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View/Update Absence From Care online 133-04030010

This document outlines how carers can use the View/Update Absence From Care online service.

On this page:

Updating absences from care online by carer/nominee

Updating reasons for absence of care and other factors

Updating care arrangements online and getting a receipt

Processing and finalising unsuccessful carer updates

Updating absences from care online by carer/nominee

Table 1




Carer/nominee wants to view, edit or add absence from care information using their online account + Read more ...

The carer must be:

  • CUR (Current) or CZR (Current at zero rate), or
  • a nominee acting on behalf of a CUR or CZR CP and/or CA carer. The nominee must be:
    • a correspondence only nominee (NOC) or
    • both a correspondence and payment nominee (NOB)

The carer/nominee must register with an active online account. To have access to online services via myGov.

Is the carer/nominee eligible to use the service?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, the Unauthorised page will show. The carer/nominee cannot use this service. Procedure ends here


View/Update Absence From Care summary page + Read more ...

The Action pencil icon will show if there is a record of an absence with:

  • no End Date, or
  • an End Date that is either in the future or not more than 3 months in the past

Are the Add new absence button and Action pencil icon showing?


About This Service View/Update Absence From Care Summary page + Read more ...

This service allows anyone who is currently receiving an eligible payment to advise the care receiver is not in their care. This can be due to:

  • hospitalisation,
  • respite, or
  • education/training/treatment reasons

The View/Update Absence From Care Summary page will show. It provides carers with details about:

  • the different types of absences
  • who should use this service
  • what the carer/nominee will need

Detailed help text is available throughout the workflow. Carers can select the question mark icon box to view details on:

  • absence type
  • 24 hr periods
  • how to code the correct start and end date


Absence from Care Summary page + Read more ...

The following will show for the user:

  • current care receivers and coded absences that are part of CA show under the CA tile
  • current care receivers and coded absences that are part of CP show under the CP tile
  • current care receivers that are part of CP and CA, show under the CP and CA tiles
  • balance of remaining days for each care receiver of both Respite and Hospitalisation
  • an Add button to record new absences for each care receiver
  • any recorded absences for the current calendar year with the:
    • dates of the absence,
    • absence type (respite, hospitalisation or education, training or treatment) and
    • number of days used
  • an Action pencil icon to edit an existing absence if:
    • no End Date exists, or
    • the End Date is in the future or not more than 3 months in the past

Does the carer/nominee want to Add a new absence?


Edit an Absence page + Read more ...

Navigation from this page is:

  • Cancel - takes the user to the entry point
  • Next - takes the user to the Review and Submit page. The carer/nominee can change the start date and/or end date of the absence from care. They can then select Next

When editing an existing absence, carers can update the start and end dates from care period/s. Carers cannot make changes to the type of absence.

User needs to edit an absence for:

Updating reasons for absence of care and other factors

Table 2




Add Absence From Care details page + Read more ...

The following message will show:

  • Add an absence for care receiver <First name > <Surname> date of birth <dd/mm/yyyy> of care receiver

The following questions will show for the user:

  • 'What is the reason for the absence from care?'
    • Respite
    • Hospitalisation
    • Education, Training and Treatment. This will show as a reason for absence if the care receiver is a child. The carer must be receiving Carer Allowance for that child
  • 'What is the first full 24 hour period (midnight to midnight) that the care receiver was not, or will not be, in your care? <dd/mm/yyyy>'

Is this a regular absence?


Regular absence + Read more ...

'How many full 24 hour periods (midnight to midnight) per fortnight will the care receiver not be in your care?'

Carer can select from the drop down box with the option of 1 to 13 days over a fortnight.

'Will this absence continue indefinitely?'


Indefinite hospital Regular absence + Read more ...

The following questions will show for the user:

  • 'Will the care receiver be returning to your care upon discharge from hospital?'
  • 'Will you be continuing to provide care to the care receiver while in hospital?'

See Step 5 in the Updating care arrangements online and getting a receipt table.


Irregular Absence + Read more ...

The following questions will show for the user:

  • 'What is the last full 24 hour period (midnight to midnight) that the care receiver was not or will not be in your care? <dd/mm/yyyy>'

The following questions will show for hospitalisation absences:

  • 'Will the care receiver be returning to your care upon discharge from the hospital?'
  • 'Will you be continuing to provide care to the care receiver while in hospital?'

See Step 5 in the Updating care arrangements online and getting a receipt table.


Edit hospitalisation absence + Read more ...

Navigation from the Edit and Absence page is:

  • Cancel - takes the user to the entry point
  • Next - takes the user to the next page in the flow

The following questions will show for the user:

  • 'What is the first full 24 hour period (midnight to midnight) that the care receiver was not, or will not be, in your care?' <dd/mm/yyyy>'
  • 'What is the last full 24 hour period (midnight to midnight) that the care receiver was not, or will not be in your care? <dd/mm/yyyy>'

Users can make updates to both the date entry fields or just to one. Customers can remove the 'last full 24 hour period date' to change an irregular absence to a regular absence. This will change the type of absence to respite.

