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Assessing entitlement to Youth Allowance (YA) special rate for Long Term Income Support Student or migrants studying English language courses 010-06040030

Student Programme Resource Tool

The Student Programme Resource Tool contains useful reference information and links. It includes:

  • Allowable Time Calculator
  • Distance Education & Private Provider Date Calculator
  • Long Term Income Support Calculator

Examples - Requirements for Long Term Income Support (LTIS) rate

Table 2




Example 1

Oksana has been receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP) for 4 months since arriving in Australia. English is her second language. Oksana enrols in a 1.5-year Certificate II in Spoken and Written English and lodges a claim for Youth Allowance (YA).

Oksana is eligible for the LTIS rate. The amount of time receiving JSP is not relevant as she qualifies for LTIS as a migrant studying an English language course.


Example 2

Josie receives the LTIS rate of Youth Allowance (YA) for their Bachelor of Social Work, as they received Carer Payment for at least 26 of the 39 weeks before their course began.

Josie completes their end of course review in the lead up to completing the bachelor course. Josie advises that they move into the 2-year Master of Counselling in the next available study period. While Josie continues to qualify for YA as a continuing/intending student, the LTIS rate ceases at the end of Josie’s bachelor course due to the end date that was coded on the RCO screen when the rate was granted.

Josie does not qualify for the LTIS rate for the Master of Counselling as they did not receive a qualifying payment for 26 of the 39 weeks preceding the start of the new course.


Example 3

Ben claims Youth Allowance on 15 February 2023 for a 3-year course beginning on 27 February 2023.

Ben had been receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP) since 9 September 2021, but JSP was cancelled on 19 December 2022 when Ben went overseas for a holiday.

The 39-week period prior to the course beginning starts on 31 May 2022. Ben has received JSP for 29 of the 39 weeks before the course began so qualifies for the LTIS rate.

Q999 letter

Format of all dates should be DD <name of month in full, no abbreviations> YYYY

Service Officers must use a new free text paragraph for each line of text and remove all unnecessary text including () < > symbols

Include the appeal and privacy optional letter text and select Social Security Act as the legislation option.

Letter text:

Your Youth Allowance (YA) payment has changed from <LTIS start date>. Your new payment details from payment date <delivery date of first fortnight with full 14 days at LTIS rate>:

Youth Allowance (YA) <basic benefit amount $DDD.CC>

Plus, Energy Supplement <amount $D.CC>

(if applicable, continue with a new line for each component beginning with ‘Plus’ followed by the component type e.g., Rent Assistance then amount)