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Change of Assessment Cuba Process Help 277-30010100

This document outlines the processes for:

  • recording, referring for amendment, and finalising a Change of Assessment (COA) application
  • recording customer contact information
  • creating a Senior Case Officer (SCO) record, and
  • locating a SCO report in Cuba

On this page:

Record a new COA application

Record customer contact for COA applications

Finalise a COA application before setting status to application to proceed

Finalise a COA application after setting the status to application to proceed

Refer a COA application to be considered for amendment

Create a new SCO record

Update a SCO record

Locate a SCO record

Delete SCO record

Locate a SCO report

Record a new COA application

Table 1




Start point - Record a new COA application + Read more ...

Start point: COA Maintenance window.


Record the application details + Read more ...

  • In the Applicant group box, select the applicant
  • The Lodgement Date in the COA Details group box will default to the current date and can be changed by overtyping. (This should be the date the application was received by Child Support). This auto populates the Expected Finalisation Date to 35 days after the lodgement date
  • The Application status dropdown menu defaults to None. Until the case is allocated to a decision maker, the status will remain as None

To add the reasons and sub reasons:

  • select Arrow to open the Applicable Reasons Selection List window
  • select a reason and then select the associated sub reason (if Reason 8 or RICA application), and select Add to List. This will add the reason to the Reasons list

If more reasons are required, repeat the above for each reason.

To remove a reason, highlight the reason in the Reasons list and select Remove from list button.

Note: the Selected Reasons field can be updated at any time until the COA is finalised.

Select OK to return to the COA Maintenance window.


Save the application details + Read more ...

Select Save to save the record. A confirmation message will appear advising the applicant and lodgement date cannot be changed once saved.

If No is selected the COA Maintenance window opens, and the applicant/application details can be changed as described in Step 2.

If Yes is selected, the details will be saved and the following will occur:

  • the Application # field will display a unique number
  • a COA Application in Progress (COAINPRO) intray is generated with a due date 35 days later
  • a COA Case Assessment Required (COAASREQ) intray is generated with a due date of 48 hours, and
  • a COA Awaiting SCO Allocation (COAWTSCO) intray is generated (if a decision maker is yet to be selected) with a due date of 48 hours

If at the time of saving, the other customer has a current COA application for the case, which has not been finalised, the This is a cross-application tick box is automatically ticked (on the new application).


Further applications received + Read more ...

If at some time before finalisation, the respondent also lodges a COA application for the same case, the Cross-Application exists for this COA tick box is automatically ticked (on the original application). If this occurs, the lodgement date of that application will automatically be recorded in the Cross Application Lodgement Date field (on the original application).

If the COA applicant has a COA in progress for another case/s, the:

  • for Applicant tick box will automatically be ticked
  • for Respondent tick box will automatically be ticked


Record case complexity + Read more ...

During the initial review of the application the complexity of the case will be determined.

Select the complexity of the case from the Case Assessment dropdown menu.

  • Select Notepad to open the Notes window and create a note recording the case assessment information
  • Select Save to save the record

Upon saving the COA Case Assessment Required intray is deleted and a COA Initial Contact Required (COAINCON) intray is generated.


The application is complete, eligible and a reason is established + Read more ...

If the application is complete, eligible and a reason is established, set the Application Status to App to proceed.

This will auto generate the COA 5-1 Invitation to respond letter to the respondent and the COA 5-2 Acknowledgement of COA application letter to the applicant.


Assign the case to a decision maker + Read more ...

To assign the case to a decision maker, in the Decision Maker Details group box:

  • select a location from the COA Site dropdown menu. This customises the options in the Officer dropdown menu to provide a list of officers in the selected location
  • select the officer from the Officer dropdown menu
  • select the Level of the Officer from the Level dropdown menu (select External if allocating to an External SCO)
  • the Allocation Date field will auto populate with the date the decision maker details are added

The COA Awaiting SCO Allocation intray is deleted.


Route the intray + Read more ...

  • Select Close to exit the COA Maintenance window
  • Route the COA Initial Contact Required intray to the selected decision maker

Record customer contact for COA applications

Table 2




Start point - Record customer contact for COA applications + Read more ...

