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Recovery of debts pending a reassessment, explanation or review of decision 109-04020000

This document outlines the option to pause recovery of a debt for customers who request a reassessment, explanation, or apply for a review of their debt.

On this page:

Customer first contacts to discuss a debt decision

Process for Debt Staff

Formal review process – pause recovery of debt or request restart of debt recovery after review

Process for Debt Staff - restart recovery

Customer first contacts to discuss a debt decision

Table 1




Check Debt Status + Read more ...

  • In Process Direct – go to DEBTDTL in Super Key
  • In Customer First/Customer Record – go to OPDL screen

Does the customer’s debt have a status of D-Determined?


Check if a reassessment, explanation or review of the debt decision has been completed + Read more ...

To check for a previous reassessment, explanation or review of the decision:

  • check the DOCs on the Document List (DL) screen
  • in Customer Record –go to the Appeals (APL) system and check for a record
  • in Process Direct – go to APPEALS in Super Key

If the customer wants a reassessment after providing new information, or if there is no explanation or review recorded on the APL system, go to Step 3.

If there is an explanation or review recorded on the APL system, has it been completed?


Discuss the reason for the debt + Read more ...

To identify who raised the debt use Customer First/Customer Record:

  • go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen
  • Select S to select the debt
  • go to the Account Payable (OPAOD) screen

Check the DL screen for more information.

For employment income confirmation (EIC) and check and update past income (CUPI) online compliance intervention debts

If the customer contacts about their EIC/CUPI debt/s:

Procedure ends here.

For all other debts, excluding Child Support Program and Medicare Program

Is the customer satisfied with the debt explanation at first contact?


Customer satisfied with the debt explanation + Read more ...

If the customer is satisfied with the debt explanation at first contact:

  • Customer Service Delivery Group (CSDG) staff only:
  • non-CSDG staff:
    • record details of the discussion in a DOC
    • Procedure ends here


Customer not satisfied with the debt explanation + Read more ...

If the customer not satisfied with the debt explanation at first contact, tell the customer their review and appeal rights.

If the customer:


Discuss pausing recovery on the debt + Read more ...

Ask the customer if they would like a pause applied to the recovery of the debt until the completion of the reassessment, explanation or review.

Would they like the agency to pause recovery on their debt?


Customer has been issued a formal account payable + Read more ...

Give the following important information to the customer before recording the pause:

For current customers

If a current customer accepts the pause, tell them:

  • recovery will be paused for 6 months. Note: tell the customer if their reassessment, explanation or review is not completed by this time and they want the pause extended, they need to contact to request an extension
  • if a debt still exists, recovery will restart from the earlier of:
    • the end of the 6 month pause, or
    • when the reassessment, explanation or review process is completed
  • automatic withholdings will restart from their next full fortnightly payment. They can renegotiate this based on their financial circumstances
  • they will get a refund of any money already paid if:
    • the outcome of the reassessment, explanation or review is to set aside the debt, and
    • they have no other outstanding debts
  • they will not be eligible for an advance payment while recovery of the debt is paused
  • debts display as 'recovery on hold' in Money You Owe online service or Express Plus Mobile App while recovery paused
  • when a review is finalised, notification of the outcome will be given in writing

For non-current customers

If a non-current customer accepts the pause, advise them:

  • recovery will be paused for 6 months. Note: tell the customer if their reassessment, explanation or review is not completed by this time and they want the pause extended, they need to contact to request an extension
  • if a debt still exists, recovery will restart from the earlier of:
    • the end of the 6 month pause period, or
    • when the reassessment, explanation, or review process is completed
  • if a debt still exists and there is no payment arrangement in place, further recovery action will restart immediately once the reassessment, explanation or review is completed
  • they will get a refund of any money already paid if:
    • the outcome of the reassessment, explanation or review is to set aside the debt
    • there is no money owing, and
    • they have no other outstanding debts
  • debts display as 'recovery on hold' in Money You Owe online service or Express Plus Mobile App while recovery is paused
  • when a review is finalised, notification of the outcome will be given in writing

Go to Step 8.


DOC – accepted offer + Read more ...

Use the Accepted offer to pause debt recovery Fast Note:

  • use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Debts > Updates > Pause Debt Recovery
  • select confirm
  • record the debt ID/s
  • record relevant information as required

The Fast Note will create a document with standard text and auto refer to NS7 with the required keywords. The DOC should remain open. Note: this includes debts raised in Process Direct.


DOC – declined offer + Read more ...

  • Record a DOC that the customer has declined offer to pause recovery
  • If there is more than one debt, record a DOC for each decision.

Use example DOC text:

  • Summary: Debt recovery pause offered – declined
  • Text: The customer declined the offer for the pause on the recovery of their debt
  • Debt ID:

Procedure ends here.


Amount owing after completion of the reassessment, explanation or review + Read more ...

If there is still an amount owing after completion of the reassessment, explanation or review:

  • for Debt Staff, see Table 4
  • for non-Debt Staff, create a Restart Debt Recovery Fast Note:
    • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debts > Updates > Restart Debt Recovery
    • select confirm
    • record the debt ID/s
    • record other relevant information
    • the Fast Note will create a document with standard text and auto refer to NS7 with the required keywords

If there is no amount owing after completion of the reassessment, explanation or review, procedure ends here.

