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Categorisation and validation of scanned Medicare documents 111-17050403


URL link

Kofax Validation

Thin Client:

Kofax Document Review and Quality Control (requires Citrix)

Thick Client: http://citrix.internal.dept.local/Citrix/InternalWeb/


Go to mySupport:

  • Search using keywords ‘Kofax Issues’ and select the relevant form
  • Complete and Submit the required form taking note of any receipt or reference code produced

Contact details

Scanning and Digitisation team

User guide

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\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-hidden-attachment.pngPaNDA project Kofax Capture user guide

Common errors

Common errors, why they occur and how to resolve them.


Common errors


Image directory not found or cannot be opened

Reason: infrastructure issue with File share

Solution: right click the batch and select Unreject


Kofax Export Connector for IBM FileNet Content Manager - unable to connect

Reason: FileNet server is not available or connection to FileNet cannot be established

Solution: ensure FileNet services are up and running (contact your FileNet support team) – right click the batch and select Unreject to retry export


File Path Cannot be opened

Reason: file share or network issue

Solution: right click the batch and select Unreject


Empty batch with No Name or System ID as Batch name

Reason: this is due to an incorrect setting in KIC import

Solution: note down the batch number, redirect to MIDRANGE.SYSTEMS.OPERATIONS with details.