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Quality Call Framework quality checking 111-22010000

This document outlines how to conduct quality call checks across the agency, as outlined in the Quality Call Framework.

Select the relevant option:

Verint set up and evaluation

For quality checkers in business teams that have transitioned to Verint.

Verint set up for new and re-accredited Quality Checkers




Before starting an evaluation + Read more ...

Quality checkers must set the default evaluation form for their business team:

  • Locate the username in the top right corner of Verint and select preferences
  • Go to the Interactions tab
  • Select the form to be set as a default

Customise the Interaction Search Results view to check if a call has been evaluated under the Quality Call Framework:

  • Go to the Interactions menu heading and select Search
  • Execute an interactions search to display calls

Customise the view

  • Select the down arrow next to any of the displayed columns
  • Select columns. This will display all columns that can be added to a quality checker's view
  • Select both the Remark and Number of evaluations options

This will make sure that if a quality checker has failed to ‘remark’ a call, it will display the number of evaluations completed.

Verint evaluation




Select call and evaluation form + Read more ...

Identify the staff member:

  • For side-by-side listening/Remote/Real Time Monitoring, select the next call that presents to the staff member
  • For Call Recording, select a call at random with a call date using the current settlement period
  • As per sampling business rule 4, in scope calls are where an interaction takes place between a Services Australia staff member and an external customer
  • Call length:
    • Child Support Smart Centres, 3 - 40 minutes
      Note: calls less than 3 minutes can be used where appropriate for the business line, for example, Employer Services. Calls more than 40 minutes can be used in special circumstances, where business needs and individual circumstances are deemed appropriate
    • Payment Assurance Operations Division, one - 40 minutes
    • Smart Centres, Operations Division, zero - 60 minutes

Note: evaluations for each settlement period must be submitted in Verint by the 2nd business day of the following settlement period.

If using manual forms:

  • transfer details to the online form within 7 calendar days of the quality check and no later than the 2nd business day of the following settlement period
  • store manual forms as per Record Management Policy

How is the call to be evaluated?


Using Verint + Read more ...

Go to the Interactions menu option and select search.

Locate the staff member and call to evaluate.

Select the start time hyperlink to expand the interaction and display the evaluation form.

For help with locating and listening to calls, see the Service Delivery Quality Centre.

Go to Step 4.


Using any other method (not Verint) + Read more ...

Go to the Interactions menu option and select Evaluate.

Select the staff member to evaluate.

Amend the start and end date and time to the date and time the call was evaluated.

Select Go to display the evaluation form.


Evaluate call + Read more ...

Evaluate the call against each Quality Call Standard and respond to each question.

  • Quality Call Standard 1: Customer Service
  • Quality Call Standard 2: Contact Resolution
  • Quality Call Standard 3: Quality Information
  • Quality Call Standard 4: Agency Instructions
  • Quality Call Standard 5: Processing Accuracy
  • Privacy Statement. For help with privacy and secrecy, see the Resources page for a user guide

Answer all questions in the evaluation form.

Answering Yes to each question under the Quality Call Standards will indicate that the element and all criteria have been met.

Answering No will indicate that the element has not been met. Select the criterion that has not been met. Answer all criteria and provide feedback.

If answering No to the privacy and secrecy question, check what action to take. See the Privacy and Secrecy intranet page ‘Report a privacy incident’ tile.


Evaluate call - interrupting a call, authentication and POI + Read more ...

Interrupting a call

This is appropriate in limited cases when:

  • there is a potential breach of the customer’s privacy or secrecy
  • a staff member displays offensive behaviour towards the customer, for example, swearing, or
  • there is a security incident


Access to this information is the same for all methods of listening. For call recording, the authentication level displays in the search results in Verint.

Authentication and FslverEnrolmentStatus fields in Verint match up with the authentication colours on Services Australia Workspace for the staff member:

  • 0 + CPP Enrolled or FS Enrolled = Red
    CRN was entered and an error occurred during authentication
    A voiceprint has been registered
  • 0 + Not Enrolled = Red
    CRN was entered and an error occurred during authentication
    No voice print has been registered
  • 0 + Not Present or is missing = Amber
    No CRN was provided
  • 1 + Not Present or is missing = Amber
    CRN was entered but no attempt was made to authenticate
  • 1 + Not Enrolled = Amber
  • 2 + Not Enrolled = Green
    Authenticated with a PIN
    No voice print has been registered
  • 2 + CPP Enrolled or FS Enrolled = Green
    Authenticated with a PIN
    A voice print has been registered
  • 3 + CPP Enrolled or FS Enrolled = Green
    Authenticated with a PIN or voice print

Service Officers must follow the relevant process for authentication found in:

Where the correct authentication processes have not been followed, quality checkers must submit a Privacy Incident Notification (PIN) if there is a risk that a Service Officer is speaking to someone other than:

  • the owner of the record; or
  • an authorised representative

This includes where the Service Officer:

  • updates information
  • provides access to a record, or
  • discloses personal information from a record

Proof of identity (POI)

For call recording, a staff member can update the POI field at any stage during the call.

