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Completing and assessing the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Application for Short Term Boarding Allowance (SY068) 010-03020060

For the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Smart Centre staff only.

This document outlines how to complete and assess the SY068.

Assessing the AIC SY068 for additional short-term board period




Determine eligibility for Short Term Boarding Allowance + Read more ...

A student may need to board away from their family home for short periods during the year to access appropriate schooling. This may be due to:

  • special weather conditions isolating the family home
  • the student needing to undertake diagnostic testing, or
  • a student’s medical need

Applicants can apply for Basic Boarding Allowance (BA) and/or Additional Boarding Allowance (ABA) for short-term periods for the student to access:

  • a school
  • special program
  • special facilities, or
  • special environment

If other eligibility criteria are met, the applicant is paid for the periods the student was boarding.



SY068 form lodged + Read more ...

Has the applicant received Basic Boarding Allowance (BBA) for the student in the year that the SY068 applies to?


SY068 is not the appropriate form + Read more ...

Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the applicant to advise them

  • of the AIC claiming process and lodgement dates
  • they need to apply for boarding allowance via the SY040 claim form and may need to provide other supporting documents

Was contact with the applicant successful?


SY040 initial claim lodged + Read more ...

When an applicant lodges an initial claim for short term Boarding Allowance, assess and code the claim for AIC.

If the SY040 claim outlines all the short term boarding dates for the study year, the SY068 is not required.

Note: the applicant will need to lodge the SY068 for any subsequent short term board periods during the same calendar year. If the dates on the SY068 refer to the next calendar year, a new claim (SY040) will be required.

Is the provided SY068 form required?


SY068 lodged, restore AIC + Read more ...

Restore the applicant’s payment for additional periods of short term board in the current year of study.

In the student's record, go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen code:

  • Nxt: field: BA
  • Service Reason field: EIC
  • Action field: RES
  • Press [Enter] (the effect date will default to date last paid short term Boarding Allowance)
  • Source field: SY068 (Short Term Boarding Allowance form)
  • DOR/Receipt Date field: Date SY068 lodged
  • Do not finalise the activity


Student’s living arrangements (EILA) + Read more ...

For a second or subsequent period of short term board record:

  • details of the student's living arrangements, and
  • the dates they start and finish on the EILA screen

Within the restoration, create a new EILA page for each period of short term board by typing the new dates over the existing dates in the Start and End date fields.

Complete the following fields for each period of short term board:

  • Living Arrangement: field
  • Living Arrangement Start Date: field
  • End Date: field
  • Annual Boarding Fees: field
  • Short Term Boarder: field
  • ST Boarder Date of Receipt: field
  • ST boarder Late Lodge Conc: field
  • Action: Use 'I' (insert)
  • Do not finalise the activity


Study Details + Read more ...

Go to the Education Course Details (EDC) screen. Check Inst Course End Date for past period of short term board matches Student End Date.

Add New EDC details:

  • Participation Status Event Date, key start date of short term board period
  • Participation Status, key Full Time (FTS) or Part Time (PTS), as appropriate
  • Course Level
  • Inst Course Start Date and Inst Course End Date, key the start and end date for the period(s) of short term board claimed Institution, key the Education Provider code, see National Course Approvals sub-site
  • Student Start Date and Student End Date, key the start and end date for the period(s) of short term board claimed
  • Mode of Study, key INT
  • Comment, key the exact name of the course or course level
  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity


Finalise the claim + Read more ...

If the claim is being granted:

  • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > AIC > AIC Grant/_DOV
  • ensure the DOC includes the relevant policy references

If the claim is not being granted, reject the claim:

  • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > AIC > AIC Reject/_DOV
  • make sure the DOC includes the relevant policy references