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Employer Reconciliation Reports (ERRs) for non STP employers Cuba Process Help 277-30010670

This document outlines the processes for Employer Services Officers (ESOs) about reconciling, adjusting and matching Employer Reconciliation Reports (ERRs).

On this page:

Reconcile an ERR

Manually create an ERR

Complete an employer reconciliation match

Unsubmit a matched ERR

Adjusting an ERR

Reconcile an ERR

Table 1




Start point - Reconcile an ERR + Read more ...

Start point: Reconciliation Report Summary window.


Determine the correct commencement process + Read more ...

  • If the Actual amounts do not match the Expected amounts, go to Step 3
  • If there are any non-linked payers to be added to the ERR, go to Step 5
  • If the payments received (or amounts advised from the employer) match the Expected amount in the ERR for each of the linked employees:
  • set the ERR to INIT, by selecting the Submit button, then
  • go to Step 7


Updating deduction amounts in an ERR at summary level + Read more ...

Update the account at the summary level if the employer:

  • has only one reason for the differing deduction for a payer, or
  • only one pay date is affected for the payer

If not, go to Step 4.

To update at Summary level:

  • select the relevant payer in the Selected Payers list box
  • type the correct deduction amount in the Actual field of the Summary Record Update list box
  • press the Tab key on the keyboard to enable the Reason dropdown list
  • select the reason for the differing amount from the Reason dropdown list
  • select the Save icon
  • repeat the above for each payer that has had a different deduction than the expected amount, or go to Step 6


Updating deduction amounts in an ERR at detail level + Read more ...

Update the account at the detail level via the Deduction Record Detail window if the employer has multiple pay dates and multiple reasons for deducting a different amount for a payer.

To update at Detail level:

  • double click on the payer in the Selected Payers list box. This opens the Deduction Record Detail window
  • select the relevant pay date in the Deduction Record Detail list box
  • type the correct deduction amount in the Actual field of the Deduction Record Update group box
  • press the Tab key on the keyboard to enable the Reason dropdown list
  • select the reason for the differing amount in the Reason dropdown list
  • select the Save icon
  • repeat the above for each pay date that has had a different deduction than the expected amount for the selected payer
  • select the Close icon to return to the Reconciliation Report Summary window
  • repeat the above for each payer that has multiple pay dates and reasons for a differing deduction

If there are any non-linked payers to be added to the ERR, go to Step 5.

If the ERR is now ready to submit, go to Step 6.


Adding Non - Linked Payers to an ERR (excluding s72a payers) + Read more ...

For information about reconciling payers with s72A payments to an ERR, see Reconcile section 72A payments (from manual or non STP employers) Cuba Process Help.

Note: this function is only to be used when there are actual funds applied to the employer account.

To add the non-linked payer(s) to the ERR, from the Summary Record Update group box:

  • select the /pages/Separated-parents\images\icon-button- arrow.png button adjacent to the Client ID to open the Find Customer dialogue box in the List Customer window
  • enter the CSID or the full name and date of birth of the payer in the relevant search fields. Click the Find button to open the List Customer window

Select the payer to be added to the ERR from the List Customer window, by either:

  • selecting the correct record to highlight (if there is more than one payer in the list box) and
  • selecting the /pages/Separated-parents\images\icon-select.png icon, or
  • selecting the Edit menu, and then Select

Select the latest pay date available for the deduction period from the Pay Date dropdown list, then:

  • type the deduction amount in the Actual field
  • press the Tab key on the keyboard to enable the Reason dropdown list

Select the reason from the Reason dropdown list.

  • For a delinked payer select LDED (Last Deduction)
  • For a newly linked payer select FDED (First Deduction)
  • For a payer linked to another employer select DUPL (Duplicate). Note: if the DUPL code is used, the ERR that the payer is actually linked to MUST be reconciled for that payer with the reason code DUPZ (Duplicate Zero) with the amount entered as $0.00
  • Select the Save icon
  • Repeat the above for any additional non-linked payers to be added to the ERR

Ensure that the amounts deducted for the linked payers are correct, if not, go to Step 3 to make the necessary adjustments.


