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Online or Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) for family assistance and Parental Leave Pay (PPL) 133-03010070

PPL details for customers with children born or entering care both before and on or after 1 July 2023.

This document outlines how customers can make a claim online. Service Officers may also offer an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC).

On this page:

Overview of the family assistance and/or PPL online claim process

Income and payment choices - FTB

Immunisation and return to work information for FTB

SBP and NBS/NBU information

PPL specific information

Previous partner information

Overview of the family assistance and/or PPL online claim process

Table 1




Claim choice + Read more ...

Refer customers to the Payment and Service Finder on the Services Australia website. This will estimate what the most appropriate payment or service is. For example:

  • Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
  • Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
  • Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
  • A combination of FTB, PPL and CCS

If the customers are claiming a payment due to a relationship separation, there are other key updates they should consider to keep their personal information safe

Customers can choose whether to claim PPL or to have Newborn Supplement and Newborn Upfront Payment (NBS/NBU). The system will assess this with their FTB claim.

Early claims for FTB or PPL will not present with questions for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) if:

  • the early claim is for the customer’s first child
  • the customer tells us they do not have any other existing children

Customers cannot lodge a second PPL claim if they have a PPL claim ASSessed:

  • pending proof of birth, or
  • entry into care

Customers will have to wait until the current pre-birth PPL claim is processed. Customers should use the Add newborn child service to submit the child’s proof of birth to finalise the pre-birth claim.

Combined claims

Families claims can include:

  • FTB (current year) + PPL
  • FTB (current year) + CCS (current year)
  • FTB (current year) + FTB (previous year)
  • FTB (current year) + FTB (previous year) + PPL
  • FTB (current year) + CCS (current year) + PPL
  • FTB (current year) + FTB (previous year) + CCS (current year)
  • FTB (current year) + FTB (previous year) + CCS (current year) + PPL
  • PPL + CCS (current year)

For help with CCS claims, see Claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (CCS).


Start the online claim + Read more ...

For online claims

Customers need a Centrelink online account linked to myGov to claim:

On the Make a Claim page:

  • in the Families category, select Get started > Apply for Family Assistance (including Paid Parental Leave)
  • when the Eligibility page shows, the customer needs to answer questions to check they are claiming the most appropriate payment based on their circumstances
  • select Next to continue the claim

Customers can launch the Digital Assistant to help explain questions in the claim.

Customers can also:

For Assisted Customer Claim (ACC)

Complete an ACC with the customer and a verbal signature declaration for:

  • families in crisis who meet one of the following:
    • experiencing difficulty in understanding
    • complying with claim requirements, or
    • need a speedy outcome to meet immediate financial needs
  • customers who are unable or unsuitable to complete an online claim, or
  • a correspondence nominee applying on behalf of their principal

For remote Indigenous customers who have language or literacy barriers affecting their capacity to use forms or online claims, transfer them to the Indigenous Services Queue.

Customers can submit their claim online or with a staff member through ACC after they:

  • answer all mandatory questions, and
  • provide the required documents to submit their claim


Reviewing and submitting the claim + Read more ...

For online claims

If all the information is correct, the customer must select the declaration and acknowledgement boxes I understand and agree to the above terms before they can select the Next button.

For online claims, go to Step 6

For ACC, check all information is correct on the Confirm claim details page.

Does the customer agree to make a verbal signature declaration?


Verbal signature declaration + Read more ...

Read the declaration to the customer. Tick the box on the Confirm claim details page if they accept. This confirms the Service Officer has read the declaration script and the customer accepts it.

When a verbal declaration is complete and the ACC submits a DOC confirming the verbal declaration has been accepted, it will show in:

  • Customer First Super Case
  • the Customer Claim Summary

Go to Step 6.


Family Declaration Form (FDF) + Read more ...

If the customer declines the verbal signature declaration, print the FDF through the Customer Declaration page.