See Step 5 in the Updating care arrangements online and getting a receipt table.

Updating care arrangements online and getting a receipt

Table 3




Check if the care receiver is in a shared care arrangement + Read more ...

Is the care receiver in a shared care arrangement?


Check if care receiver is a child + Read more ...

Is care receiver a child?


Respite questions + Read more ...

The following question will show:

'You have previously told us that you regularly share care with another carer on a fortnightly basis. Will the other carer be providing care during the period you normally provide care?'

  • Yes, the service will tell the carer/nominee:
    • 'This is not considered a break in caring for Carer Allowance. However, if you also receive Carer Payment it is considered a break for Carer Payment and will impact the number of days you have available for Carer Payment only. Contact Centrelink if you would like to discuss this further'
    • Go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 5


Shared care - child in partner's care details page + Read more ...

The following question will show:

'Will your partner be providing care during the period that you normally provide care?'

  • Yes, the service will tell the carer/nominee:
    • 'This is not considered a break in caring for Carer Allowance. It is considered a break in caring for Carer Payment and will impact the number of respite days you have available. Contact Centrelink if you would like to discuss this further'
    • Go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 5


Review and submit page + Read more ...

Navigation from this page is as follows:

  • Update pencil icon - takes the user back to the Add Absence From Care page. The user can change or cancel updates
  • Back button - takes the user to the previous page in the flow
  • Cancel - goes to the point where the user entered the service
  • Submit - takes the user to the Receipt page

This page will show to all users who are adding or editing an absence.

The page will redisplay the answers to all the questions the user has answered. This will give the user a chance to review their answers before submitting the details. Users can return to the Add Absence From Care page to edit or add another absence.

This page will include the online service declaration. The carer must agree in order to submit the update.

When the carer selects Submit, they will go to the Receipt page.


Receipt page + Read more ...

Navigation from this page is as follows:

  • Return to home - takes the user back to the entry page
  • Help - the user can view the details on:
    • absence types,
    • 24 hr periods and
    • how to code the correct start and end dates
  • Print this page - shows the standard print dialogue, applicable to the user's own browser

The carer/nominee will see one of the following:

Successful Update

  • Receipt ID, full name (customer), CRN (customer), and date/time
  • Tells the carer:
    • the details they gave in the update
    • if the update was successful and
    • for each care receiver, the remaining balance for Respite and hospitalisation
  • If a partnered carer now qualifies for single rate of payment, the following message shows:
    'You and your partner may be eligible for a single rate of income support payment if you meet either the 'respite care couple' or 'illness separated couple' criteria. You will need to contact Centrelink to discuss your eligibility.'

Unsuccessful Update

  • Receipt ID, full name (customer), CRN (customer), and date/time
  • The following message will show:
    'Your update is complete but has not been applied automatically to your record. A Centrelink Service Officer will complete the update within 5 working days and contact you if they require any further information'.

Exceeded Absences

  • Receipt ID, full name (customer), CRN (customer), and date/time
  • The following message will show:
    'Your update has been sent to Centrelink but has not been applied to your record as you have exceeded the allowable absence threshold(s). You will need to contact Centrelink to discuss your eligibility. A Centrelink Service Officer will complete the update within 5 working days and contact you if they require any further information'.

Not Returning to care

  • Receipt ID, full name (customer), CRN (customer), and date/time
  • The following message will show:
    'Your update has been sent to Centrelink but has not been applied to your record as <First Name> <Surname> will not be returning to your care upon discharge from hospital. You will need to contact Centrelink to discuss your eligibility'.

Processing and finalising unsuccessful carer updates

Table 4




Actioning the Absence From Care Interaction Record + Read more ...

Service Officers may need to action the carer's record. This will happen when the system fails to update after a carer uses the View/Update Absence From Care online service. Staff can:

  • locate the Interaction Record:
    • from Customer First Workload Management, or
    • in the carer's record, select Online Interaction Summary from the Customer Online Account assignment block on the Workspace. Select Search
  • select the Notes tab to view the details that relates to the update. Check any dates, details of absence or errors recorded. This information replaces ISIS DOCs.
  • check the Staff Tasks tab for any outstanding guided procedures or workflows


Select the Absence from Care activity + Read more ...

Service Officers may need to complete an online Absence from Care activity. This will happen when a change of circumstance update needs a Service Officer to complete it.

This will trigger an update to the status of the Work Item in Customer First. Remove it from the Work Management Inbox.

  • On the Customer Details page
    • Open the Incomplete/outstanding activities assignment block
    • Check under Current Activities for any change of circumstance updates that are not yet complete
  • Select the correct Description
  • View the Absence from Care activity in the Activities tab of CRN/BP
  • Select the activity and confirm the absence details in the Note:
    • Run the Temporary Cessation of Care workflow
    • Update all the details recorded in the Note
    • Finalise the workflow


Complete the Interaction Record + Read more ...

  • Select the Interaction Record for the update completed by the customer
  • Select Change Status
  • Select Completed from the selection
  • Select Save