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Quality Sampling Summary (QSS) screen 111-20071754

This document outlines information about the QSS screen and how to update staff proficiency for the Quality On Line (QOL) program.

On this page:

Navigating and searching in QSS

Updating proficiency in QSS

Removing QSS Coding and Viewing QSS History

Navigating and searching in QSS

Table 1




Navigate to QSS + Read more ...

In Customer First/Customer Record key ‘QSS’ in the Next field.

The header contains fields to help find staff and view proficiencies.

To see what can be used in each field, use the field help (?) in each box.


Search for a staff member + Read more ...

Before updating QSS search for the staff member:

  • key the logon ID in the Officer Logon ID field

Note: QSS will not return lines if the staff member has no lines recorded.


Recording Team Leader/Line Manager details + Read more ...

QSS will prompt for Line Manager details if there are no details recorded:

  • key the Line Manager logon ID in the T/L Logon ID field


Filter information + Read more ...

When the staff member and/or office is found information can be filtered in the following fields:

  • System: displays proficiency coding for the related system
  • Display By: sorts the display into:
    • System
    • Activity Code/Type
    • Proficiency rate
      Note: use '/' between coding to sort more than 1
  • Office: key the office code to display the QSS coding
    Note: appropriate access is needed

Updating proficiency in QSS

Table 2




Existing and new staff start new work in Customer First + Read more ...

For new staff make sure the QSS screen does not have existing lines recorded.

Has the new staff member met the proficiency advancement assessment? See Updating proficiency for QOL

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, monitor for proficiency advancement. Procedure ends here

For ongoing staff starting new work, check the system/benefit or activity proficiency on QSS.

Does a current line for the relevant System/Benefit or activity type exist?

  • Yes, if recorded as:
    • L’ procedure ends here
    • I’ or ‘Pgo to Step 3
  • No, monitor for proficiency advancement. Once the staff member has met proficiency advancement, go to Step 2


Adding proficiency lines to QSS + Read more ...

Field help: (?) can be used in all fields.

Key ‘I’ (insert) into the Command box under the header and update the following fields:

  • Officer: logon details
  • Sys: relevant system for the update
  • Serv Rsn: Benefit/Activity type
  • Act Code: Activity Code, for example:
    • NCL for new claim
    • /NCL for non-new claim
    • NCL or relevant activity type, e.g. RCV or NDB etc.
  • Sample: proficiency achieved, i.e. ‘L’, ‘I’ or ‘P
  • Press [Enter]. The line is added

Tips for updating lines:

  • Generic system lines must be added before recording benefit lines, the Serv Rsn field is not required when adding these lines
  • Use field help ‘?’ in a blank box to see what Sys/Serv Rsn combinations can be used
  • Generic line proficiency and subsequent benefit proficiency are updated in line with the QOLStat Correctness report. This can change depending on correctness results
  • A NCL and NNCL entry is needed for each generic line and benefit line of the major systems


Changing an existing QSS line + Read more ...

  • Find the line that needs changing
  • Key ‘c’ (change) in the command box
  • Update the Sample field in according to the proficiency assessment
  • Press [Enter]
  • When updating FAO system/benefit, other benefits in that system can change automatically with any new coding

Removing QSS Coding and Viewing QSS History

Table 3




Removing QSS coding + Read more ...

Coding on QSS is not deleted completely. Lines are expired. This records all coding in history.

  • Find the line that needs to be expired
  • Key ‘E’ (end date) in the command box
  • Press [Enter]
  • The line is removed from QSS and recorded in history


Viewing QSS history + Read more ...

There are 2 ways to view QSS history:

  • navigating to the QSH screen
  • search for the staff member in the Officer field
  • history will be displayed and can be viewed by system, or
  • locate the line on QSS and key ‘h’ (history) in the command box and press [Enter]