If necessary, the FDF can be re-printed: locate claim in ACC, select View then Print. For help, see the Resources page.

  • If the customer is in a service centre:
    • Ask them to sign the FDF. Scan signed FDF to their record
    • Record on the Progress of claim DOC an FDF has been signed and scanned to their record
    • For a PPL claim, ensure claim signature requirements are met
  • If the customer is at an agent's office:
    • Fax the printed FDF to the agent
    • Record details on the Progress of claim DOC. Include that the FDF has been faxed and the name of the agent
    • Tell the agent to get the customer's signature and fax the completed FDF to the service centre
  • Otherwise:
    • Make sure all contact numbers and details are current
    • Mail/fax the FDF to the customer using the Request Documents Q777 guided procedure, including approved Free Text
    • Request any other outstanding information
    • The review DOC created by the guided procedure can be altered to become the Progress of claim DOC. Record any extra details and then close the DOC
    • When the signed FDF is returned, submit the ACC for processing
    • Record details on Progress of claim DOC

When the customer signs and returns the FDF, submit the claim for processing.


Actioning claim with status of 'Submission Failed' + Read more ...

Sometimes an error may occur between claim submission and the claim activity generating. This can be due to conflicting activities on the customer or partner record, or record locking when the claim submitted.

Claims that have failed to submit may show a status of Submission Failed in:

  • Process Direct - Transaction icon
  • Customer First - Search Online Claims workflow or Interaction History

A Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity may also generate when this occurs. Finalise this MFU after regenerating the claim.

To action a claim with a status of Submission Failed:

In Process Direct:

  • select Inbox on the homepage
  • key the Customer Reference Number (CRN), then select Go
  • select the relevant claim
  • select the Status icon
  • select Edit
  • select In Process from the dropdown menu
  • select Save

Procedure ends here.

In Customer First:

  • open the claim through Claim Id and under General Data
  • update the claim status by selecting the User Status tab, then select Set New Status, change to In Process, then select Save
  • select Regenerate Claim at the top

A claim with a Submission Failed status can also be actioned through the Scheduled Actions tab. To add this tab, select:

  • the Personalise (pencil) icon at top right
  • the +Add button below Tile 3 - Staff Workflows
  • Scheduled Actions, then Choose and Save
    • The NCL Activity Creation will show with a status of Incorrect and an Execute button. Note: if this does not appear, select Schedule New Actions to trigger this line
    • Select Execute in the Actions column in the same row as the active NCL Activity creation
    • Select Save at top left

This NCL Activity Creation entry status will show as Processed with a green status symbol. The claim status will now show as In Process or Submitted with errors.

If the status stays as Submission Failed, the claim activity could not create. Return to Workspace to check the record. Make sure there are no other activities preventing the claim activity from creating. When all other activities are finalised, attempt to update the claim status to In Process and Regenerate the Claim (as per above).


Finalising the claim + Read more ...

Customers cannot update claim details after they submit it. They will need to contact Services Australia to provide information in relation to their claim.

The customer can withdraw their claim online.

When they submit the online claim, the system will:

  • index a new claim (NCL) activity or create an MFU activity on the customer's record
  • create a DOC
  • upload customer contact details

Information the customer provides in the online claim is viewable on the Review Claim page of their online claim in Customer First or in the Claim Slider in Process Direct.

Customers may get messages and notifications.


Next steps + Read more ...

This page shows a list of Required and Supplementary tasks.

For online claims

Customers can access their ‘in progress’ online claim to go back to the Next steps page any time before they submit it.


  • Tell the customer the documents and forms they need to provide. This will appear on the task list
  • Explain the options available to them to upload their documents online

For Service Officers who use the Add Newborn workflow in Customer First

  • If the customer has supplied some, or all, of the required documents, select Mark as received for the relevant documents on Next steps
  • A proof of birth/care/adoption task will only appear on the homepage of the customer’s Centrelink online account and Express Plus Centrelink mobile app for any documents still outstanding

Book an interpreter appointment if the customer needs an interpreter to help complete their claim.