Start point: COA Maintenance window


Select the customer type and the type of contact established + Read more ...

  • Select the Customer Contact tab of the COA Maintenance window.
  • Select the customer type and the type of contact established from the Action dropdown menu in the Customer Contact group box. Select:
  • Payee/Payer contact for initial and subsequent conversations
  • Issue CAL - Payee/Payer to generate CAL letter
  • Payee/Payer outcome contact for contact discussing outcome of application
  • Payee/Payer post discussion to discuss decision after NTD/letters have issued


Record the contact details + Read more ...

Select Record to open the Customer Contact dialogue box.

  • The Date and Time fields are auto populated
  • Select an option from the Phone Number dropdown menu. This includes options for outbound and inbound calls
  • Select an outcome from the Outcome dropdown menu
  • If contact is unsuccessful, select a reason for the outcome from the Reason dropdown menu
  • Select OK to save this information and return to the COA Maintenance window's Customer Contact tab

Note: once saved, the information is displayed in summary form in the COA Contact Summary group box in the Customer Contact tab.

This box will provide a summary only of contact between the decision maker and the customers. The contact recorded by decision makers will progress the status of COA intrays on the case. All documentation of conversations and actions taken on the case are to be recorded in the COA Maintenance window notepad.


Record if further information is to be provided + Read more ...

If the customer is to provide further information, in the Pending Information from group box:

  • select the tick box pertaining to the relevant customer
  • directly underneath this field, select the awaited information from the Information requested dropdown menu
  • the Due Date field defaults to 7 days from the current date and generates a COA Pending Information intray, and
  • when received, key the date the information was received in the Received Date field. This will delete the COA Pending Information intray

Note: only one pending info action can be recorded for each party at any time.


Record received response details + Read more ...

In the Response group box, update the relevant section depending on whether it relates to the Payee Response or Payer Response.

  • When a copy of an application and a response booklet (CAR) is sent to the customer, in the CAR sent date field, key in the date this was sent
  • When a CAR (response) is received from the respondent key the date it was received by Child Support in the CAR Received Date field and select the method of communication from the Response Method dropdown menu
  • When a CAR is actioned (copy sent to the applicant), key in the date in the CAR actioned Date field

When the CAR received and actioned dates are entered a COA 6-1 Advise response received letter will generate to the applicant advising we have received a response.

Note: if the response method selected is verbal no letter will generate.


Document and save the details + Read more ...

  • Select Notepad to open the Notes window to create a note recording the details of the customer contact
  • Select Save to save the record
  • Select Close to exit the COA Maintenance window

Finalise a COA application before setting status to application to proceed

Table 3




Start point - Finalise COA application prior to setting status to Application to Proceed + Read more ...

Note: generally, finalising a COA application should be processed from the Finalisation. window. However, the Finalisation window can only be accessed in the first instance if the Application Status on the COA Maintenance window is set to App to Proceed.

Subsequent access is allowed if there were previously recorded outcomes on the Finalisation window, that is, variations, refusals, withdrawals or agreement outcomes.

Start point: COA Maintenance window.


Select the appropriate outcome + Read more ...

Select an outcome from the Application Status dropdown menu in the Application Details tab.

If the Status selection is:

When the applicant decides to withdraw the application before speaking to the respondent, go to Step 6.

When the applicant decides to withdraw the application after speaking to the respondent, the withdrawal must be processed from the Finalisation window. See Table 4.


COA application incomplete + Read more ...

When Incomplete is selected:

  • select Arrow to open the Incomplete Reasons dialogue box
  • highlight the appropriate reason(s) and select OK
  • select the SCS Information button to open the SCS Information dialogue box. See Specialist Client Services (SCS) Information Cuba Process Help
  • select Save to save the record. The icon will then be disabled. In the event the decision is referred for an amendment, the Save icon will be enabled again

Saving will generate a COA 7-1 Incomplete COA Application letter to the applicant. Go to Step 7.


COA application ineligible + Read more ...

