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Assessing exclusion from local schooling for ABSTUDY away from home rate 010-02060120

This document outlines when an ABSTUDY student can be paid the Away from Home rate because they have been excluded from local schooling.

Assessing exclusion from local schooling for ABSTUDY Away from Home rate




Documentation required + Read more ...

is required to prove eligibility under this provision a letter from an appropriate officer of the State/Territory education authority is required. It needs to confirm that the student has been excluded from all available local schooling (and that there are no other schools within reasonable travelling time).


Coding required + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png

Complete the following fields on the Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen to record the approval of Away from Home rate based on being excluded from local schooling. If there is a previous entry on the NIH screen you will be taken to the NIHS screen. If there is a current entry, this will need to be end-dated before a new line can be entered. Once end-dated, press Enter for a new NIH screen.

  • Action: field type 'AFH'
  • Start/Reject Reason: field, type 'AEX' (Excluded from attending local schools)
  • Start Date: field, type the date Away from Home rate granted from which the Away from Home rate has been granted

Note: the End Date: End Reason: and Consent to Contact: fields are not required.

See Coding away from home rate for ABSTUDY for procedures on fully coding a student qualified for Away from Home rate.