC to include the relevant Service Desk (SD) number.

Procedure ends here.