When Inel-Agreement, Inel-Crt Order, Inel-No Assess or Inel-Other is selected:

  • select the SCS Information button to open the SCS Information dialogue box. See Specialist Client Services (SCS) Information Cuba Process Help
  • select Save to save the record. The icon will then be disabled. In the event the decision is referred for an amendment, the Save icon will be enabled again
  • select OK on the Confirmation dialogue box

Saving will generate a COA 3-1 Ineligible application letter to the applicant. Go to Step 7.


COA application possible refusal + Read more ...

When Poss Refusal is selected:

  • select Save to save the record. The icon will then be disabled. In the event the decision is referred for an amendment, the Save icon will be enabled again
  • select Finalisation to open the Finalisation window
  • key in the NTD Return date in the NTD Return date textbox
  • select Save to save the record. Go to Step 7


Applicant withdrawal prior to respondent contact + Read more ...

  • select W'drawn-Estimat or W'draw-Other as appropriate
  • select the SCS Information button to open the SCS Information dialogue box. See Specialist Client Services (SCS) Information Cuba Process Help
  • select Save to save the record. The icon will then be disabled. In the event the decision is referred for an amendment, the Save icon will be enabled again

Saving will generate a COA 6A-1 COA Application has been withdrawn letter to the applicant.

Note: W'drawn-Estimat must not be used if the applicant is RICA and the payee is in receipt of Centrelink benefits.


Document the decision + Read more ...

  • Select Notepad to open the Notes window to create a note recording the details of the customer contact
  • Select Save to save the record
  • Select Close to exit the COA Maintenance window

Finalise a COA application after setting the status to application to proceed

Table 4




Start point - Finalising a COA application after setting the status to application to proceed + Read more ...

Note: generally, finalising a COA application should be processed from the Finalisation. window. However, the Finalisation window can only be accessed in the first instance if the Application Status on the COA Maintenance window is set to App to Proceed.

Subsequent access is allowed if there were previously recorded outcomes on the Finalisation window, that is, variations, refusals, withdrawals or agreement outcomes.

Start point: Finalisation window.


Add additional successful reasons (if required) + Read more ...

If the Notice of Decision (NTD) includes reasons that are not highlighted in the Highlight Successful Reasons group box:

  • close the Finalisation window to return to the COA Maintenance window
  • add additional reasons according to Step 2 in Table 1, and
  • return to the Finalisation window


Record the Notice of Decision date + Read more ...

In the NTD Return Date textbox, key the date the SCO returned the NTD to Child Support.

Note: the date must be later than the application Lodgement Date recorded on the COA Maintenance window and earlier than or equal to the current date. Unless the application is finalised on the same date the NTD is returned, the NTD Return Date must be different to the Outcome Date.


Select the appropriate outcome + Read more ...

Select an outcome from the Outcome dropdown menu.

If the Outcome selected is:


Agreement Accepted + Read more ...

When Agree Accepted is selected:

  • key the date the COA was finalised in Cuba in to the Outcome Date and Agreement Date fields. The Agreement Date must be greater than the application lodgement date recorded on the COA Maintenance window and cannot be later than the current date
  • select the SCS Information button to open the SCS Information dialogue box. See Specialist Client Services (SCS) Information Cuba Process Help
  • select Save to save the record. The icon will then be disabled. In the event the decision is referred for an amendment, the Save icon will be enabled again

Saving will generate a COA10-1 Acceptance of an agreement after request for a Change of Assessment letter to both parties. Go to Step 9.


Refusal decision made + Read more ...

When Refusal-Before or Refusal-After is selected:

  • in the Outcome Date textbox, key in the date of the outcomes. The outcome date must be the date the application is being progressed (the current date)
  • select a reason from the Outcome Reasons dropdown menu
  • select the SCS Information button to open the SCS Information dialogue box. See Specialist Client Services (SCS) Information Cuba Process Help
  • select Save to save the record. The icon will then be disabled. In the event the decision is referred for an amendment, the Save icon will be enabled again

Saving will generate a COA9-1 Refusal decision made and NTD attached letter to both customers. Go to Step 9.


Variation decision made + Read more ...

