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Assessing a Claim for ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (SY020) 010-05030010

This document outlines how to assess ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) claims. Customers receiving certain income support payments and who are undertaking qualifying study, may qualify for ABSTUDY PES in addition to the qualifying income support payment.

On this page:

Assessing eligibility and qualification for ABSTUDY PES

Finalise the claim for ABSTUDY PES

Reject the claim for ABSTUDY PES

Assessing eligibility and qualification for ABSTUDY PES

Table 1




Customer already has a Centrelink record + Read more ...

Note: customers receiving ABSTUDY (for example, Living Allowance) who have just recently started to receive an income support payment that attracts ABSTUDY PES, may not need to lodge an ABSTUDY PES claim. See Claiming ABSTUDY to determine if a new claim is required.

Note: full-time Australian Apprentices have no entitlement to ABSTUDY PES. Part-time Australian Apprentices who are undertaking qualifying study may qualify for ABSTUDY PES based on their course, as they can be assessed as a student and not an Australian Apprentice.

Ensure the ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement claim has been checked.

Has the applicant lodged a claim through the ABSTUDY Claiming Tool?


ABSTUDY Claiming Tool + Read more ...

Offer a verbal declaration to applicants who have completed a claim through the ABSTUDY Claiming Tool. Applicants who do not accept, or have not been offered, a verbal declaration are required to return a signed Customer Declaration Form (CDF).

Record the applicant's acceptance to a verbal declaration:

  • on the Verbal Declaration DOC, and,
  • in the Progress of ABSTUDY claim DOC

Note: on 28 November 2016, a verbal declaration replaced the requirement for the applicant to return a signed CDF.

Go to Step 3.


Checking the new claim (NCL) activity + Read more ...

The ABSTUDY NCL activity must be checked to ensure the correct Source is recorded and a Claim Type and Verbal Declaration Keyword has been added.

If the ABSTUDY NCL activity has already been indexed

To check the Source:

  • select the started ABSTUDY NCL activity from the Activity List (AL) screen
  • check the Source is recorded as 'SCT'. If an incorrect Source is recorded, the NCL activity will need to be cancelled and the claim will need to be reindexed using the correct Source of 'SCT'

To check the keywords:

  • select the ABSTUDY NCL activity from the AL screen
  • from the Selection Options screen, select Keywords
  • check the appropriate claim type keyword 'EPANCL' (ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement) has been added
  • check the appropriate Verbal Declaration Keyword has been added:
    • 'VERBNIL' - if the applicant accepted a verbal declaration and was not required to provide any supporting documents before their ABSTUDY claim can be assessed
    • 'VERBDOC' - if the applicant accepted a verbal declaration and was required to provide supporting documents before their ABSTUDY claim can be assessed
    • 'VERBNO' - if the applicant did not accept a verbal declaration
  • check the ‘SUSYC’ keyword has been added if the student is studying a Startup Year Course

If the Claim Type and Verbal Declaration Keywords have not been added:

  • select the ABSTUDY NCL activity from the AL screen
  • from the Selection Options screen, select (O) Transfer activity to another site/region
  • add the appropriate Claim Type Keyword 'EPANCL' (ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement)
  • add the appropriate Verbal Declaration Keyword:
    • 'VERBNIL' - if the applicant accepted a verbal declaration and was not required to provide any supporting documents before their ABSTUDY claim can be assessed
    • 'VERBDOC' - if the applicant accepted a verbal declaration and was required to provide supporting documents before their ABSTUDY claim can be assessed
    • 'VERBNO' - if the applicant did not accept a verbal declaration
  • add the ‘SUSYC’ keyword if the student is studying a Startup Year Course

If no ABSTUDY NCL activity is on the AL screen

Index a NCL activity. Ensure the correct Source of 'SCT' is coded when indexing the NCL. For more information, see Indexing, re-indexing and cancelling claim activities.

Select the ABSTUDY NCL activity from the AL screen:

  • from the Selection Options screen, select (O) Transfer activity to another site/region
  • add the appropriate Claim Type Keyword 'EPANCL' (ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement)
  • add the appropriate Verbal Declaration Keyword:
    • 'VERBNIL' - if the applicant accepted a verbal declaration and was not required to provide any supporting documents before their ABSTUDY claim can be assessed
    • 'VERBDOC' - if the applicant accepted a verbal declaration and was required to provide supporting documents before their ABSTUDY claim can be assessed
    • 'VERBNO' - if the applicant did not accept a verbal declaration
  • add the ‘SUSYC’ keyword if the student is studying a Startup Year Course

Go to Step 4.


Check if verbal declaration accepted + Read more ...

Has the applicant accepted a verbal declaration?


Verbal declaration accepted + Read more ...

Has the applicant returned a CDF?

