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Quality Sampling Summary (QSS) screen 111-20071754

This document outlines information about the QSS screen and how to update staff proficiency for the Quality On Line (QOL) program.


Note: this document is to be read together with Updating proficiency for QOL.

QOL is the quality checking program for work completed in Customer First/Customer Record. QOL uses a sampling algorithm to select activities for checking. This includes staff reading proficiency levels that are recorded and updated on QSS screen in Customer First/Customer Record.

The QSS screen can only be updated by staff who are APS5 or above. Access to the QSS screen is automatic, based on the provisional number the staff member occupies in ESSentials.

When an activity is completed in Customer First/Customer Record, it is recorded with information on the:

  • system
  • benefit
  • activity type

This information and QSS proficiency will be used to decide if the activity will need to be QOL checked.

QSS automation

Components of the QOL proficiency assessment process have been automated.

The automated process:

  • applies monthly updates on the Quality Sampling Summary (QSS) screen
  • aligns with the QOL proficiency assessment process. Note: some manual proficiency assessments are still needed, where applicable
  • is separate to the Quality Management Application (QMA) auto sampling framework

Staff with at least one system and/or benefit line on the QSS screen will have their proficiency automated unless an exemption is applied.

For details on the QSS automation process including exemption reasons, see Updating proficiency for QOL.

Updating QSS

Proficiencies can be applied to the benefits of the major systems NSS/PEN/FAO in:

  • new claim (NCL), and
  • non-new claim (NNCL) activity types

Proficiencies can also be applied to specific activity types that are completed in that system. For example, in the DMN system, RCV – debt recovery type activities are coded directly to the RCV activity.

Updating QSS per system/benefit (major systems NSS/PEN/FAO)

A generic system line must be recorded before the corresponding benefits can be added. This line needs to be recorded for both NCL and NNCL.

Updating generic lines

The proficiency of the generic line can be updated in line with a correctness report from QOLStat.

If subsequent benefit proficiency is not coded, this can affect the sampling.

If the generic line proficiency is:

  • I or P without coding the subsequent benefit lines, all activities completed in the benefit will be sampled on the proficiency of the generic line
  • L and a benefit under that line is I or P, the sampling will be based on the benefit line

The Resources page has examples.

Activities marked with a system as the benefit

In QOL reporting, some activities have the benefit recorded as a system and will display in a report as: System: PEN, Benefit: PEN for example.

These activities:

  • are sampled based on the generic proficiency line
  • do not count towards proficiency at the benefit level and
  • should not be updated with their own proficiency line

See the Resources page for an example of how the 5 benefit types display on the Correctness Report.

Exception: updates to the FAO FAO and CDA CDA system lines on QSS can be made for non-new claim (NNCL) work only. This does not apply to new claim (NCL) work.

If the Service Officer has attained proficiency advancement at the FAO and/or CDA benefit level for non-new claim, QSS can be updated accordingly. See the Resources page for an example.

Updating FAO system proficiency

When updating the FAO system/benefit combinations, other benefits under this system can automatically update at the same time.

Make sure the correct proficiency is recorded for the correct benefit. however, this is not always possible in the FAO system.

If a QOL correctness report indicates results that meet an I or P proficiency for System: FAO/Benefit: FTB, this should also be updated.

Commencing new work

New staff

QSS does not need to be updated for new staff. 100% sampling applies when there are no QSS lines recorded.

Lines on QSS should be added as the staff member moves up proficiency levels.

Existing staff commencing new work

For existing staff commencing new work:

  • where there is no QSS line relating to the new work, no further action is required
  • where a current line exists, care should be taken to revert to ‘L

New lines are added as proficiency improves, see Updating proficiency for QOL.

The Resources page contains examples.

Quality On Line (QOL)

Updating proficiency for QOL

Quality standards in service delivery