When evaluating if POI requirements are met, check if the call originated from a transfer before considering the POI field.

Does the POI field in Verint match up with the details on Services Australia Workspace for the staff member receiving the transfer?

  • Yes, full POI was completed before transfer
  • No/Blank, POI was not completed before transfer


Evaluation feedback + Read more ...

Give effective feedback to the staff member on the call:

  • what worked well
  • how the criteria were met or not met
  • corrective action and areas of improvement, if required. Include reference to Operational Blueprint
  • information about any interrupted calls

See the Resources page for a presentation on giving feedback.

Do not include personal information in free text fields. This is information about a person that meets the definition of ‘personal information’ in the Privacy Act. Examples include names, dates of birth, addresses or any information that could be used to identify a person.

Complete the evaluation feedback field with free text that complies with the Quality Checking Feedback Policy.


Business Process Improvements tab + Read more ...

Do not include individual staff feedback in this section.

Has a business process improvement idea been identified?

  • Yes, select Yes and:
    • complete the extra questions that present
    • select the most appropriate category relating to the idea
    • add details in the free text field about the idea
    • go to Step 8
  • No, go to Step 8


Complete the evaluation + Read more ...

Submit the evaluation

  • Select Submit after completing all questions.

Flag the evaluation

  • The evaluation flag option displays after the evaluation is submitted
  • Select this icon and select the Forward to Employee checkbox
  • This will send an email to the staff member with a link to the evaluation
  • If not selected now, the flag can be added later by opening the evaluation

Remark the call

  • Add a remark to the call to alert other quality checkers that the call has been evaluated under the Quality Call Framework
  • Use a remark that identifies the quality checker and that it has been assessed under the Quality Call Framework. For example, QCF_ABC123
  • In Verint, the Remark icon is on the right side of the call details. To see it, hover the mouse over that section

Procedure ends here.

Calibration and Aim for Accuracy

Calibration and Aim for Accuracy




Select the relevant exercise + Read more ...



Calibration + Read more ...

In Verint, select the calibration call and calibration form relevant to the business area. To check this information, select 'Aim for Accuracy and Calibration' in the Quality Call Framework Portal.

Go to Step 4.


Aim for Accuracy + Read more ...

Aim for Accuracy can be undertaken by business areas at any time.

Business areas must contact the Quality Call Framework (QCF) team to:

  • discuss the exercise, and
  • consider options to record the outcomes for an Aim for Accuracy check

Go to Step 4


Evaluate call + Read more ...

Evaluate the call against each element and respond to each question.

Answer all questions in each tab on the online evaluation form:

  • Customer Service
  • Contact Resolution
  • Quality Information
  • Agency Instructions
  • Processing Accuracy

For help with the privacy and secrecy element, see the Resources page for a user guide.

Answering Yes will indicate that the element has been met. There are criteria to the right of the element on the online form to help with decisions.

Answering No will indicate that the element has not been met. Select the criterion that has not been met. Give an answer for all criteria.

In an Aim for Accuracy check, quality checkers will also answer questions to record if the original check and original feedback is correct.


Giving feedback + Read more ...

Give effective feedback on the call checked:

  • what worked well
  • how the criteria were met or not met
  • corrective action and areas of improvement if required. Include reference to Operational Blueprint
  • information about any interrupted calls

See the Resources page for a presentation on giving feedback.


Evaluation Feedback: free text that complies with the Quality Checking Feedback Policy

Aim for Accuracy

  • Aim for Accuracy Comparison Result: select whether there has been a variation to the original result
  • Aim for Accuracy Comparison Feedback: free text that complies with the Quality Checking Feedback Policy

Do not include personal information in free text fields. This is information about a person that meets the definition of ‘personal information’ in the Privacy Act. Examples include names, dates of birth, addresses or any information that could be used to identify a person.


Submit evaluation tab + Read more ...

Submit after each check.

The Aim for Accuracy check will send an email to the original quality checker. The email contains a summary of the element results and the feedback entered on the Evaluation Feedback tab.

Disputing an evaluation

Dispute process




Dispute process + Read more ...

Staff may dispute the outcome of a quality check if they think it is incorrect or inappropriate.

When a staff member disagrees with the evaluation outcome, they should discuss it with their immediate supervisor.

Supervisors will then follow the escalation process in line with the business team’s dispute management process.

Amendments to evaluations may be considered by contacting the Service Delivery Quality team.