When Var-Increase or Var-Decrease is selected:

  • in the Outcome Date textbox, key in the date of the outcomes. The outcome date must be the date the application is being progressed (the current date)
  • from the Parental Agreement dropdown menu select whether the parents agreed or whether it was a SCO decision (this should be documented in the NTD)
  • select the SCS Information button to open the SCS Information dialogue box. See Specialist Client Services (SCS) Information Cuba Process Help
  • select Save to save the record. The icon will then be disabled. In the event the decision is referred for an amendment, the Save icon will be enabled again

Saving will generate a COA8-1 Advice of COA decision letter to both customers.

If a change to the assessment needs to be processed in the Formula Modification window(which is accessed through the Case/Registration window) the formula modification must be applied to the originating case and any reverse case.

  • a COA Decision Variation intray is generated with a due date of 14 days

If the Outcome selected is Var-Increase due to Reason 8 (payer income), a COA Reason 8 Inc intray is generated. The Customer Management Approach (CMA) for Child Support should be followed in this instance. Go to Step 9.


Application withdrawn after respondent contact + Read more ...

When W'drawn-Other or W’drawn-Estimat is selected:

  • in the Outcome Date textbox, key in the date of the outcome. The outcome date must be the date the application is being progressed (the current date)
  • select the SCS Information button to open the SCS Information dialogue box. See Specialist Client Services (SCS) Information Cuba Process Help
  • selectSave to save the record. The icon will then be disabled. In the event the decision is referred for an amendment, the Save icon will be enabled again

If the applicant is the payee or payer, a COA 6A-1 COA application has been withdrawn letter will be generated.(See Step 6 in Table 3 for processing a withdrawal where the respondent has not been contacted).

If the applicant is RICA, a COA 17-1 Acceptance of joint election to withdraw from RICA process letter needs to be manually generated and issued to both customers from the Letter Details window.


Document the decision + Read more ...

  • Select Notepad to open the Notes window to create a note recording the details of the customer contact
  • Select Save to save the record
  • Select Close to exit the COA Maintenance window

Refer a COA application to be considered for amendment

Table 5




Start point - Refer a COA application to be considered for amendment + Read more ...

Start point: Finalisation window.


Process the Finalisation + Read more ...

In the Referred For Amendment group box:

  • select the decision maker from the dropdown menu
  • the Referred Date defaults to the current date and the Expected Reply Date to 14 days from current date

Based on Decision selected, the following apply:

  • If the decision selected is Amend No Change or No Amend No Chg; the Outcome group box is not enabled. Go to Step 4
  • If the decision selected is Revoke, Revoke and Change, or Amend and Change; the Outcome group box is enabled and a new outcome must be recorded. In practice, the outcome could be the same as the original outcome. However, the outcome can only be a Var-Increase or Var-Decrease. Go to Step 5


Record the date the decision was made + Read more ...

Key in the date the SCO made the new decision in the Decision Date textbox.


Record the processing date + Read more ...

Key in the date the outcome is being processed (current date) in the Outcome Date textbox.


Save the finalised record + Read more ...

  • Select Save to save the decision details of the referral for amendment
  • Select Close to exit the Finalisation window

Create a new SCO record

Table 6




Start point - Create a new SCO record + Read more ...

Start point: Senior Case Officer Maintenance window.


Create a new SCO record + Read more ...

To create a new SCO or CSO5 Senior Service Officer decision maker record, in the Senior Case Officer Find dialogue box:

  • select a location from the COA Site dropdown menu
  • select Find
  • if an existing SCO is displayed, refresh the window by select New. This clears all the fields


Record the officer's details + Read more ...

In the Officer group box:

  • select a location from the COA Site dropdown menu
  • key the name of the SCO/Senior Service Officer in the Name field
  • key the start date of the contract in the Start Date field, and
  • key the end date of the contract in the Start Date field (if end date is unknown leave blank)


Record the officer's address details + Read more ...

In the Address group box:

  • key the street address in Line 1 and Line 2
  • key the suburb in the Suburb field
  • select the State from the State dropdown menu
  • key the postcode in the Postcode field. Go to Step 5

If unsure of the postcode, select Arrow to open the Suburb to Postcode Find dialogue box.