Process for Debt Staff

Table 2: Process for when a customer contacts to discuss a debt decision.




Check Debt List (OPDL) screen + Read more ...

Does the customer’s debt have a status of D-Determined?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, and the debt status is:
    • fully recovered (FRE), see Initial contact about a decision and the review of decision process for the customer's internal review options. Procedure ends here
    • determined - pending recovery action, check if a temporary write off (Outcome of Review/Appeal ORA) has already been applied due to a reassessment, explanation or review of decision. Offer the customer an extension of the temporary pause on recovery if the reassessment, explanation or review is in progress


Check if a reassessment, explanation or review of the debt decision has been completed + Read more ...

To check for a previous reassessment, explanation or review of the decision:

  • check the DOCs on the Document List (DL) screen
  • go to the Appeals (APL) system and check for a record

If the customer wants a reassessment after providing new information, or if there is no explanation or review recorded on the APL system, go to Step 3.

If there is an explanation or review recorded on the APL system, has it been completed?


Discuss the reason for the debt + Read more ...

To identify who raised the debt:

  • go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen
  • Select S to select the debt
  • go to the Account Payable (OPAOD) screen

Check the DL screen for more information.

If customer contact is required for employment income confirmation (EIC) and check and update past income (CUPI) online compliance intervention debts:

All debts, excluding Child Support and Medicare

Is the customer satisfied with the debt explanation at first contact?

  • Yes, record the details on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No: go to Step 4


Customer not satisfied with the debt explanation + Read more ...

If the customer not satisfied with the debt explanation at first contact, tell the customer their review and appeal rights.

If the customer:


Discuss pausing recovery on the debt + Read more ...

Ask if the customer would like a pause applied to the recovery of their debt until the completion of the reassessment, explanation or review.

Would they like the agency to pause recovery on their debt?


Customer has been issued a formal account payable + Read more ...

Give the following important information to the customer before recording the pause:

For current customers

If a current customer accepts the pause, tell them:

  • Recovery will be paused for 6 months. Note: tell the customer if their reassessment, explanation or review is not completed by this time and they want the pause extended, they will need to contact to request an extension
  • If a debt still exists, recovery will restart from the earlier of:
    • the end of the 6 month period, or
    • when the reassessment, explanation or review process is completed
  • Automatic withholdings will restart from their next full fortnightly payment. They can renegotiate this based on their financial circumstances
  • Refund the customer any money they have already paid if:
    • the outcome of the reassessment, explanation or review is to set aside the decision, and
    • they have no other outstanding debts
  • They will not be eligible for an advance payment while recovery of the debt is paused
  • Debts display as 'recovery on hold' in Money You Owe online service or Express Plus Mobile App while recovery paused
  • When a review is finalised, notification of the outcome will be given in writing

For non-current customers

If a non-current customer accepts the pause, tell them:

  • Recovery is paused for 6 months. Note: tell the customer if their reassessment, explanation or review is not completed by this time and they want the pause extended, they need to contact to request an extension
  • If a debt still exists recovery will restart from the earlier of:
    • the end of the 6 month pause period, or
    • when the reassessment, explanation, or review process is completed
  • If a debt still exists and there is no payment arrangement in place:
    • further recovery action will restart immediately once the reassessment, explanation or review is completed
  • They will get a refund of any money already paid if:
    • the outcome of the reassessment, explanation or review is to set aside the debt
    • there is no money owing, and
    • they have no other outstanding debts
  • Debts display as 'recovery on hold' in Money You Owe online service or Express Plus Mobile App while recovery is paused
  • When a review is finalised, notification of the outcome will be given in writing

Go to Step 7.


Check the Arrangement List (OPAL) screen + Read more ...

Does the customer have a payment arrangement that is Pending (PND), Future (FUT), Current (CUR), or Broken (BKN)?


Further checks on the Arrangement List (OPAL) screen + Read more ...

If the customer has:

  • a garnishee notice in place
    • do not cease the garnishee or apply a pause of recovery to the debt
    • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debt Recovery > Debt Recovery Referrals > Garnishee Customer Service/Appeal. This will allocate to a suitably skilled staff member. Include details of the pause on recovery conversation
    • procedure ends here
  • no other debts or all debts are pending reassessment, explanation or review, cease the arrangement:
    • go to the OPAL screen, select the arrangement
    • key today's date to cease the arrangement
    • complete this process for all PND, FUT, CUR or BKN arrangements
    • go to Step 9
  • other debts that are not pending reassessment, explanation or review, do not cease the arrangement for those debts. Go to Step 9


Apply pause on recovery and record a DOC - accepted offer to pause + Read more ...

Use the Debt Recovery script to action a temporary write off.

