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View/Update Absence From Care online 133-04030010

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Online guides and videos show how customers do things online. Customers can view these on the Services Australia website or YouTube channel (

Staff can view them at Digital Support Products.

Frequently asked questions




Why does the carer get the message they are unable to access the View/Update Absence From Care online service? + Read more ...

If the user does not meet the eligibility criteria, they will see a message. It will tell them that they do not have access.

If a payment only nominee (NOP) tries to access this service, they will receive the error message:

'You do not have the required nominee permissions to access this service'.

The carer/nominee can use the View/Update Absence From Care online service, if they are:

  • current (CUR) on Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA), including current at zero rate (CZR), or
  • a nominee acting on behalf of a current CP and/or CA carer

The nominee must be:

  • a correspondence only nominee (NOC) or
  • both a correspondence and payment nominee (NOB) and
  • the CP/CA carer must be:


Carer is getting a Less than 14 days warning. What does it mean? + Read more ...

A message will show telling the customer when they have 14 days or less of allowable absences remaining:

For adult care receivers:

'You have less than 14 allowable hospital and/or respite days remaining. Once you have used these remaining days, your payment(s) may be cancelled. Contact Centrelink if you would like to discuss your options.'

For child care receivers:

For Absence type respite:

'You have less than 14 allowable respite days remaining. Once you have used these remaining days, your payment(s) may be cancelled. Contact Centrelink if you would like to discuss your options.

For Absence type hospitalisation:

'Hospitalisation absences for children are unlimited. However they must be reported, as payment will be reviewed 12 weekly where the absence is more than 12 continuous weeks.'


How does the carer update absences for more than one care receiver? + Read more ...

Where a carer has multiple care receivers, they can only update one care receiver at a time.

To update additional care receivers:

  • complete the absence updates for the chosen care receiver from the Review and Submit page
  • return to the Summary page
  • select the next care receiver


How does the carer add a new absence? + Read more ...

Carers can add a new absence on the View/Update Absence From Care page. They must select the relevant care receiver and then use the Add absence button.

They must complete all questions with an asterisk (*).


What does the carer do if they don't know the end date of the absence? + Read more ...

Carer's who do not know the end date, can estimate when the care receiver will return to their care. They must do this for all irregular absences.

Carers who cannot provide an estimate should call Centrelink and discuss the absence.

As soon as the carer knows the return date, they should update this using the Action pencil icon.


Where can the carer view a summary of the information provided? + Read more ...

The Review and Submit page will provide the carer with a:

  • summary of all the details they gave and
  • declaration to read. The user must accept this before they can submit the update

The carer will have the option to:

  • go back and make corrections or
  • return to the summary page if they need to make an update for the same, or another, care receiver

If the carer accepts that the details are correct, they can click Submit.


What notes and/or unfinalised activities will the system create? + Read more ...

The update is successful

A note will create within a closed Interaction Record. The note will contain the details the customer supplied. The system will apply the updates to the customer record.

The update is not successful

A note will generate and the details will go to the Work Management System (WMS). This will show as an open Interaction Record with the category of '7I10'. A Service Officer will need to:

  • follow up the details the customer gave,
  • complete any outstanding staff/carer tasks,
  • cancel the record if appropriate and
  • call the carer to discuss other payment options

This will occur in the following examples:

  • the carer exceeds their allowable respite and/or hospitalisation provisions
  • the carer indicates that the care receiver:
    • is in hospital and
    • will not be returning to the carer upon discharge
  • the system could not apply the update the carer gave

All generated open Interaction Records will allocate through WMS. They will show as a Work Item for a skilled carer Service Officer to action.

See Workload Management for details on how to action these items.