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Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Disability Support Pension (DSP) 008-03130040

This document explains how to record payment cancellation, suspension or rejection information on a customer's record for Disability Support Pension (DSP).

Use of codes in the Centrelink system

Codes are used in the system when a decision is recorded to cancel or suspend payment or to reject a claim. A description of the code is used in correspondence with customers.

Some of these actions occur automatically due to an update made to the customer's circumstances on the computer system (for example, income or asset details). Others are manually coded.

Suspending a customer's payment manually

Staff must follow the appropriate process/es when suspending a customer's payment manually. This includes issuing the correct request or notice to customers. For example, a request for information must clearly detail:

  • the payment type that the request relates to
  • what information the customer needs to provide
  • the type of action the customer must take
  • when the information should be provided or when action should be taken (noting that the timeframe for this must be reasonable)
  • what happens if the information is not provided or the required action is not taken in the specified timeframe, and
  • the section of the relevant Act under which the request has been made
  • only code manual suspension/s once the timeframe of the request or notice has lapsed. The customer must be contacted to tell them that an unfavourable decision is about to be made. The following steps must be completed immediately following a manual process:
    • Issue a manual advice if an advice has not automatically issued. The advice must clearly state the payment type, the date of effect, the relevant section of the Act and the reason their payment was suspended. The advice must also include the customer's review and appeal rights
    • Record a DOC or note on the customer's record, making sure that it meets GIR DOC Minimum Standards for significant decisions and including what action the customer must take before the payment can be restored

Impairment Table changes from 1 April 2023

From 1 April 2023, a new version of Impairment Tables was introduced. The new Tables are used to assess a customer's medical eligibility for all DSP claims lodged on or after this date. See The Impairment Tables.

The Resources page has a summary list of Return to Work codes for DSP and a summary list of codes for DSP Participation Requirements.

Cancellation of Disability Support Pension (DSP)

Suspension of Disability Support Pension (DSP)

Restoration of Disability Support Pension (DSP)

Commencing or returning to work or self-employment Disability Support Pension (DSP)

Customer ceases work or reduces hours of employment within the two year suspension period for Disability Support Pension (DSP)

Recording reasons for decisions