If the Debt Recovery script is not available, manually code a temporary write off:

  • go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen and select the debt
  • go to the Add Write-Off (OPWOA) screen and apply a temporary write off. Use the reason code ORA (Outcome of Review/Appeal) for 6 months for all debts
  • go to the Activity Finalisation (OPAF) screen and select Y to finalise the activity
  • record a DOC. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debts > Updates > Pause Debt Recovery:
    • select confirm
    • record the debt ID/s
    • record any other relevant details
    • clear the Transfer to field
    • update the Document Completion selection is to Yes

The Fast Note will create a document with standard text. Include all steps taken when pausing recovery.

Go to Step 11.


Record a DOC - declined offer to pause recovery + Read more ...

If there is more than one debt, record a DOC for each decision.

Use example DOC text:

  • Summary: Debt Recovery Pause Offered - Declined
  • Text: The customer declined the offer for the pause on the recovery of their debt
  • Debt ID:

Procedure ends here.


Amount owing after completion of the reassessment, explanation or review + Read more ...

If there is still an amount owing after completion of the reassessment, explanation or review:

  • for Debt Staff, see Table 4
  • for non-Debt Staff, DOCument the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Debts > Updates > Restart Debt Recovery:
    • select confirm
    • record the debt ID/s
    • record other relevant information
    • the Fast Note will create a document with standard text and auto refer to NS7 with the required keywords

If there is no amount owing after completion of the reassessment, explanation or review, procedure ends here.

Formal review process – pause recovery of debt or request restart of debt recovery after review

Table 3




Apply a pause or restart recovery + Read more ...

If the customer has requested a pause on recovery, go to Step 2.

To restart recovery of a debt, go to Step 6. This may be at the customer’s request or at the completion of an ARO, ATT first or AAT second review.


Review level + Read more ...

What stage is the formal review up to?

  • ARO, go to Step 3
  • AAT First review, go to Step 3
  • AAT Second review. Recovery can only be paused at the AAT Second review stage if:
    • an officer from the Legal Services Division representing Services Australia in proceedings makes a request to pause recovery, or
    • the agency is issued with a stay order by the AAT

If a request from Legal Services or a stay order has been received by the AAT, go to Step 3.

Otherwise, procedure ends here.


Pause recovery of debt/s during formal review + Read more ...

Recovery of the debt/s under review can be paused for the duration of the formal review.

Is there currently a pause on recovery of the debt/s?

  • Yes, contact the customer and offer an extension of the temporary write off as required, see Temporary write off of Centrelink debts. Procedure ends here
  • No, contact the customer before applying a pause on recovery:


DOC – accepted offer + Read more ...

If the customer agrees to the pause:

  • for non-debt staff:
    • record a DOC using Fast Note – select Auto text, use Debts> Updates> Pause Debt Recovery
    • select confirm
    • record the debt ID/s
    • record any other relevant information
    • the Fast Note will create a document with standard text and auto refer to NS7 with the required keywords
    • procedure ends here
  • for debt staff,


DOC – declined offer + Read more ...

If the customer does not agree to pause:

  • Record a DOC that the customer has declined offer to pause recovery
  • Use example DOC text:
    • Summary: Debt recovery pause offered – declined
    • Text: The customer declined the offer for the pause on the recovery of their debt
    • Debt ID:


Request recovery of debt/s to restart after formal review + Read more ...

Request recovery of the debt/s to restart if the customer will not be seeking a further review after an ARO or AAT First review.

For non-Debt Staff:

  • record a DOC using Fast Note select Auto text, use Debts > Updates > Restart Debt Recovery
  • select confirm
  • record the debt ID/s
  • record any other relevant information
  • the Fast Note will create a document with standard text and auto refer to NS7 with the required keywords.

For Debt Staff, see Step 10 in Temporary write off of Centrelink Debts.

Recovery is not to remain paused where the customer will seek an AAT second review, unless:

  • an officer from the Legal Services Division representing Services Australia in proceedings has requested a pause to recovery, or
  • the agency has been issued with a stay order by the AAT

Procedure ends here.

Process for Debt Staff - restart recovery

Table 4




Restart recovery + Read more ...

Go to the Debt List (OPDL) screen:

  • select S to select the debt to be restarted
  • go to the Write Off (OPWO) screen
  • key Y in the Restart Recovery field
  • press [Enter]

Take note of the date the pause was applied.


Check previous arrangement + Read more ...

Check the Arrangement List (OPAL) screen for a previous arrangement.

Did the last arrangement cease around the date the pause of recovery started?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No. If the customer:
    • has not been sent an account payable, they will receive a formal account payable letter for the debt. Procedure ends here
    • has received a formal account payable, go to Step 3


Check if contact is required + Read more ...

If the customer is:

  • not receiving a payment, contact them to set up a payment arrangement
  • a current customer, no further action is required. Procedure ends here


Reinstate previous arrangement + Read more ...

To reinstate the previous arrangement:


Record restart of recovery update + Read more ...

If there is more than one debt, record all Debt IDs within the single DOCument.

Use DOC text:

  • Extra Details: Recovery recommenced on Debt ID: XXXX after review
  • Text: Recovery has been reinstated on Debt ID: XXX after completion of review

Procedure ends here.