  • Key the known information in the relevant fields
  • Select Find. This reveals the Suburb to Postcode List window
  • Select the appropriate record from the Suburb to Postcode List group box
  • Select Select to append the address record to the SCO record and return to the Senior Case Officer Maintenance window


Record the officer's contact details + Read more ...

In the Phones and Email Address group boxes, key in the phone numbers and email address of the SCO.


Save the new record + Read more ...

Select Save to save the record. The new record will now appear in the Senior Case Officers group box.


Document any further information + Read more ...

To add a note:

  • select the record from the Senior Case Officers group box
  • select Notepad to open the Notes window

Update a SCO record

Table 7




Start point- Update a SCO record + Read more ...

Start point: Senior Case Officer Maintenance window


Locate the SCO record + Read more ...

To locate the record to be updated, in the Senior Case Officer Find dialogue box:

  • select the officer's location from the COA Site dropdown menu
  • select Find. This opens the Senior Case Officer Maintenance window, with the SCOs from that site populating the Senior Care Officer group box


Update the record + Read more ...

  • Highlight the SCO record in the Senior Case Officers group box
  • This will populate the Officer, Address, Phones and Email group boxes with the SCO's information
  • Edit the required fields
  • Select Save to save the record


Document any further information + Read more ...

To add a note:

  • select the record from the Senior Case Officers group box
  • select Notepad to open the Notes window

Locate a SCO record

Table 8




Start point - Locate a SCO record + Read more ...

Start point: Senior Case Officer Maintenance window.


Search options to locate the record + Read more ...

To search the latest end date of a SCO's record:

  • in the Senior Case Officer Find dialogue box key the date in the Officer With Schedule Period End Date After field
  • from the dropdown menu select the COA site
  • go to Step 3

To search the SCO's attached to a particular COA site:

  • in the Senior Case Officer Find dialogue box select an option from the COA Site dropdown menu
  • go to Step 3


Locate the record + Read more ...

In the Senior Case Officer Find dialogue box, select Find. This closes the Senior Case Officer Find dialogue box and reveals the Senior Case Officer Maintenance window.

To view a record:

  • select a record from the Senior Case Officers group box. This will populate the Officer, Address, Phones and Email group boxes with the SCO's information
  • select Close to exit the Senior Case Officer Maintenance window

Delete SCO record

Table 9




Start point - Update a SCO record + Read more ...

Start point: Senior Case Officer Maintenance window.


Locate the SCO record + Read more ...

To locate the record to be updated, in the Senior Case Officer Find dialogue box:

  • select the officer's location from the COA Site dropdown menu
  • select Find. This opens the Senior Case Officer Maintenance window, with the SCOs from that site populating the Senior Care Officer group box


Delete the SCO record + Read more ...

  • Highlight the record in the Senior Case Officers group box
  • Select File menu
  • Select Delete. A Delete Confirmation alert dialogue box will appear confirming the delete
  • Select Yes to delete the record or No to retain the record. Selecting either button will open the Senior Case Officers group box

Locate a SCO report

Table 10




Start point - Locate a SCO report + Read more ...

Start Point: Senior Case Officer Reports window.


Conduct search + Read more ...

To search by:

Senior Case Officer

  • select a location from the COA Site dropdown menu
  • select a venue from the Venue dropdown menu. This customises the Senior Case Officer dropdown menu (option disabled)
  • select a SCO from the Senior Case Officer dropdown menu. This enables the Find button
  • go to Step 3.

Case Number

  • key in a case number in the Case Number field. This disables all other fields
  • go to Step 3

User Generated reports

  • select the User Generated radio button from the Report Status group box. This disables all other fields
  • go to Step 3

Possible refusals:

  • select the Possible Refusal radio button from the Report Status group box. This only enables the COA Site field. It is optional to select a location
  • go to Step 3


Select the report + Read more ...

  • Select Find. This reveals the Senior Case Officer Reports window with the search results
  • Highlight the required record and select Insert signature block to print the report
  • Select Close to exit the Senior Case Officer Reports window


Generate a manual report + Read more ...

If there is no SCO Report available, a report can be manually generated.

  • From the customer's COA Maintenance window, select File
  • Select Request SCO report. This will manually generate a SCO report overnight, which will be available the following day via the find function as detailed from Step 1