Customers can provide proof of a child's birth by uploading the Doctor/Midwife declaration. This is available on the back page of the Newborn Child Declaration (FA081).

For an already-assessed pre-birth claim, customers can access:

  • their Centrelink online account and use the Add newborn child service, or
  • the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app and use the Add child service

Customers submitting a post-birth claim can use the Upload documents service to upload proof of birth.

Note: customers who participate in the Newborn Enrolment Trial at participating hospitals may not need to complete or upload the FA081.

Income and payment choices - FTB

Table 2




Income + Read more ...

Early FTB claims

The customer must provide income details before the child is born or enters care.

For FTB claims only

Current FTB/CCS customers will not need to provide these details. They may go back to the Update Family Income Estimate page and select the Update Family Income Estimate option.

Annual income estimate

Customers must provide a reasonable estimate of their (and their partner's) Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI) for the full financial year.

Customers will need to provide a separate estimate for each financial year they are claiming.

Claims for the current financial year require a separate estimate for the next financial year if:

  • it is between 1 April and 30 June, or
  • the claim starts before 30 June, but the customer does not submit it until the following financial year

Taxable income includes any taxable government payments. Customers who don't need to lodge a tax return must still include any taxable income they expect to receive for the year.

For all other ATI components:

  • A request for an estimated amount will occur for all other components
  • The customer will be asked to enter an amount in each component, even if it's nil

Customers lodging a tax return for the previous year

Customers are asked to provide an estimate of their income for the previous financial year within the Lump Sum Claim, however reconciliation will not occur until actual ATI details are transferred from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Stillborn Baby Payment (SBP)

To meet the SBP income test:

  • the customer's combined income estimate for the 6 months beginning on the date of the stillbirth must not exceed the SBP income limit, or
  • the 6 month income limit is exceeded but they are eligible for FTB Part A for another child within 52 weeks of the stillbirth


FTB payment choices for current financial year + Read more ...

A pre-populated 'auto-selected' option shows based on their circumstances.

Customers who accept the payment choice shown are less likely to incur a debt. At the end of the financial year, the system will use the customer's actual income to work out their correct FTB entitlement. This will occur during the reconciliation process. Customers will receive any extra entitlement when FTB reconciliation occurs.

Customers can select an alternative payment choice. If they do, a warning of a possible overpayment will show.

See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim options and payment choices.

Immunisation and return to work information for FTB

Table 3




Immunisation + Read more ...

Immunisation requirements apply for any child under 20 years of age for:

  • Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claims
  • Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims

If an individual is not linked with the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), customers must provide the child's Medicare number. This enables their immunisation status to be checked with AIR.

If the child is:

Customers do not have to provide documentary evidence of a child's immunisation status as part of their claim. The AIR gives it to the agency.

See also:


Return to work - FTB + Read more ...

FTB claims - partnered customers

Parents who return to work in the financial year for the first time may receive FTB Part B free of the income test for the FTB Part B quarantine period.

Eligibility for this assistance is calculated during FTB reconciliation.

See Recording return to work details and explaining eligibility for the FTB Part B quarantine.

The customer will be asked to advise:

  • the child they were caring for before they returned to work. That is the child most recently into care, usually the youngest
  • if they previously worked, the date they ceased work
  • the date they returned to work
  • if the work is at least 10 hours per week averaged over four weeks; if not, they can nominate this as a return to work but may choose to wait until later
  • if they are self-employed
  • employer details (unless self-employed)
  • details of any:
    • paid leave
    • work related insurance, or
    • self-employment income

Before eligibility for assistance can be calculated

Customers who are self-employed or who nominate a return to work must verify details through a statement after the end of the financial year.

SBP and NBS/NBU information

Table 4




Stillborn Baby Payment (SBP) + Read more ...

