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Issuing Online Advice (OLA) letters to Third Party Organisations (TPO) 111-14010040

Letters are currently being reviewed to make sure that they are in line with the new programme policy and terms. If a letter that is currently being reviewed is needed, contact the Deduction and Confirmation Branch.

For staff working on Deduction and Confirmation programs only.

Online letters for BasicsCard Merchants

Table 1: This table describes the available online letters for BasicsCard Merchants.

Letter code



BasicsCard Merchant - Voluntary Termination

Use when the merchant has notified that they no longer require their agreement.


BasicsCard Merchant Grant Letter

Use when a BasicsCard Merchant Application has been approved.


BasicsCard Merchant

Rejection Letter Use when a BasicsCard Merchant Application has been rejected.


BasicsCard Merchant Receipt of Review - Approval

Use when advising the merchant that you have received their request for a review of the decision not to approve them as a BasicsCard Merchant.


BasicsCard Merchant Review Outcome - Approval

Use when the review of the decision to approve the Merchant to participate in the BasicsCard Scheme is not favourable/or favourable and the Merchant’s application has either been rejected or accepted.

Online letters for Third Party Agreements

Table 2: This table describes the available online letters for Third Party Agreements.

Letter code



Business Application approval

Use when a contract has been approved.


Business Application rejected

Use when a contract has been rejected.


Request for information

Use when further information is required as part of a Business Application.


Application withdrawal

Use when the business has submitted a business application and has withdrawn before the assessment being complete.


Voluntary withdrawal

Use when the organisation has notified that they no longer require their contract.


Review of decision outcome

Use when a decision to not approve the contract has been:

  • reviewed and affirmed, or
  • reviewed and approved


Change in circumstances

Use when a TPOs details have been updated. This letter notifies them that the update/s they have requested has been finalised.

Online letters for Programme Assurance

Table 3: This table describes the available online letters for Programme Assurance.

Letter code



Business response

Note: currently not available for Centrepay (interim letter is required).

Use when a review has been conducted and the organisation has breached the contract or agreement and subsequently the organisation has provided a plan of action to comply with the contract.

The letter says that Services Australia has no issue with the plan and that they will conduct another review at a later date.


Notification of Programme Assurance Review

Use when you are going to conduct a review on the organisation.


Services Australia Business terms and conditions

Use when an organisation is at risk of not complying with the contract or agreement.

The letter notifies the organisation what part(s) of the contract or agreement they are at risk of breaching and allows free text for further explanations.


Notice to remedy

Use when an organisation has breached the contract or agreement.

The letter notifies the organisation what part(s) of the contract or agreement they breached. The organisation is given a date by which to rectify the breaches.


Completion of Review

Use when a review has been completed and there are no breaches found.

Online letters for Income Management Organisations

Table 4: This table describes the available online letters for Income Management Organisations.

Letter code



One off payment letter

Income Management Payments and Contact Team (IMPACT) only.

Used for IMPACT to advise TPO when a payment has been made via Credit card, BPAY, pay anyone or cheque.


Add new service reason

Interim letter required for Centrepay.

Option 1: Use to add a service reason to an existing Income Management TPO.

Option 2: Use to update a service reason when TPO has identified a required change and advised the agency.

Option 3: Use to update a service reason when a more appropriate service has been identified.


Surplus School Meal Program (SMP) funds

Option 1: use for the transfer of Income Management SMP surplus funds to a new provider.

Option 2: use to advise Income Management TPOs with SMP special condition about the management of surplus School Meals Program funds at the end of the year.


Approval new special condition

This letter confirms the approval of a special condition and removes the need to sign and return special conditions to TPOs.


Revocation special condition

This letter is to be used to revoke a special condition in instances where:

  • the TPO no longer requires it, or
  • the agency identifies it is not required

OLA user settings to complete action

Table 5: This table describes information on user settings required for issuing Online Advice (OLA) letters.




User Profile (UP) screen

Check position details are correct, including:

  • region code (for example, BCP, RSN), and
  • printer


OLA User Profile (OAUP) screen

Check position details are correct, including:

  • printer, and
  • signature on letter:
    • Account Managers to use 'CSO' (the signature on letters will show Service Officer's name)
    • Liaison Officers to use 'MGR' (the signature on letters will have the name of the account manager, or the region code


Services Australia Office Details (RRO) screen

Check region details are correct, including:

  • manager's name
  • postal address, and
  • fax number

The Service Zone Coordinator can make updates to existing office details for each local office.