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Amending maintenance income details on the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen 277-51130020

This page has information for Service Officers to follow when amending maintenance income details on the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen. Portions of the process can only be completed by Child Support Unit (CSJ) Smart Centre Processing staff.

On this page:

FTB reconciliation result is incorrect

Update the MNOI screen and finalise activity

FTB reconciliation result is incorrect

Table 1: this table explains the process for updating the maintenance income details screen, when a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation result is or will be incorrect.




FTB reconciliation result for an FTB instalment customer is or will be incorrect + Read more ...


Private collection periods + Read more ...

The FTB reconciliation result may be incorrect due to the following reasons:

  • An incorrect or omitted Child Support assessment
  • For periods before 1 July 2012 the customer did not collect all of the Child Support assessment for all or part of the financial year (they may fail the Maintenance Action Test, see Maintenance reconciliation)
  • A full exemption is backdated before 1 July of the current financial year and the customer advises that they collected less (or none) of the full Child Support assessed amount during the period covered by the exemption. Only those amounts actually collected by the customer are to be assessed for Maintenance Income Test (MIT) purposes

For examples, see the Resources page.

Go to Step 4.


Child Support collection periods + Read more ...

The FTB reconciliation result may be incorrect due to the following reasons:

  • The customer has/had a child support debt and it is/was being recovered by the:
    • Overpayment Method – when this method is used, the child support payee will not receive any child support from the payer until the full amount of the debt has been ‘drawn down’. However, as the customer is receiving the benefit of the child support (by having the debt reduced by the unpaid amount of child support), the amount drawn down against the debt needs to be included in the MIT at reconciliation. For examples, see the Resources page.
    • Consolidated Revenue (CR) Method – when this method is used, the customer may continue to receive a portion of their ongoing child support assessment (for example, they may receive 50% of the monthly assessment amount while the other 50% is ‘drawn down’ against the debt. As the customer is receiving the benefit of the 50% that be being drawn down against the debt, the drawn down amount needs to be included in the MIT at reconciliation. For examples, see the Resources page.
      Note: from December 2023, Child Support stopped using consolidated revenue to facilitate a payee overpayment recovery arrangement. This method only applies to payee's with an overpayment created before December 2023
  • An incorrect or omitted Child Support disbursement amount
  • A non-agency payment (NAP) sent by Child Support as a lump sum was received by the customer as several separate payments across financial years
  • Child or case end data from Child Support was incorrect and has resulted in an FTB overpayment. For details of all action required in these cases, see Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews

For examples, see the Resources page.


Record details transfer open DOC + Read more ...

All staff:

  • record on a DOC why the details need changing
  • leave DOC open and transfer to the Child Support Unit
  • CSJ will annotate the DOC with the action they take


Are the maintenance income details for a previous financial year? + Read more ...

Child Support Unit (CSJ) Smart Centre Processing staff

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No,
    • check maintenance income details are currently recorded
    • go to the Override Maintenance Income (MNOI) screen by coding 'Y' in the GO TO: MNOI field on the Mtce Ent'ment Grp Summary (MNGS) screen


Previous financial year + Read more ...

Child Support Unit (CSJ) Smart Centre Processing staff

If reconciliation has occurred, check the reconciliation result. For more details, see FTB lump sum and reconciliation calculation screens.

If the relevant financial year has ended, relevant periods for an entitlement group can be checked on the FTB Reco Maint Periods (LRMP) screen. This information should be used to amend maintenance income details.

To view the LRMP screen, either:

  • 'S'elect the entitlement group on the Mtce Ent'ment Grp Summary (MNGS) screen and type 'L' in the GO TO: field
  • Code 'M' next to a reconciliation line from the FAO Reconciliation and Claim Summary (FRCS) screen
    • 'S'elect one of the available fields (one that holds $ value) press [ENTER]
    • Code 'P' next to a group line on the FTB Lump Sum & Reco Maint Details (LRMD) screen

Note: if navigating via a reconciliation line, the relevant periods displayed will be those used for that reconciliation, even if they have been updated since.

Update the MNOI screen and finalise activity

Table 2




MNOI screen + Read more ...

Child Support Unit (CSJ) Smart Centre Processing staff

Has reconciliation completed?

