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Viewing Centrelink customers' digital images 111-10020040

This document outlines information about locating and viewing correspondence stored electronically as digital images.

On this page:

Locating digital images

Processing digital image work items in Process Direct

Processing digital image work items in Customer First

Electronic Customer Documents Activity (ECDA) screen in Customer First

Locating digital images

Table 1




Locating images scanned prior to September 2011 + Read more ...

Digital images of documents digitised before September 2011 are stored in the National Index (NIM) database.

To manually view the image using NIM:

  • open Customer Record
  • go to Sys: NIM and Env: N
  • in Nxt, key IFL and [Enter]
  • key CRN in applicable field (remove all date info)
  • key W beside the image and it will list a web address at the top of page
  • copy this address into the address bar to view image


Viewing a document in Process Direct + Read more ...

If the digital image is attached to:

  • a work item allocated through Workload Management in Process Direct, see Table 2
  • the customer record, select the Documents icon to display scanned and uploaded documents:
    • select View to open a digital image (scanned document)
    • digital images can also be viewed from the Claim Overview full screen view
    • after opening a digital image, a 'dog ear' on the scan icon indicates it has been viewed

See also Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions.


Viewing a document in Customer First + Read more ...


Processing digital image work items in Process Direct

Table 2




Assigned a digital image work item from the Inbox + Read more ...

When assigned a digital image work item in Process Direct via the Inbox, the Open Documents screen presents. The digital image work item associated with the activity displays in the first row of the table.

Digital images of the same form type will be merged and can be viewed individually or at the work item level. The merged digital image will show first in the table with individual digital images displayed beneath by date. The merged digital image will show the receipt date of the oldest image. Select:

  • View to display single digital image or merged digital images
  • Notes to display annotations

The system cannot merge multiple digital images into a single PDF when file size is greater than 10MB or is an incompatible file type. A message will present to view these documents individually.


Support the customer to separate safely + Read more ...

If the scanned document relates to the customer separating from a relationship, there are key tasks the customer should consider to keep their personal information safe. The sequence these tasks are completed in is important. Do not make any updates to the customer's record that will place the privacy of their personal information at risk. See Separating Safely - Protecting personal details.


Searching for a digital image work item in Process Direct + Read more ...

Navigate to Open Document (OD) screen. The Open Documents screen will display.


Digital image work item + Read more ...

Has the digital image work item been actioned?


Work associated with digital image work item + Read more ...

Has all work associated with the digital image work item been actioned?


Reclassify digital image work item + Read more ...

To reclassify the digital image work item:

  • select the digital image in the action field. Note: make sure only 1 image is selected.
  • select Create Work Item to complete the following:
    • New Description: key appropriate form code to reclassify remaining work
    • Notes: describe the action taken and any action still required. This information will inform next Service Officer what work has already been completed and work is yet to be actioned
    • select Save
  • complete the original digital image work item, go to Step 7


Completing the digital image work item + Read more ...

To complete the digital image work item:

  • select the digital image or images in the action field
  • select Close Documents
  • the digital image work item will no longer appear on the Open Documents screen

Processing digital image work items in Customer First

Table 3




Support the customer to separate safely + Read more ...

If the scanned document relates to the customer separating from a relationship, there are key tasks the customer should consider to keep their personal information safe. The sequence these tasks are completed in is important. Do not make any updates to the customer's record that will place the privacy of their personal information at risk. See Separating Safely - Protecting personal details.


Locate digital image work items + Read more ...

In Customer First:

  • on the Customer Details page, select CRN/BP hyperlink > Activities tab, or
  • on the Activity List (AL) screen > Digital Image Work Items assignment block > select Transaction ID hyperlink

Digital images lodged by customers through the Upload documents service will add an additional DLSR activity.

Staff do not need to action DLSR activities.

Document Mgmt System is an activity allocated to staff and sits on the AL screen in Customer First. These activities must be actioned by suitably skilled staff.

The Document Management screen Activity Details tab will display.

The Activity Details tab presents and contains the customer's name, keywords for the image, the work item status and the date of receipt.

The date of receipt (DOR) may be different from the date on the ECDA screen, the DOR is the correct date to be used for processing.

Digital images may also be viewed via Document Tools in Customer First.

If the document activity was able to be completed, the ‘Document Mgmt System’ must be set to ‘complete’, go to Step 3.


Complete a Digital Image Work Item + Read more ...

Once the document has been viewed and/or appropriately actioned, the Digital Image Work Item can be closed from either the Document Management or AL screens.

Closing a Digital Image Work Item using the Document Management screen:

  • select the Edit button at the top of the screen, this will present a drop-down list for a change to the Status
  • select 'Completed'
  • once the status has been updated, select Save and Back
  • the Customer Summary screen will display. Before exiting the record, check the Activities tab to ensure all Document Management System Work Items

Do not place digital images work items on Hold as there is no option to record a hold end date. Placing digital image work items on hold will result in these work items not being allocated to staff and will cause delays for customers. If further action is required, a separate activity should be created manually and the work item placed on hold with relevant hold end date and digital image work item closed. Please refer to the relevant Operational Blueprint for programme specific information relating to updates.

