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Update address, accommodation or contact details online 133-04150020

Digital Support Products

Online guides and videos show how customers use self service. Customers can view these on the Services Australia website or YouTube Channel.

Staff can view them at Centrelink digital support products. Staff can also view staff simulations, staff task cards and quick clips.

Contact details

Norfolk Island customers

Customers not eligible to use this service

Table 1




Residential Care Allowance (RCA), Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS)

This service is not currently available to these customers.


Payment suspended or cancelled due to whereabouts unknown

  • The customer or their partner's payment is suspended due to whereabouts unknown (SUS-WUK) and they are not 'current' on another payment
  • The customer or partner's payment is cancelled next pay due to whereabouts unknown (CNP-WUK)



  • If the nominee is a payment nominee only, they cannot use this service to act for someone else
  • The nominee can use this service to act for someone else if they are:
    • correspondence nominee, or
    • correspondence and payment nominee


Income managed customers

Customers cannot update their home, temporary or term address details if they are income managed under these measures:

  • Disengaged Youth (DEY)
  • Long Term Welfare Payment Recipient (LTWPR)
  • Compulsory Income Management - CIM
  • Voluntary Income Management (IVO)
  • Vulnerable Income Management (VLN)
  • Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient (VWPR)


Customers with an outstanding Rent Assistance (RA) Profile Review

If a customer has an RA Profile Review with a status Open, they will not be able to update their address or accommodation details until they have responded to the review.

They can update their details from a date in the past as part of the review process. However, if they want to make a future update, they must complete the review first.


Customers without a HOME/TEMP/TERM address or currently overseas

Customers without a HOME/TEMP/TERM address or customers currently overseas cannot access the Accommodation service.


Customer is partnered and has one of the following qualifier codes on the Marital Status (MS) screen:

  • GAC - in Gaol
  • GAP - Ptnr in Gaol
  • ILB - Ill Sep/Both Left Home
  • ILC - Ill Sep/Left Home
  • ILP - Ill Sep/Ptnr Left Home
  • OVC - O/seas (Never in AUST)
  • OVP - Ptnr O/S Never in AUST
  • PSB - Psych Care/Both L/Home
  • PSC - Psych Care/Left Home
  • PSP - Ptnr in Psych Care
  • REC - In Respite Care
  • REP - Ptnr in Respite Care
  • TEB - Tmp Sep/Both Left Home
  • TEC - Tmp Sep/Left Home
  • TEP - Tmp Sep/Ptnr Left Home


Customer has a started CDC, HML or NOM activity on their record

When this occurs, customers will see an advising message.

Error messages customers may see online

Table 2




Mandatory field

If a field is a mandatory field (marked with an asterisk), the customer must either select the radio button answer or enter the required details. Otherwise, an error message shows.


Date field

If the date is entered incorrectly, an error message shows. It tells them the entry is not a valid date.


Amount field

If an amount is entered incorrectly, an error message shows. It tells them the entry is not a valid amount.


Phone number field

If an incorrect amount of numbers is entered for the phone number type, an error message shows. It tells them:

  • Home/Work/Fax phone numbers:
    • Phone number is invalid, or
    • Phone numbers starting with "XX" must be 10 digits long
  • Mobile numbers:
    • Phone number is invalid, or
    • Mobile numbers starting with "04" must be 10 digits long