Submit the employer reconciliation report + Read more ...

Set the ERR to INIT by selecting the Submit button.


Document the decision + Read more ...

Select the /pages/Separated-parents\images\icon-document-notes.png icon to open the Notes window. Create a document explaining the:

  • details of the reconciliation, and/or
  • reason for the difference in the deduction amount to the expected amount and the source of the information, and/or
  • reason the payers were added to the ERR,

as per Employer Services documentation - Where to documenthttps://ourblueprint.internal.dept.local/content/attachments/hidden-attachments/sp-employer-services-where-to-document-hatt.pdf and Documenting Child Support information.


Automatic System Application of Top Up + Read more ...

A system batch will automatically apply top up to all ERRs at INIT status that meet the below requirements, on the Tuesday night, the week before the 3rd Wednesday of the month. It then runs nightly until the end of each month.

It will only apply top up to ERRs if the employer account is clean, and has none of the following on the account:

  • no top up debt
  • no unallocated payments
  • no excess cash balance
  • no consolidated revenue debt
  • no s72A reason code used on the ERR
  • the total deductions are greater than $0.00
  • the pay dates on the ERR are not for the current month

If the any of the above is apparent on the Employer Account, and the ERR requires Top Up to be applied, see Complete an Employer Reconciliation Match for how to do this.

For further information regarding the decision to apply top up, see Employer withholding reconciliation and top up.

Otherwise, leave the account at INIT to allow for the reconciliation to automatically apply.

Manually create an ERR

In exceptional circumstances, an ERR may be required to be created to enable reconciliation of payments received on the employer account. These can be, but are not limited to:

Table 2




Start point - Manually create an ERR + Read more ...

Start point: Reconciliation Report List window


Create a new ERR + Read more ...

Select the New icon. This will open a new Reconciliation Report Summary window, to enable linked payers to be added.


Add linked payers to a created ERR + Read more ...

To add linked payers to this ERR:

  • select the Add Linked Payers button. This opens the Linked Payers Find dialogue box of the Linked Payers List window
  • select a Pay Date in the For Pay Dates list box and select the Find button. This will open the Linked Payer List window, where all the payers that have an expected deduction amount for that pay date, will be displayed in the Linked Payers List group box
  • select the payers (up to 50 payers - see Note) to be added to the ERR by selecting the records, and then selecting the Select icon

Note: if more than 50 payers are required to be added to a manually created ERR, the payers will need to be added in groups of 50 or less, using the above Steps.

  • the Reconciliation Report Summary window now displays the linked payers in the Selected Payers list box
  • Repeat the above for any other pay dates/payers that are required to be added to the ERR


Reconcile the created ERR + Read more ...

To reconcile this ERR, go to Table 1.

Complete an employer reconciliation match

The employer reconciliation match process is used to manually finalise an ERR when an ERR is unable to auto-reconcile, or when an auto-reconciliation is not appropriate.

Note: the ERR that is to be matched needs to be set to INIT.

Table 3: this table describes how to manually match unallocated payments, or use top up or excess cash to reconcile an ERR.




Start point - Complete an employer reconciliation match + Read more ...

Start point: Employer Reconciliation Match window


Select the Employer Reconciliation Report (ERR) + Read more ...

Select the ERR(s) to be matched from the records in the Unreconciled Employer Reconciliation Report list box.

Note: the Net Amount in the Reconciliation Details group box will initially show a (-) minus figure equal to the total Amount of the ERR(s) selected.


Use unallocated payments + Read more ...

Select the payment(s) that is/are to apply to the ERR(s) from the records in the Unallocated Payments group box.

If the Net Amount has an amount remaining:


Use excess cash for the reconciliation + Read more ...

The Current Account Details group box will display if Excess Cash is available to be used to make up the difference between the Net Amount and the payment(s) selected.

  • if there is no Excess Cash available, or it is not appropriate to be used for the reconciliation, go to Step 5
  • if there is Excess Cash available, and it is appropriate to be used for the reconciliation, continue with this step

In the Use group box:

  • type the amount of excess cash that is to be used for this reconciliation in the Excess Cash field
  • press [Enter] to apply the payment in the field

If the ERR still requires top up to be applied to make up any difference:


Use top up for the reconciliation + Read more ...

