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Commonwealth Ombudsman 109-07010000

This document outlines how the office of Commonwealth Ombudsman (the Ombudsman) exists to investigate the administrative actions of Commonwealth agencies, either on their own motion, or arising from specific complaints. This topic outlines the role and powers of the Ombudsman.

On this Page:

Focus and powers of the Ombudsman

The Ombudsman’s office seeks to ensure transparency and fairness in the way people are treated by government departments and agencies. They do this by considering and investigating customer complaints and examining programmes on their own motion. The Ombudsman aims to resolve investigations impartially, informally and quickly.

The Ombudsman Act 1976 (Cth) provides the Ombudsman with wide powers, similar to those of a Royal Commission. The Ombudsman can request information from agencies, question officers, inspect documents and enter Commonwealth premises.

Customer dissatisfied with actions or decisions of Services Australia

A person dissatisfied with the actions or decisions of Services Australia may lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman.

Complaints can be made in person, by telephone, letter, or via the online complaints form on the Ombudsman's website.

Before investigating complaints, the Ombudsman normally expects complainants to have first approached Services Australia to resolve their issue, or seek a review of the decision.

Receiving and responding to enquiries and investigations from the Ombudsman

The Ombudsman Relationship and Management Section (ORMS) is the single point of contact for the Ombudsman’s office when dealing with Services Australia.

ORMS manages investigations received from the Ombudsman and refers these to the most appropriate business area/s to prepare a draft response.

If contacted by the Ombudsman’s office, please transfer them to the ORMS contact line or provide email. See the Resources page for a link to ORMS contact information.

The Resources page contains links to the Commonwealth Ombudsman's website, contact details and complaint form and a link to the Services Australia intranet page for the Ombudsman Relationship and Management Section.

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