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Classifying escalated Centrelink digital images in the National Queue 111-10010010

This document outlines how Classification Support staff locate, access, and classify Centrelink customer images that have been escalated in the National Queue via Process Direct.

On this page

Classifying escalated images

Restricted Access classification

Classifying escalated images

This table describes how Classification Support queue staff classify images escalated to Classification Support in the National Queue.

Tables 1




Access the National Queue and view escalated images + Read more ...

Open a Process Direct session to access the National Queue.

Note: to receive a Classification Support work item in Process Direct, Classification Support Officers must have the appropriate skill tag(s) coded in ESSentials.

Was the image correctly escalated?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, classify the image and provide feedback to the Service Officer using the Staff Feedback Tool - see Resources for a link to the Tool. Procedure ends here


Process the escalated image + Read more ...

The Centrelink Classification Index contains classification details for form codes and unstructured documents.

If the digital image:

  • is a foreign document, including an International Agreement liaison, go to Step 3
  • is a restricted access record and:
  • contains sensitive material:
  • is escalated as per Removing a digital image from customer records:
    • do not change the form code
    • classify the document as 'Image processed, no action required'
    • click Save. Procedure ends here
  • does not meet the requirements for escalation, go to Step 6
  • does not relate to a customer's record (for example, office phone bill, customer complaint), go to Step 7
  • does not have enough information on the document to identify the CRN, go to Step 7
  • is a Centrelink document, and a rescan request is not applicable, go to Step 6


International Agreement liaison + Read more ...

An International Agreement country sends liaisons to Centrelink International Services (CIS) to process. The liaison form is usually identifiable by:

  • International Agreement partner details/header and contains customer details, and
  • a request for information or providing information based on Services Australia's request

The liaison will contain information on the first page identifying who the liaison is intended for (Agreement partner name and country, for example, Services Australia and Australia).

Note: each Agreement country manages their own Agreement liaison form. For a list of current international Agreement countries, see Agreement country.

The International Agreement partner may unintentionally send Services Australia a liaison intended for another country. For example, the US Social Security Administration (SSA) requests information from their agreement partner in France. Identify this by looking at the 'To' and 'From' fields on the liaison form.

If unsure if the document is an International Agreement Liaison, contact CIS helpdesk with details of the image for assistance.

Is the image an International Agreement liaison?

Yes, and it is intended for:

  • Australia
    • Classify the document UNS006 as 'image requires administrative processing' and click Save
    • Procedure ends here
  • another country
    • Email the document to the International Agreements team, stating:
      Subject: Agreement Liaison incorrectly sent to Services Australia
      Body: state the date liaison document was received
    • Classify the document UNS006 as 'Image requires administrative processing', and click Save
    • Procedure ends here

No, image is a foreign document sent by a customer. Go to Step 4


Foreign documents + Read more ...

Check the document thoroughly for any information that can help to identify the customer.

Is there enough identifiable information on the digital image to locate or create the customer record?

  • Yes, locate the record or add the customer to the system in the international environment. Go to Step 6
  • No, contact CIS Helpdesk to locate or create the CRN. Using the approved email proforma, attach the digital image and email the CIS helpdesk. Until a response is received (generally will take between 1-3 business days):
    • Service Officers must assign the work to themselves awaiting CIS helpdesk response
    • Once a response is received from CIS helpdesk or after 3 business days go to Step 5


Centrelink International Services (CIS) helpdesk response + Read more ...

Has a response been received from the CIS helpdesk within 3 business days?

  • Yes, and CIS Helpdesk staff have:
    • provided a CRN (for existing and new customers), go to Step 6
    • advised they are unable to identify the customer, assess for Orphan processing. Go to Step 7
  • No, contact CIS Helpdesk and request a response. If there is still no response after a second escalation request, the Service Officer must tell their team leader and resend the email trail marked as urgent:
    • Subject line: ACTION: 3rd Request
    • cc: their team leader and the Scanning and Digitisation team

If no response is received within a further 2 days, Digitisation and scanning will escalate with CIS.


Classify digital image + Read more ...

Is identifying customer information able to be located?

  • Yes, in the Documents section:
    • add the customer's CRN to the CRN: field
    • add the form code in the Form type: field. For unstructured documents including liaisons, see the Centrelink Classification Index. Classify International Documents as UNS006 if no form code is available
    • select the document decision 'Image checked and ready to be processed'
    • click Save. A message will appear to say that the work item has been unassigned. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 7


Orphan document processing + Read more ...

If there is not enough information to identify or create a customer's CRN, the image may need to become an Orphan or Administrative document.