Customers claiming for a stillborn can claim PPL or SBP.

For SBP claims

To determine the rate of payment, the customer will be asked questions about:

  • the stillborn child/ren and
  • the family circumstances

Details include:

  • customer's relationship to child
  • whether or not the child was from a multiple birth
  • if a multiple birth, were any other children stillborn
  • family income estimate for the 6 month period beginning from the date of delivery. They may be asked to give evidence of the estimate

From 1 January 2021 there is a single rate of SBP. The single rate is paid for each stillborn child delivered on or after 1 January 2021.


Newborn Supplement (NBS)/Newborn Upfront Payment (NBU) + Read more ...

If a customer has claimed Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for a child, they will be automatically assessed for NBS/NBU unless they are eligible for PPL for the child.

To determine the appropriate rate of payment, the customer will be asked details about the family circumstances.

Details include:

  • If the customer has indicated the child is under one year of age:
    • For non-parent carers, will the child be in their care for a continuous period of at least 13 weeks?
    • Birth registration requirements question
    • Relationship to child
    • Is the child from a multiple birth or multiple entrustment to care?
    • For parents, has the birth mother given birth to any other children (excluding stillbirth)
    • For entrustment to care, has the customer or partner previously had a child aged under one entrusted to their care?
  • For adoptions, has the customer or partner previously adopted a child?
  • If a second or subsequent child passes away on or after 1 January 2021 and before their first birthday, a top-up of NBS may be paid. The top-up is the difference between the lower and higher rate
  • If advice of a child’s death is part of an FTB claim, and the lower NBS rate has not previously been paid for the child, the higher rate of NBS will be paid for the eligible NBS period

PPL specific information

Table 5




PPL work test + Read more ...

PPL customers must meet the PPL work test. The customer:

  • must enter their work history details, and
  • may need to provide suitable evidence to support the PPL work test

See Paid Parental Leave scheme Work Test.

Exceptions apply in some circumstances and suitable evidence may be required.

Previous periods of PPL and/or Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) in the 13 months before the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child will count as ‘qualifying work’ towards the work test for the new PPL claim.


PPL employer details + Read more ...

PPL customers who indicate they will be employed from the child's date of birth, or date they were entrusted to care as part of an adoption process, will be requested to provide the following:

  • Employer details (name, mailing address, phone number and Australian Business Number (ABN))
    • The employer may have more than one ABN. Customers must check with the employer which ABN is preferred for Parental Leave Pay purposes
  • Employee identification number (where applicable)
  • The date they commenced employment with their employer
  • Other names(s) the customer is known by with their employer, for example, their maiden name

The ABN will automatically match with the Australian Business Register (ABR). If a match is found, the business name and/or trading name will show for the customer to confirm.


PPL income test + Read more ...

The customer must meet the PPL income test in the previous financial year. This is the financial year:

  • before the date of an early claim, or
  • the date of the child's birth/entry into care for a post-birth claim

For children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023, a family income test was introduced in addition to the individual income test. If the customer does not meet the individual income test, the family income test limit applies. This applies to both single and partnered customers.

The customer cannot start or submit more than one PPL claim at a time.

The income limit will index annually in line with the Consumer Price Index.

When customers submit an online claim, they will not require proof of income if the ATO has sent the ATI across to the customer's record.


Return to work - PPL + Read more ...

For children born or adopted before 1 July 2023, a customer must lodge their PPL claim before they return to work to be entitled to the PPL period. There are a couple of exceptions to this rule:

  • they return to work for a permissible purpose
  • the customer:
    • submits an effective claim within 28 days of the child's date of birth (DOB), and
    • has a nominated start date of the child's DOB or a date before they return to work, or
  • the customer is transferring the full amount of their PPL to another person

If the customer is not entitled to the PPL period due to returning to work before claiming, the PPL period component will be rejected. They may be entitled to Flexible PPL days. Flexible PPL days can be claimed after the customer has returned to work.