  • Yes, review the CDF and if changes:
    • have been advised on the CDF and the ABSTUDY PES claim has already been processed, update the customer's record with the changes advised on the CDF. Record a DOC on the record to confirm the updates made and add a keyword 'VERBUPD' to the DOC. Finalise the scan activity. Procedure ends here
    • have been advised on the CDF and the ABSTUDY PES claim has not been processed, go to Step 7
    • have not been advised on the CDF, and the customer's ABSTUDY PES claim has already been processed, finalise the scan activity. Procedure ends here
    • have not been advised on the CDF, and the customer's ABSTUDY PES claim has not yet been processed, go to Step 7
  • No, go to Step 7


Paper claim lodged + Read more ...

The ABSTUDY new claim (NCL) activity must be checked to ensure the correct Source is recorded and a Claim Type Keyword has been added.

If the ABSTUDY NCL activity has already been indexed

To check the Source:

  • select the started ABSTUDY NCL activity from the Activity List (AL) screen
  • check the Source is recorded as 'SY020'. If an incorrect Source is recorded, the NCL activity will need to be cancelled and the claim will need to be reindexed using the correct Source of 'SY020'

To check the keywords:

  • select the ABSTUDY NCL activity from the AL screen
  • from the Selection Options screen, select Keywords
  • check the appropriate 'EPANCL' (ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement) Claim Type Keyword has been added
  • check the ‘SUSYC’ keyword has been added if the student is studying a Startup Year Course

If the Claim Type Keyword has not been added:

  • select the ABSTUDY NCL activity from the AL screen
  • from the Selection Options screen, select (O) Transfer activity to another site/region
  • add the appropriate 'EPANCL' (ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement) Claim Type Keyword
  • add the ‘SUSYC’ keyword if the student is studying a Startup Year Course

If no ABSTUDY NCL activity is on the AL screen

Index a NCL activity. Ensure the correct Source of 'SY020' is coded when indexing the NCL. For more information, see Indexing, re-indexing and cancelling claim activities.

Select the ABSTUDY NCL activity from the AL screen:

  • from the Selection Options screen, select (O) Transfer activity to another site/region
  • add the appropriate 'EPANCL' (ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement) Claim Type Keyword
  • add the ‘SUSYC’ keyword if the student is studying a Startup Year Course

Go to Step 7.


Customer on JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Youth Allowance (YA) (Job seeker) + Read more ...

Is the customer receiving JSP or YA (Job seeker)?


New course or break in study + Read more ...

JSP and YA (Job seeker) customers:

  • if the student is commencing a new course or they have had a break in their ABSTUDY PES entitlement and they have lodged a new claim for ABSTUDY PES, they do not qualify for ABSTUDY PES, go to Step 13
  • if the student was receiving ABSTUDY PES immediately prior to their transfer to JSP or YA (Job seeker) and they are claiming ABSTUDY PES within 14 days of its cancellation, the student's ABSTUDY PES payment may be restored

Procedure ends here.


Meeting the general eligibility criteria + Read more ...

Does the student meet the general ABSTUDY eligibility criteria?


Full-time apprentice or trainee + Read more ...

Is the student employed as a full-time apprentice or trainee?

Note: part-time Australian Apprentices who are undertaking full-time study may qualify for ABSTUDY PES as students under the normal criteria. Earnings from their apprenticeship will affect the Personal Income Test.


Approved course, full-time or an approved concessional study load + Read more ...

For further information on approved courses or study load, see the following procedures if needed:

Is the student enrolled in the approved course as either a full-time student or an approved concessional study load student?


Satisfaction of progress rules + Read more ...

Is the student satisfying the progress rules for ABSTUDY PES?


Correct reflection of an ABSTUDY PES qualifying payment + Read more ...

JSP and YA (Job seeker) customers who are commencing a new course, or who are returning to study after a break in ABSTUDY PES entitlement are not eligible for PES. This is because JSP or YA (Job seeker) are not considered as a qualifying payment for PES unless the customer was receiving ABSTUDY PES for the same course immediately before transferring to JSP or YA.

To correctly reflect the customer is ineligible because they are no longer in receipt of a qualifying payment for ABSTUDY PES, the new study details must be entered via an NCL activity.

Ensure the previous course details have been ceased on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First, and see Step 1 in Table 2.


Where student does not qualify for ABSTUDY PES + Read more ...

Consider alternative income support payments, if appropriate. If they are not eligible for ABSTUDY PES only because they cannot prove Aboriginality, they may be eligible for the PES.

Note: although the customer does not qualify for ABSTUDY PES (EPA), they may still qualify for the Incidentals Allowance only. This will need to be processed as an ABSTUDY NCL after the rejection of the EPA claim. The claim that was lodged for ABSTUDY PES (SY020) can be used to claim the part-time award. For further information, refer to Processing an ABSTUDY claim.