  • Yes, go to FRCS screen. Code 'M' next to reconciliation line and press [Enter] to go to the LRMS screen
    • On LRMS screen, 'S'elect one of the available fields (one that holds $ value) and press [Enter] to go to the LRMD screen
    • On LRMD screen, code 'O' next to a group line and press [ENTER]
  • No, go to Mtce Ent'ment Grp Summary (MNGS) screen, 's'elect the entitlement group and code 'O' in GO TO: field

The financial year displayed on MNOI screen is the previous financial year if navigating from the MNGS screen, or the same year as the LRMD screen. Press [F10]/[F11] to view details for other years, or enter the financial year in the Financial Year: field.


Updating MNOI screen + Read more ...

Child Support Unit (CSJ) Smart Centre Processing staff

  • Start an activity on the Benefit Action (BA) screen, by coding:
    • Svc Rsn - ‘FTB’
    • Action - ‘REA’
    • Effect Date - 1 July of the relevant financial year (the start of the first financial year you need to cause re-reconciliation to occur for)
    • Complete the Source and DOR fields, then navigate to the MNOI screen (do not complete the activity)
  • Maintenance income details recorded for an entitlement group on the MNOI screen override all maintenance income details for that group for that period except capitalised maintenance income
  • Details on the MNOI screen are not used to assess the action taken to obtain child support (the MAT). If the customer received less than their full child support entitlement for periods before 1 July 2012, the action taken to obtain child support (the MAT) may need to be updated separately.
  • Updates can be made to customer, partner or ex-partner maintenance income. Automatic navigation will not occur to an ex-partner's MNOI screen but their Customer Reference Number will be provided via an Edit on the LRMD screen
  • A future date may not be coded on the MNOI screen

Update fields on MNOI screen:

  • Financial Year: field is the financial year to which the override applies. Enter the financial year in this field to view or create details for a previous or current financial year
  • Entitlement Group: field is the group selected via MNGS or LMRD screen to which the override applies
  • Start Date: is the start date of the override period. This is usually the start of the relevant period as displayed on the LRMP screen, but could be earlier if the relevant period has changed
  • End Date: is the end date of the override period. This is usually the end date of the relevant period as displayed on the LRMP screen, but could be later if the relevant period has changed
  • Amount: is the total maintenance income (excluding capitalised maintenance) the customer received for this entitlement group between the start date and end date inclusive. Components to include:
    • all amounts drawn down against any child support debts during the relevant financial year (this amount is obtained via Cuba and includes amounts drawn down against debts that are recovered via the Overpayment and Consolidated Revenue Methods)
    • any deemed amount for private collect periods, and
    • any/all disbursements received during the relevant financial year (available on the MNGP screen)
  • Reason: is the reason for the override

For examples, see the Resources page.

Check the results are as expected before finalising the activity. To make sure the maintenance income result is as expected:

  • Go to FRCS screen. Code 'M' next to the provisional reconciliation line and press [Enter] to go to the LRMS screen:
    • On LRMS screen, 'S'elect one of the available fields (one that holds $ value) and press [Enter] to go to the LRMD screen
    • The amount coded on the MNOI screen should be displayed in the Total Mtce Received field. Depending on the number of days in the payer relevant period, the Reco Ann Inc Mtce amount may be different to the amount coded on MNOI and shown in the Total Mtce Received field


Record the details on a DOC and finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen + Read more ...

Child Support Unit (CSJ) Smart Centre Processing staff

This will trigger re-reconciliation of FTB for the relevant financial year if reconciliation has already occurred.


Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity is created + Read more ...

Child Support Unit (CSJ) Smart Centre Processing staff.

A Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity is created on a customer's record if, for the same financial year, all the following rules apply:

  • FTB reconciliation has completed
  • the MNOI screen has been coded
  • the customer's relevant period alters
  • as a result, some of the maintenance income coded on the MNOI screen is outside the customer's relevant period

This MFU is produced so that the CSJ can investigate how the change has altered the customer's reconciliation result. Where necessary, the CSJ can contact the customer to follow up on details.

It may be of benefit to update the MNOI screen for the full new relevant period (as displayed on LRMP screen via MNGS) as the new start and end date. The amount would be the full amount that the customer/ partner/ ex-partner received for the full relevant period.