Closing a Digital Image Work Item using the AL screen:

  • select the relevant row in the Digital Image Work Items table
  • the selected row will be highlighted
  • select the Complete button to the bottom right side of the assignment block
  • the status of the Digital Image Work Item will update to Completed
  • before exiting the record, check the Digital Image Work Item section on the AL screen to ensure that all work items have been completed

To select multiple rows, select the grey side tiles on the left of each row, then select Complete. To highlight all rows, select the multi select icon side tile (on the left of the Form Code heading), then select Complete.

Check the Inbox/Work Optimiser Worklist regularly to ensure all allocated work items have been correctly completed/finalised.

Workload Management identifies if there are multiple digital images of the same Work Item Type on a record. It retains the oldest Work Item only. Check and action all digital images lodged after the date of the Work Item allocated.

If multiple digital images need to be completed, go to Step 4.


Complete multiple Digital Image Work Items + Read more ...

Go to the Search: Activities screen via Workspace. The Search Criteria will display:

  • in Search Workspace key 'Search' and select the Search button
  • in the Appointments section, select Search. The Search Criteria screen will display
  • in the search criteria, key the Customer Reference Number (CRN) into the CRN field > Search. Note: if the CRN field does not display in the search criteria, the incorrect search option may have been selected from Workspace. Return to Workspace and select the Search option from the Appointments section
  • the Result List table will display the Document Management System (DMS) activities relating to that customer. Open activities will display with the status of Document Attached
  • highlight the relevant lines by clicking on the multi-select column boxes on the far left hand side of the Result List
  • once the relevant activities have been highlighted, select the Change Status button located at the top of the Result List table. Select Completed
  • the Status of each of the activities will update to Completed

Electronic Customer Documents Activity (ECDA) screen in Customer First

Table 4




ECDA screen + Read more ...

The ECDA screen displays digital image(s) attached to an activity and provides the functionality to view the digital images that are linked to activities awaiting finalisation. Apart from a 'view' facility, this screen also provides the ability to replicate, move or unlink the associated image on the same customer record.

Go to the ECDA screen via one of these ways:

  • key 'ECDA' in the Nxt field and press [Enter] while in the customer's record
  • go to the Activity List (AL) screen. Select any paperclip icon which displays under the Attachment column
  • go to the Activity List (AL) screen and select the activity. Select the ‘(E) View linked scanned documents’ from the Selection Options and select the Continue button
  • select the Electronic document list for activities option under Workspace > Documents & Correspondence

The ECDA screen is a facility that helps Service Officers view or manipulate a digital image. Action outstanding activities from the AL screen using the appropriate workflow tool.


Opening the image + Read more ...

Once the ECDA screen displays, the Service Officer can view digital images that have been attached to activities awaiting finalisation.

For help with these issues, see

If the image is not readable or usable:

Fields unable to be edited on the ECDA screen:

  • Current Activity field will display the activity code, assistance code, unique Activity ID and status of the activity that has been selected
  • Receipt Date field will display the Date of Receipt when the digital image was received
  • Form Code field will list the form type of the digital image
  • Description field describes the form type of the digital image
  • Document Id field will display the unique document Id stored for each image
  • Package Id field will display the unique package Id stored (group of documents relating to a single entity)
  • Date/Time Received field will display the Date and Time of when the digital image was received in the Centrelink system


Viewing the image + Read more ...

A Service Officer can view, replicate, move or unlink images associated with activities for the same customer record via a number of editable fields on the ECDA screen.

Editable fields on the ECDA screen:

  • Selection field is used to enter the action the user wishes to make. Default values for this field are as follows:
  • Replicate To Available Activity
  • Move To Available Activity
  • Unlink From This Activity
  • Available Activity field is used to enter the Activity Id of the new activity the image is to be Replicated or Moved to. The field will be protected if the action Move To Available Activity is not entered. Select Continue.


Actions on the image + Read more ...

Replicate images and attach multiple activities on the same customer record:

Image replication is used to link images to more than one activity. This is required when a digital image is not specific to a single activity. (For example, a cancelled NCL claim which required re-indexing.) If the cancelled claim contained linked images, these images will need to be linked on the ECDA screen to the newly indexed claim.

  • select Replicate To Another Activity from the drop down box
  • take note of the Activity ID to be replicated to. 'Available Activity' will become unprotected and mandatory to complete
  • select the valid Activity ID and select 'Continue'

To unlink an associated image from the activity on the same customer's record:

Select Unlink From This Activity from the drop down box and confirm by selecting 'Continue'

The image will then remain stored and attached to the customer record, and remain listed on the ECD screen. The only difference is that the image will no longer be associated to a specific activity.

To move an associated image to another activity on the same customer's record:

  • select Move To Available Activity from the drop down box
  • Available Act will now be unprotected and must be completed. Key a valid activity ID and select Continue


Complete the SCN activity + Read more ...

When the work has either:

  • been completed, or
  • had the image linked to another activity

The SCN activity must be cancelled. This ensures the related work is not allocated for completion.