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Assessing exclusion from local schooling for ABSTUDY away from home rate 010-02060120

This document outlines when an ABSTUDY student can be paid the Away from Home rate because they have been excluded from local schooling.

Eligibility for exclusion

Dependent ABSTUDY students are normally expected to live at home while studying. Under certain circumstances, however, they may have to live away from home and so become eligible for a higher rate of assistance. One of these circumstances is where the student has been excluded from the local school. In these circumstances, Living Allowance at the Away from Home rate can be paid for a secondary student if all of the following apply:

  • during a year the student has been excluded by school authorities from all available local schooling
  • there are no other schools within reasonable travelling time
  • distance education/correspondence studies are not appropriate
  • a satisfactory boarding placement is found

The student/applicant remains eligible in subsequent years if the student remains excluded from local schooling.

Note: continuity of study rules may apply where appropriate.

Ineligibility for exclusion

Dependent schooling students studying by distance education/ correspondence are not eligible for the Away from Home rate under the exclusion from local schooling provision.

Away from Home rate

Away from Home rate can be claimed:

  • for new customers, via the ABSTUDY Claim (SY019), or
  • for existing customers, via a statement (verbal or written) indicating the criteria under which they are seeking approval

Documentation required

Documentation will be required in the form of a letter from an appropriate officer of the State/Territory education authority, confirming that the student has been excluded from all available local schooling (and that there are no other schools within reasonable travelling time) to prove eligibility under this provision.

Unfavourable decisions

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

Away from home rate for ABSTUDY

Coding away from home rate for ABSTUDY

Cessation of the ABSTUDY Away from Home rate

Assessing ABSTUDY travel time and access for the away from home rate