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Review of decisions for Financial Supplement Loan (FSL) payments made under the Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS) 109-05050000

This document outlines how to action review of FSL decisions.

Customer contacts about a decision




ATO support + Read more ...

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) holds and recovers loans not yet fully paid.

When a customer contacts to ask about their FSL that has been transferred to the ATO, tell them to check the ATO website at


Documents for a review + Read more ...

Documents given to the Commonwealth Bank may be required as evidence for the review. For example:

  • the customer’s contract with the bank
  • the customer’s request to end payments
  • the customer’s request to change the loan amount
  • statements of money paid

Request the documents by emailing the Student Programs Team.

Note: more information regarding a customer's study can also be obtained from the Student Programs Team. This information can be sought if required to undertake a formal review or if requested by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.


Debt waiver + Read more ...

If a customer requests their FSL debt be waived refer them to the Department of Finance.

The Department of Finance website contains:

  • details about the waiver process and
  • the Waiver of Debt Application Form

Record the details on a DOC.