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Letters and customer advices 111-14000000

Staff must not use Process Direct to create manual letters. The Process Direct workflow is not yet endorsed for use.

This page contains details of how to action Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities relating to letters, process incomplete letters and create manual letters in Customer First. Do not create a manual letter or action an MFU activity relating to letters in Process Direct. These updates must be completed in Customer First.

On this page:

Processing incomplete letters

Processing MFU activities relating to letters

Processing incomplete letters

Table 1: a manual letter (ZIAM_MAN_ADV_REQ) work item creates when an auto letter could not generate. Only finalise an Advice (ADV) after determining why it was created and finalising any actions required. For help, contact Local Peer Support.




ZIAM_MAN_ADV_REQ - Manual Letter Required + Read more ...

Some activities may need a manual letter to be sent. Others may have a started letter where manual content needs to be added.

In Customer First:

  • view the activity and check the Activity Details (AY) screen to decide what action to take
  • select the activity and view the Notes section. For example. 'E371NS: Unable to produce auto letter. Manual letter required.' See Table 2 to process the letter for specific activity type
  • check the Document List (DL) screen and the Activity History List (HAL) screen. Identify the triggering event that created this activity

Complete the required action required first. Do not finalise an ADV/MFU without determining the reason.

For help, contact Local Peer Support.


Process the incomplete letter + Read more ...

If processing:

  • an incomplete Advice (ADV) letter, go to Step 3
  • a ‘Text not found’ letter, go to Step 4


Incomplete ADV letter + Read more ...

Go to the Activity List (AL) screen. Select:

  • the ADV Letter Incomplete activity > Continue
  • when the Letter Display (LDC or LDT) screen displays, complete any blank fields with the correct details

For Customer First, select:

  • Continue to confirm the text
  • Next Page to scroll to the next page

For Customer Record, press:

  • [Enter] to confirm the text
  • [F8] to scroll to the next page

When all blank fields are actioned, key 'FIN' in the Command field to complete the letter.

The completed letter will be:

  • queued for central print, or
  • delivered to the customer's myGov Inbox in 2 working days

Procedure ends here.


Tell Help Desk, TEXT not found + Read more ...

These letters are incomplete because the letter is missing one (or more) paragraphs.

Report this to the ICT helpdesk via the Enterprise Outbound Communication (EOC) issue webform:

  • go to mySupport
  • key Enterprise Outbound Communication (EOC) issue or search for key words (such as SMS, email, messages, letters, communications)
  • complete the form and include the missing paragraph code in the issue notes
  • Submit the webform and note the receipt number

Processing MFU activities relating to letters

Table 2: an MFU creates when an activity on the customer’s record could not auto-complete and requires manual action by a Service Officer. This table lists the manual letters Service Officers can create. Only finalise an MFU after determining why it was created and finalising any actions required. For help, contact Local Peer Support.




Customer deceased. Claim and manual advice to new custodian (A002F1) + Read more ...


E371NS - Unable to produce auto letter + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter when conflicting or sensitive activities have been completed on the customer's record. For example, the customer has been cancelled and restored in the same activity. The system cannot generate a letter to cover the scenario.


E372NS -Too many activities completed in one day + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter when an excessive number of activities have been completed on the customer's record. This is because the system cannot determine which letter to generate.


I048FY - Letter is suppressed due to child death - no auto letter + Read more ...


GCANCDAACD*Q079 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q079 (Carer Allowance - Adult Care Receiver Dies) when an adult care receiver has passed away. This letter notifies that Carer Allowance can no longer be paid and includes details about Bereavement Payment.


GCANCDAGDU*Q255 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q255 (For Death of Care Giver for CA - Child-single not partnered) when a single carer has died and to notify the executor of the final payment (or overpayment).


GCANLICOTH*Q999 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q999 (free text) for cancellation reason 'OTHER'.


GCANNSSOTH*Q134 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q134 (Rej, Can, Sus or Defer pension, allowance or benefit) for cancellation reason 'OTHER'.


GCANPENBVP*Q134 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q134 (Rej, Can, Sus or Defer pension, allowance or benefit) for cancellation reason 'OTHER'.


GCANPENOTH*Q134 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q134 (Rej, Can, Sus or Defer pension, allowance or benefit) for cancellation reason 'OTHER'.


GCANPENVSM*Q334 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q334 (Marriage or MLR: No longer requires PP or ptr details unknown) when a Parenting Payment Single is cancelled with reason 'Marriage Like Relationship' (VSM).


GNOTCSMR01*Q014 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q014 (Crisis Payment) when the customer's claim for a Crisis Payment has been granted or rejected.


GREAPENBRC*Q486 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q486 (Death partner, caree or child) when a partner, caree, or child has died. It tells the customer about the Bereavement Lump Sum and continuation of payments for the bereavement period.


GREJLICSOTH*Q999 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q999 (free text) for rejection reason 'OTHER'.


GREJNSSOTH*Q134 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q134 (Rej, Can, Sus or Defer pension, allowance or benefit) for rejection reason 'OTHER'.


GREJPENAGE*Q134 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q134 (Rej, Can, Sus or Defer pension, allowance or benefit) for rejection reason 'OTHER'.


GREJPENOTH*Q503 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter – Q503 (Reject Bereavement Allowance) when a rejection reason of 'OTHER' has been used.


GSUSNSSOTH*Q134 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q134 (Rej, Can, Sus or Defer pension, allowance or benefit) for suspension reason 'OTHER'.


GSUSPENOTH*Q134 + Read more ...

Create a manual OLA letter - Q134 (Rej, Can, Sus or Defer pension, allowance or benefit) for suspension reason 'OTHER'.