See Parental Leave Pay (PPL) customer, for a child born before 1 July 2023, returns to work.

For children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023, customers will be able to return to work without losing eligibility. To be paid a PPL day, the customer cannot be performing more than one hour of paid work on this day.


PPL days + Read more ...

For children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023, customers can claim up to the maximum entitlement of PPL days as:

  • a single block
  • scattered days
  • a combination of smaller blocks and scattered days

A nominated start date for the PPL period will no longer be required.

For children born or adopted before 1 July 2023, PPL included 30 Flexible PPL days.

The customer needs to tell Services Australia how and when they want to claim these days. They can:

  • connect them to the end of their PPL period to create a continuous block of PPL of up to 18 weeks
  • claim them separately up to 2 years after their child’s birth or adoption
  • give permission for another person to claim them

For more information, see Claiming and managing Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care on or after 1 July 2023 or Claiming and managing Flexible Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023.

On this page:


Approval to claim and share PPL days + Read more ...

Approval to claim is required from the Approval Giver for an Approval Seeker to lodge a claim for PPL.

An Approval Giver is the:

  • birth mother
  • first adoptive parent, or
  • PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances

An Approval Seeker is anyone other than the birth mother, first adoptive parent or PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances who wants to claim PPL or access PPL days for a child. The Approval Giver must give their approval for any other claimant to claim or share PPL days for the child.

In cases of adoption, approval to claim is required from:

  • the initial adoptive parent who has already claimed PPL, or
  • for the partner of an adoptive parent, the adoptive parent

Adoptive parents do not need approval to claim PPL from the first adoptive parent who has claimed PPL, they only require approval to claim PPL days from them.

Approval to claim from a PPL claimant in exceptional circumstances is required for the partner of the PPL claimant who claimed in exceptional circumstances.

When an Approval Giver claims PPL, they can submit their claim if the supporting documents requested in the claim are provided.

When an Approval Seeker claims PPL:

  • an Approval task is created on the Approval Giver’s record
  • the Next Steps page tells the Approval Seeker there is a task the Approval Giver needs to complete

On the Approval Giver’s record, the task shows on the:

  • homepage in their Centrelink online account, and
  • home screen in the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app

When an Approval task is triggered by the Approval Seeker’s PPL claim, and the Approval Giver does not have a CRN, or the Approval Giver could not be uniquely matched:

  • the system will trigger a Temporary Access Code (TAC) to enable the Approval Giver to either:
    • create a Customer Reference Number (CRN) and link to their Centrelink online account, or
    • authenticate themselves through their existing Centrelink online account

The Approval Giver can then access and action the Approval task for the Approval Seeker in their Centrelink online account.

Until the Approval task is complete, the Approval Seeker will be unable to submit their claim. The Approval Giver must complete the Approval task and provide approval for the Approval Seeker to claim PPL and share PPL days.

Note: when running ACC for an Approval Seeker’s claim, do not update the Approval task from Mark as received to Provided on the Next Steps page, until the Approval Giver has completed this task.

For information about the approval process, viewing and managing Approval Giver and Approval Seeker details see Paid Parental Leave (PPL) approval to claim and share PPL days.

Previous partner information

Table 6




Previous partner (FTB and CCS only) + Read more ...

Customers who indicate they have a previous partner must provide the previous partner's details. This will calculate the correct rate for that partnered period.

Previous partner details include:

  • name
  • date of birth, if known
  • country of birth, if known
  • current home address, if known
  • if they have been known by any other names, and details of any other names
  • start and end date of each period they and their former partner were living as a couple
  • Tax File Number (TFN), or indicate they have already advised the TFN, or they do not know it
  • estimated adjusted taxable income for the full financial year. If the customer cannot say if their former partner got income (or paid child support), they can tick they do not know

A former partner's actual income details may be used during reconciliation if the information is transferred from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).