Depending on the reason for the rejection, the ABSTUDY claim may reject automatically (following the updating of information on the customer's record, for example, student attending primary school) or may need to be rejected manually. See Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), ABSTUDY PES and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) PES cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for a list of which rejection codes are automatic and which are manual.

To action the rejection:


Automatic rejection + Read more ...

Select the started ABSTUDY NCL activity from the AL screen in the customer's record:

  • in the ABSTUDY Task Selector (EYTS) screen, update the appropriate screens according to the information provided in the ABSTUDY claim
  • go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise the activity
  • record details on a DOC
  • contact the applicant and provide an explanation of the decision. See Making an unfavourable decision (CLK)

A manual rejection letter will be required if a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity has been created after overnight processing on the AL screen. If an MFU requires a manual letter:

  • in Customer First, create a manual letter (Q134) and include:
    • the reason(s) for rejecting the claim
    • the applicant's rights for review and appeal

Is the customer receiving Carer Payment (CP)?

Finalise the claim for ABSTUDY PES

Table 2




Coding claim details + Read more ...

Select the started new claim (NCL) activity from the Activity List (AL) screen in the student's record.

Assess entitlement as follows:

  • access the Small Benefit System (ISS) by keying 'ISS' in the System field
  • key 'SVPES' to access the PES screens
  • update the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First, see Coding ABSTUDY education details
  • update the Payment Destination Details (PASB) screen

If Error: X511AS - PE date does not align with customer EPEDC Cluster/PES Cur Navkey: #PLENT occurs go to Step 2.

Otherwise, go to Step 3.


Work around for X511AS error + Read more ...

When this error occurs wait until after the first entitlement period of the new payment has passed before processing the claim as the bug no longer occurs after the end of the first entitlement period.

For example, if granting from 14 April 2009, the first entitlement period is 14 April 2009 to 27 April 2009. On 28 April 2009 (or later), the bug will not occur and the claim can be finalised.

Note: the customer will receive their first payment one day late if the claim is finalised on the first day after the end of the entitlement period.


Date of commencement + Read more ...

The date of commencement for payment will be automatically calculated by the system, however in some circumstances this may need to be manually adjusted.

Check the Education Payments Start Date (EPDC) screen to confirm the correct date of commencement has been calculated and override if necessary. If more information is needed to determine the start day, see:


Final steps to complete claim + Read more ...

Finalise the claim via the Assessment Results (AR) screen:

  • record the outcome of the claim assessment on a DOC
  • expire the Progress of ABSTUDY Claim Display on Access (DOA) DOC
  • complete any scanned documents actioned as part of the claim

Is the customer receiving Carer Payment (CP)?

Reject the claim for ABSTUDY PES

Table 3




Code the rejection of claim + Read more ...

Code the rejection on the system:

  • in the Nxt field, key 'SVPES'
  • in the Sys field, key 'ISS'
  • press [Enter]

The customer's PES record status must be either New Claim (NCL) or Assessed (ASS) for the rejection activity to be accepted. If this is not the case, index the new PES claim before rejecting:

  • go to the Benefits Action (BA) screen
  • in the Svc Rsn field, key benefit type 'EPA' for ABSTUDY PES
  • in the Action field, key 'REJ'
  • for the Reason field, select an appropriate rejection code by using field help '?', or check cancellation, suspension and rejection reason codes. Only use rejection code ‘Other’ (OTH) if no other rejection code is appropriate. For example, to reject ABSTUDY PES claims where a student is not entitled to ABSTUDY PES due to receiving other government assistance for the same period
  • the date will default in the Effect date field

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Finalise the activity by keying 'Y' in the Finished field and press [Enter].


Check if a manual rejection reason letter is required + Read more ...

A manual letter will be required if a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity has been created on the Activity List (AL) screen after the rejection activity is finalised.

Go to the AL screen, if there is:


Send a manual letter + Read more ...

In Customer First, create a manual letter (Q134) and include:

  • the reason(s) for rejecting the claim
  • the applicant's rights for review and appeal

Record the details of decision on a DOC. If the rejection reason is FRC or FSD, the decision DOC must list all documents not provided at the time of the rejection.


Carer Payment (CP) + Read more ...

CP customers have limits on activities they undertake to remain eligible for CP, which includes study.

Service Officers processing ABSTUDY PES claims must refer the CRN to a CP-skilled Service Officer to reassess the customer’s circumstances, if the customer receives CP:

  • use the Fast Note - select Auto text, use Carers > Update > Commenced study – CPAS to be updated
  • select Confirm
  • ensure all relevant information is recorded in the DOC
  • select Continue
  • do not close the DOC created by the workflow