In some cases, an Administration document may also be an Orphan document. For example, an invoice addressed to Services Australia where the owning team or agency cannot be identified.

Orphaned documents are ones that relate to customers, however they cannot be attached to a record because there is not enough information in the document to:

  • locate a customer record
  • establish a customer's identity, or
  • create a new record, or
  • the image is blurred or not legible

Do not use orphan processing:

  • when the customer or nominee has provided name, address and contact information. Contact the customer and/or nominee to obtain more information
  • for Tip Offs and inappropriate images, and do not attach these documents to a customer record. Classify these document types as Administrative. Go to Step 8

If the digital image relates to a person's record but there is not enough information on the document to identify the customer's CRN:

  • classify the document using the form code, or most appropriate UNS code
  • finalise the work item as 'Image contains insufficient information to classify'
  • click Save
  • procedure ends here


Administrative document processing + Read more ...

Administrative documents:

  • do not relate to any customer (e.g. invoices)
  • are part of a process where the documents cannot be attached to a record (e.g. tip offs or inappropriate images)
  • there is a business reason why the documents cannot be attached to a record but they still need processing (e.g. a single page contains details for multiple customers)

In the Centrelink Classification Index:

  • check the Classification Support Officer filtered listing for specific actions for some forms
  • there is more information about the appropriate team to refer the document/s to

If the digital image:

  • does not relate to a customer's record (e.g. office phone bill, customer complaint), do not link to a customer's record:
    • classify the document using the form code, or most appropriate UNS code if no form code is available
    • finalise the work item as 'Image requires administrative processing'
    • click Save
  • is completely blank with no identifying features and no form code or UNS code can be used:
    • classify as F9
    • click Save. A message will say the work item has been unassigned

Restricted Access classification

Table 2. This table describes how Restricted Access staff classify and attach images escalated to Classification Support in the National Queue.




Viewing and saving the digital images for classification + Read more ...

View each digital image by selecting the paperclip icon.

Note: to receive Restricted Access work items, Support Officers must have the appropriate skill tag(s) coded in ESSentials. For Service Officers without this access, see 'Restricted Access records' in the Centrelink Classification Index.

Are each of each of the documents saved to the desktop?

Staff must save each of the document/s to their desktop before continuing.


Complete all required classification fields + Read more ...

To complete the open work item. classify the document:

  • use the relevant form code
  • finalise the work item as 'Image requires administrative processing'
  • Save

To attach the document to the customer's record, go to Step 4.


Open Document Tools in Customer first + Read more ...

The customer must be in context to upload documents.

  • Launch Customer First and search for a customer
  • Select Workspace or Quick Links
  • Select Document Tools from the New Document Tools - Digitisation assignment block


Upload document + Read more ...

Select Upload Document button.

The Upload Document Details screen will show.


Enter document details + Read more ...

Complete the fields on the Upload Document Details screen to allow the document to attach to the customer's record:

  • Key Date of Receipt using the Calendar icon on the right. This is the date the document was lodged/received. It cannot be a future date. This field is mandatory
  • Key Form type or select from the List icon on the right for available form codes. This field is mandatory
  • Select Yes or No for Hand Off For Further Action:
    • Yes, if an activity is to be created on the customer's record to advise processing site that the digital image needs action
    • No, if all work on the image has been finalised and image just needs to be attached to the customer's record
  • Add Note if explanatory notes are required. These will show when the document is retrieved through Document Tools. These notes will not be viewable in ESS. This field has a limit of 255 characters


Attach document + Read more ...

  • Select Browse…
  • Select the folder/desktop the document has been saved in
  • Double click on the document to select the document
  • Click on the Upload button. Valid document file types include:
    • .xls - Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
    • .xlsx - Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
    • .doc - Microsoft Word document
    • .docx - Microsoft Word document
    • .jpg - Image
    • .tiff - Image
    • .tif - Image
    • .pdf - Adobe Reader document
    • .txt - Plain text
    • .rtf - Rich text
    • .msg - Microsoft Outlook message
    • .xps - Microsoft XML document

Documents should be no larger than 10MB in size as the file may be too large to open at a later date. Documents can be no larger than 5MB when uploading to a customer record due to Customer First limitations. Password protected files should not be uploaded as the password will stop the file from opening at a later date.

An error message shows at this point if any of the fields entered are incorrect. The error message stops the file from being uploaded.

Once the document has successfully uploaded:

  • a message shows a unique document ID assigned to the document
  • the document may not appear straight away on the customer's record. System validation processes occur before attachment

Once the document is available on the customer's record, delete the source document from desktop and personal download folder. This meets requirements for storage of customer information outside the Centrelink Core system.