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Assessing entitlement to Youth Allowance (YA) special rate for Long Term Income Support Student or migrants studying English language courses 010-06040030

This document outlines assessing a customer's eligibility for the Long-Term Income Support (LTIS) rate of Youth Allowance (YA).

Assessing eligibility for the LTIS

This table describes the steps relating to assessing entitlement to YA special rate for Long Term Income Support (LTIS) and migrants studying English language courses.




Is the customer aged 22 or older? + Read more ...

Note: customers aged 21 who received the LTIS rate of Youth Allowance prior to 1 July 2012 in relation to their current course (including English as a second language course) or Australian Apprenticeship, remain eligible for the LTIS rate after 1 July 2012 (i.e. these customers are entitled to the LTIS rate of YA under the grandfathering provision). Grandfathered customers should have previously been identified.

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, the customer is not eligible for the LTIS rate of YA. Record reasons for the decision in a DOC. Procedure ends here


Course duration is at least 12 months + Read more ...

Does the course have a duration of at least 12 months?

Note: for LTIS, 12 months means 12 calendar months, for example January to December. It does not mean one academic year (March to November).


Does the customer have a dependent child? + Read more ...

  • Yes, the customer is not eligible for the LTIS rate of YA. Consider whether the customer is eligible for the YA rate payable to a single or partnered person with dependent children. This rate is higher than the standard rate of YA. See Rate chart for maximum payment of Youth Allowance. Record reasons for the LTIS decision on a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 4


Is the customer's first language a language other than English? + Read more ...


Undertaking an approved course in English + Read more ...

Is the customer undertaking an approved course in English (as a second language) that they commenced or recommenced when they were aged 22 or over?

Note: except for grandfathered customers, the LTIS rate is only available to YA customers who commence or recommence a qualifying course or apprenticeship when they are 22 years of age or older.


Undertaking full-time study or an Australian Apprenticeship + Read more ...

Is the customer undertaking full-time study in an approved course, or undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship, that they commenced or recommenced when they were aged 22 or over?

Note: except for grandfathered customers previously identified, the LTIS rate is only available to YA customers who commence or recommence a qualifying course or apprenticeship when they are 22 years of age or older.


Does the customer meet the requirements for LTIS Rate Youth Allowance? + Read more ...

Each time a student commences a new course, returns to a course following a break in study or commences an Australian Apprenticeship, they must satisfy the eligibility criteria in order to be considered for the LTIS rate. See the Resources page for an example.

In the 39 weeks immediately prior to commencing or recommencing the course or Australian Apprenticeship was the customer in receipt of one or more of the relevant income support payments (YA rules) for at least 26 weeks (182 days)?

Usually, the system will automatically calculate whether the customer meets this provision based on information on the Allowance/Benefit History (ABH), Pension Status History (PNSH) and PPP Assessment (PGAS) screens. However, sometimes this will need to be calculated manually (for example if the customer has been on and off payment during the 39-week period).

Information about previous periods on income support are obtained from the Payment Summary (PS) screen. However, the customer may have ceased qualification or payability of these payments and debts raised. Periods where a customer has ceased being eligible for payment but has received payments for this period should not be counted in the assessment.

Periods when the customer is on an employment income nil rate period do not count towards time on income support.


Customer is not eligible + Read more ...

Check if the customer was the previously receiving the LTIS rate. The information about their rate of payment is obtained from the Payment Summary (PS) screen.

If the customer was receiving the LTIS rate, the rate will need to be reduced using the Rate Component Override RCO screen.

See Rates and Thresholds for the current rate of payment.

See NSS system coding for manual rate of payment to code the correct rate.

Note: The Energy Supplement rate may also require adjusting.

Record the reasons for the decision on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


The customer is eligible to receive the LTIS rate of YA + Read more ...

Usually, the LTIS rate is automatically applied by the system, but in very limited circumstances, manual coding may be required.

Service Officers must not code LTIS on the RCO screen if it has been automatically applied by the system. Once all updates are completed:

  • For a new claim:
    • Select Assess
    • Key NREX in Super Key field to confirm the system applied rate
  • For a non-new claim update:
    • Navigate to the AR screen but do not finalise the activity
    • From the menu, select Newstart
    • Select Rate Details (RATS) to confirm the system applied rate

If manual coding is needed, service officers must contact Local Peer Support (LPS). Note: LPS does not need to contact another LPS for coding.

LPS must:

  • Check LTIS rate is not automatically applied by the system
  • Help SO with coding LTIS manually on RCO (if required)

To code the LTIS rate on RCO:

  • In the Start Date: field enter the correct date. This should be the course/apprenticeship start date or the entitlement start date (whichever is later)
  • In the End Date: field, code the date the customer is expected to finish their course or Australian Apprenticeship
  • In the Type: field enter the code 'VBM' (this will change to 'BB RATE' once [Enter] is pressed)
  • In the Reason: field enter one of the following as appropriate:
    • 'LTE' - LTU English 2nd (for customers with a first language other than English who are undertaking an English language course)
    • 'LTS' - LTU DSS Student (for LTIS customers undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship or an approved course)
  • Do not enter anything in the AMOUNT: field. The system will calculate the correct rate of payment
  • Press [Enter]
  • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen


Record the reasons for the decision on a DOC + Read more ...

Include the following:

  • name, date of commencement/recommencement and length of course or Australian Apprenticeship
  • dates of payment and payment types for periods that counted towards the 26 weeks
  • the rate that was coded (that is, LTE or LTS in Step 8), and
  • any other relevant details

If RCO was coded within a claim activity, the grant letter will include the required rate information.

If the coding was done outside of a claim, a manual letter is required. Create a Q999 letter to advise the customer of the new rate. See Resources for text to use in the letter.