In the Use group box:

  • select either the Section 77 or Section 78 radio button to determine the top up type to be used
  • type the amount of top up to be applied in the Top Up field
  • press the Tab key on the keyboard to apply the amount in the field
  • go to Step 8


Allocating remaining funds to excess cash + Read more ...

Note: if it is not appropriate for the remaining amount to be allocated to either Excess Cash or a Top Up debt, the original payment may require splitting via the Reallocate Payments process.

If any of the Net Amount is to be applied:

  • to Excess Cash, proceed with this step
  • only to a Top Up debt, go to Step 7

In the Pay group box:

  • type the amount that is to apply to excess cash in the Excess Cash field
  • press [Enter] to apply the payment in the field

If the Net Amount still has an Amount Remaining, and requires allocation to top up:


Allocating remaining funds to top up + Read more ...

In the Pay group box:

  • type the amount that is to apply to top up in the Top Up field
  • press [Enter] to apply the payment in the field


Save the reconciliation match + Read more ...

When the payments have been fully applied and the Net Amount is at $0.00, the Save icon will be enabled.

  • Select the Save icon to finalise the reconciliation match process
  • Select the Close icon until reaching the Employer Account Summary window


Document the details of the reconciliation match + Read more ...

Select the Notepad icon in the Employer Account Summary window, and create a note documenting the reason for the use/allocation of Top up/Excess cash (if required) with reference to Employer Services documentation - Where to document and Documenting Child Support information.

Unsubmit a matched ERR

If after matching and submitting an ERR for reconciliation an error is picked up, or the employer advises of changes to a payer’s actual deduction amount, amend the ERR prior to the batch run.

Table 4




Start point: Unsubmitting a matched ERR + Read more ...

Start point: Employer Reconciliation Match window


Select the ERR + Read more ...

Select the ERR(s) to be amended from the records in the Unreconciled Employer Reconciliation Report list box.


Unsubmit the ERR + Read more ...

Selet the Unsubmit button. This will reverse all previous accounting actions, and return to the Employer Account Summary window, which will also be reset to INIT.


Correct the ERR + Read more ...

Make any adjustments required and resubmit. See Reconcile an Employer Reconciliation Report for further information if required.

Adjusting an ERR

Service Support Officers (SSO) reviewing the creation of a consolidated revenue debt as a result of an adjustment to the ERR, go to Step 8.

Note1: any adjustments that are made after reconciliation has been successfully performed may impact on consolidated revenue. Caution should be taken that all information is as accurate as possible.

Note: ERRs should not be deleted unless the pay dates included should never have been created. If an ERR needs to be deleted it should be discussed with an SSO.

When an ERR is deleted the Payer Employer Withholding Enquiry window displays a status code of DLTE for that pay date. The status does not update on this window if the pay date is subsequently re-created and reconciled.

Table 5: this table describes how to make adjustments to an ERR once employer withholding reconciliation has occurred.




Start point - Adjust an ERR + Read more ...

Start point: Organisation window


Find the ERR to be adjusted + Read more ...

From the Reconciliation menu, select Reconciliation Reports List. This will open the Reconciliation Report Find dialogue box in the in Reconciliation Report List window.

In the Reconciliation Report List window:

  • type and appropriate date range into the From and To fields of the Search Date group box, depending on the date of the report to be adjusted
  • select the Reconciled tick box
  • select the Find button to search using the above parameters. The results will display in the Reconciliation Report List window

Open the report in the Reconciliation Report Summary window by:

  • selecting the report that requires reconciliation from results in the list box to highlight it
  • select the Open icon to open the report


Record the adjustments to the ERR + Read more ...

