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Ceasing Australian Taxation Office (ATO) tax deductions 103-08030020

This page contains information on ceasing Australian Taxation Office (ATO) tax deductions.

Ceasing tax deductions

This table describes how to cease tax deductions from Centrelink payments.




Ceasing tax deductions + Read more ...

If the customer wishes to cease tax deductions from:


Cease tax deductions from income support payments + Read more ...

Action the cancellation request on the customer's record.

  • Go to the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen.
  • Select the tax deduction line to go to the Tax Instruction (PITX) screen.


PITX screen + Read more ...

Note: The system that the PITX instruction has been made against must be selected before coding can be actioned.

  • Code '0' (zero) in the Requested Deduction P.F. $: or P.F. % field.
  • Enter the date of effect in the Effect Date: field.
  • Code the Source: field with a valid code:
    • PHO if advised over the phone
    • COS if advised over the counter
    • LET if advised by letter
  • Code the DOR: field.
  • Press [Enter].
  • Type 'Y' in the Confirm: field, press [Enter]. The PINS screen is displayed.
  • Type 'Y' in the Finished: field, press [Enter].


Record details on a DOC + Read more ...

Record the details on a DOC, including the following:

  • Australian Taxation Office (ATO) tax deduction has ceased
  • the date of effect
  • the source of the request