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Australian Human Rights Commission 109-07030000

This document outlines the role and responsibilities of the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), which exists to administer federal legislation in the area of human rights, anti-discrimination and social justice. This includes complaint handling, public inquiries, policy development, and, education and training. The AHRC has state based equivalents (often referred to as Human Rights and Equal Opportunity bodies) located in most capital cities.

Major functions of the AHRC

The major functions of AHRC are outlined in the various laws for which it has responsibility. The AHRC is responsible for handling complaints under the:

  • Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
  • Racial Discrimination Act 1975
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1984
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Age Discrimination Act 2004

The AHRC also has responsibility for certain functions under the Native Title Act 1993.

The AHRC investigates alleged infringements under the laws above and attempts to resolve these matters through conciliation. Where conciliation is unsuccessful or inappropriate, matters are terminated and the complainant may then apply to the Federal Court or Federal Circuit Court to have the complaint determined.

Other powers

Amongst other powers, the AHRC has the power to investigate and attempt to conciliate individual complaints alleging a breach of the laws above, and to require individuals to produce information or documents relevant to the complaint.

The Resources page contains links to the Australian Human Rights Commission website and to Handing Human Rights Complaints on the Legal Services Division page.

Commonwealth Ombudsman