To make the necessary adjustments to a payer:

  • select the payer in the Selected Payers group box to highlight the payer
  • from the Go menu, select Detail Deduction Record to open the Deduction Record Detail window for that payer
  • type the correct deduction amount in the Actual field in the Deduction Record Update group box
  • press the Tab key on the keyboard to enable the Reason dropdown list
  • select the Reason for the adjustment from the dropdown list in the Deduction Record Update group box
  • select the Set Adj button to add the adjustment to the temporary Adjustment List
  • if there is a downward adjustment, a Potential Con Rev alert dialogue box will appear, click OK to close it
  • repeat the steps above for each pay period that requires adjusting
  • select the Close icon to return to the Reconciliation Report Summary window
  • repeat the above step for each payer that requires adjustments

Note: the Adjustment List can hold up to 50 adjustments.

After finalising all the adjustments, ESO may need to use the radio buttons in the Use from / Pay to group box to make a decision about where the funds should go or come from. See Employer withholding reconciliation and top up for assistance on making this decision.


Document the adjustment details on the ERR + Read more ...

Select the Notepad icon to open the Notes window. Create a document explaining the reasons for adjustment and the adjustments made.


Process the adjustment + Read more ...

Select the Adjust button to apply the adjustments from the Adjustment List.

  • If there are no downward adjustments on the ERR, go to Step 7
  • If there are downward adjustments on the ERR, go to Step 6


Refer for downward adjustment authorisation + Read more ...

A downward adjustment must be approved by a SSO.

The ERR approval status will be set to Pending Authorisation and open the Notes window.

  • Select the Route icon to route the Downward Adjustment Auth Required intray to a SSO (the position will depend on the ESOs local site)
  • Select the Close icon to return to the Reconciliation Report Summary window if Cuba has not closed the Intray Item Detail window automatically


Create a document on the affected payers communication window + Read more ...

Select the first payer with adjustments in the Selected Payers list box to highlight their entry and populate their details in to the Summary Record Update group box.

  • Double click the Client ID and copy the CSID to the clipboard (shortcut CTRL + C)
  • Select the CSA Main Menu tab in the Windows taskbar to go to the CSA Main Menu while keeping the Reconciliation Report Summary window open
  • Select the Customer icon to open the Find Customer dialogue box of the List Customer window
  • Paste (shortcut CTRL + V) the CSID into the Child Support Identifier number field
  • Select the Find button to open the payer's Customer window
  • From the Go menu, select Communication

Create a record in the Communication window with:

  • Date as the date of adjustment
  • Type as either phone in or written com in, as appropriate
  • Reason as provide inform

If the adjustment does not result in the creation of consolidated revenue debt:

  • With as employer
  • Category as employer
  • Issue as reconciliation

If the adjustment results in the creation of consolidated revenue debt, the approving delegate will record a document.

Create a document in this record explaining to the Service Officer what has occurred on the case and what Service Officer actions are now required. See Employer withholding reconciliation and top up for the information that must be included in this note.

  • Select the Close icon to return to the payer's Customer window
  • Select the Close icon again to close the Customer window and return to the Reconciliation Report Summary window

Repeat the above step for each of the remaining adjusted payers, then go to Step 9.


Make decision on the downward adjustment (SSO) + Read more ...

Double click the Downward Adjustment Auth Req intray to navigate to the ERR.

Select the appropriate option in the ERR Approval Status dropdown list in the Reconciliation Report Summary window.

By selecting:

  • Not Authorised, the Downward Adjustment Auth Req intray deletes and an intray is generated to the ESO notifying them of the rejection
  • Authorised, the Downward Adjustment Auth Req intray deletes

Create a document outlining the reason for the adjustment.

  • Select the Save icon to save the note
  • Select the Close icon to return to the Reconciliation Report Summary window
  • Select the Adjust button to apply the decision to the ERR

An intray will create for each payer account that will have a consolidated revenue debt posting. Check to confirm this has occurred.

No further SSO action is required.


Post SSO decision action (ESO) + Read more ...

The decision to either refuse or approve the creation of consolidated revenue debt is made.

When National ICS have advised of the decision to accept or reject the creation of a consolidated revenue debt, the SSO will complete the actions required:

  • where the adjustment was rejected, a Downward Adjustment Not Auth intray is created for the ESO notifying them of the decision
  • if a consolidated revenue debt is created for the payer, referral to Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) is required using the SGT referral macro