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Deductions options online 133-04050000

This document outlines how customers can access their online account to view or update deductions.

Access information to view or update deductions




Centrepay + Read more ...

Customers must register online and receive an applicable payment for Centrepay deductions to use this service.

A summary of the customer's current and future Centrepay deductions will display.

A detailed view will display:

  • name and Customer Reference Number (CRN) of the organisation the payment went to
  • service the payment was for (for example, electricity)
  • Account Reference ID for the customer deduction
  • start date of the deduction arrangement
  • expected deduction amount
  • end date of the deduction, when there is a future cancellation date
  • target amount for ceasing a deduction (if on record). It will show the amount the customer has paid towards that target amount to date

The customer can:

Customers must identify the:

  • payment they want the deduction from, if they get more than one payment
  • service that they are paying for (for example, electricity, gas)

Centrepay deductions remain current until:

  • the customer cancels the deduction or
  • the system cancels the deduction 14 days after the customer is no longer eligible for the payment

Deduction amounts must equal or be more than the individual organisation minimum, which is generally $10. There are organisations whose minimum deduction amount is greater than $10. The system will notify the customer via message if the deduction amount they enter is insufficient.

Unsuccessful updates

The system will notify customers if their attempt to update an Add/Vary/Cancel Centrepay deduction online was unsuccessful. This can occur due to an assessment error on the customer record. Service Officers should fix the error before the customer can make any further updates using their online account.

A failed update will create a STArted PYI Web activity on the customer record. Service Officers should determine what action the customer was attempting to take. If the customer still needs the update, discuss with them if the update is correct. If the update is ready to finalise, the Service Officer should:

  • select the STArted PYI WEB activity from the Activity List (AL) screen
  • complete via the Assessment Results (AR) screen


Tax Deductions + Read more ...

Customers must register online and receive an applicable Centrelink payment for taxation deductions.

See online guide, Centrelink online account help - Manage tax deductions.

A summary view displays:

  • the Australian Taxation Office name
  • the start date of the deduction arrangement
  • the expected deduction amount

The customer can increase, decrease or cancel their current taxation deduction arrangement. Tax deductions can be either a dollar amount or a percentage of the customer's taxable payment. The minimum deduction amount is $1.00 or 1%.

Changes (including cancellation) can only be from today.


Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) + Read more ...

This is a view only service.

Customers cannot use this service to make payments to State or Territory Housing Authorities. Customers must contact their State or Territory Housing Authority to arrange a deduction for government housing. This includes rent, loans and arrears.

Customers cannot vary, cancel or start new RDS deductions online. The system will advise the customer to contact their Housing Authority.

Customers must register online and have current Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS) deductions.

Select Deductions> View/Add/Change Deductions from the online account entry page.

The customer can view their current RDS deductions to State/Territory Housing Authorities, including:

  • Rent (RNT)
  • Repayment of Government Housing Loans (LON)
  • Arrears payments (ARR)
  • Payment of other debts owing to a Housing Authority (OHP)
  • Other Housing Organisation


Child Support + Read more ...

This is a view only service.

Customers cannot make any changes online to their Child Support deductions.

Customers must have had a Child Support deduction in place to view Child Support details on this service.

A summary view of the customer's current and future Child Support deduction arrangements will display. It identifies the amount that Child Support nominates the customer should pay.

From this summary, select a detailed view, this will include:

  • the Child Support Agency name
  • the start date of the deduction arrangement
  • the expected deduction amount

Refer all enquiries to Child Support Service Officers.


Income Management expense payments + Read more ...

Income managed customers can view a list of current and future regular expenses from their Income Management account.

See Income Management and BasicsCard self service options.


Payments Sent To Organisations + Read more ...

This page displays a history (within the past 15 months) of all payments sent to organisations for:

  • Centrepay
  • Rent Deduction Scheme
  • Child Support
  • Tax deductions
  • Income Management expenses

Select Deductions > View Payments sent to Organisations from the online account menu.

For each payment sent to a TPO, the customer can view:

  • delivery date of the payment (the delivery date of the payment to the organisation)
  • name of the organisation that received the payment
  • reason for the payment (for example, electricity)
  • expected amount of the deduction
  • actual amount delivered to the organisation
  • type of deduction (for example, Centrepay, Rent Deduction Scheme, Tax)
  • source of the deduction. This identifies where the money came from. For example, JobSeeker Payment, Age Pension, Income Management account

Any deductions not paid in full due to the customer having insufficient funds will also display.